"I'm jewish and used to smoke weed, isn't that funny?"

>"I'm jewish and used to smoke weed, isn't that funny?"
>"Big poopy ass dicks in my ass! *burp*"

how the fuck do these retards have 4 million subs


I have no idea who those two homosexuals are

game grumps

You answered your own question. There's a Jew involved.

Whos the jew?

Anyone have those webms of his gf or whatever the fuck in those tight dresses.
I find her oddly hot, despite her face

danny the guy on the left

I suspected as much

One of the most popular shows in TV right now has dragons, and snow zombies in it.

The top grossing movies are just rehashed superhero nonsense that everyone's already seen and with plots so lame you can figure out the ended by watching the trailer.

I'm not surprised by anything being famous anymore.

How don't you?

Oh my... Look at you, you refined little faggot! Go and shove a cup of wine up your tight and unique little ass.

>how the fuck do these retards have 4 million subs
From the JonTron era. When they were good and talked about the gaming industry and culture.


they only had about 2 mil when jon left

Who said shit about being refined? I swear to god, just become someone doesn't like something doesn't mean they're being smug about it.

Fan boys and rednecks always have this "You Ain't not better than me motherfucker" attitude when someone disagrees with them.

Go dip your dick into some ice water and calm down user. You don't have to love your life screaming "faggot" at your phone every time you see something you don't agree with.

So when is Arin going to kill himself?


probably when his fat pig of a wife realizes how much of a child he is and divorces him

Cool down your flaming butt hole there bruh

2mil subs for about 360 videos. It's been years since and they've put out hundreds, if not thousands, of videos. They're always going to get more subs, but they are not growing at an increasing rate.

the game grumps

This user was the kind of user that played yu-gi-oh at the lunch table in school.

are you okay

I feel like you hissed at people in school

>how the fuck do these retards have 4 million subs
Maybe they're Russian naval officers...

hang yourself

We'll I have no idea who these fuckwads are. And I just seen someone say game grumps. Heard of them but I'm not 14 so I've never seen their content on YouTube. There are many kids on YouTube and kids like stupid shit. So kids, children is the reason they have 4 million subs. My neice and nephew are always on YouTube.

pathetic reply after everyone called you out

And wore dragon button down t shirts from Target. Also had Asics or some other gay hiking shoes.

Legitimately call 911 and tell them you need help. Because you do.

Maybe you're just butthurt that people like to take 10 minutes off their schedule each day to put their brain aside and enjoy silly people being silly.

And you could always hear him breathing, even though he was sickly skinny. Always smelled like mothballs, and still believes in magic.

I gotta admit
Movies have sucked a lot these last few years.
I'm not even mad about superhero movies.
They'd be fine if they had just a hint of originality in them.

They all take 0 risks production wise. It's all about low risk and making bank

Found the 12 year old.

There's a difference between people just acting like idiots and comedy. Just like there's a difference between a prank, or just jump scaring someone, or being an asshole to get a reaction.

>Acting like idiots and comedy

You call me out on being 12 but you can't actually read anything I said?

Who the fuck talked about comedy?

>let's hire faggots to make a faggot dating sim

I like it, do tell me my opinion is wrong

This. Every movie now is a sequel, reboot, or remake. Every original movie always flops.

>enjoy silly people being silly
gee i wonder

I equated "enjoy silly people being silly" to "watching it for comedic value"

You're really telling me that's not at all what you meant?

>Put your brain aside and enjoy silly people being silly
>There's a difference between people just acting like idiots and comedy

See the problem here faggot, is that I actually never said it was comedy.
I even went so far as implying that they were acting like idiots..

You are legit trying to argue with yourself because you cannot read

>Put your brain aside

How 'bout reading a full sentence

>argue with yourself
Jesus Christ, you're retarded. I know damn well how to read, you just word everything like shit. Seriously, shut the fuck up and go watch GG you fanboy fag.

You are a failure,

lol okay man

Wait wait wait, so I should've gotten that you implied they were idiots by calling them silly, but I shouldn't have thought that you were implying that you watch it for comedic value?

Don't argue semantics, you calling people faggot only highlights your flawed argument. You pissed yourself, now fuck off, and stop trying to save face.

w-what's wrong with asics?

>or being an asshole to get a reaction.

Oh, you mean like you and OP

Just stop user..

You're honestly acting like a fucking kid. Sorry I think 2 guys in their 30's talking about shit and dicks while playing games is retarded. Seriously, get over it.

If you're a faggot that goes out and calls comedians silly.
>I just saw louis ck and he was so silly.

What was the real reason that Jontron left? Because I always thought it was more than just moving to a new home.

>I'm jewish

>Seriously, get over it.
>starts a failed thread about it on Sup Forums
>tries again with another thread here

Yeah.. I'm the one who needs to get over it

he makes jokes about it constantly on the show

He wanted to keep doing his own videos.

It got deleted by the mods btw. For real man, stop replying. You're making yourself look like even more of a fag.

>For real man, stop replying. You're making yourself look like even more of a fag.

You keep telling yourself that :^)

Keep replying man, I'm not gonna keep paying attention to your 12 yr old temper tantrum.

because the kids eat it up, they love it. that's why.