Top 3 movie soundtracks? Mine: Jurassic Park, Transformers (1986) and probably Tron: Legacy

Top 3 movie soundtracks? Mine: Jurassic Park, Transformers (1986) and probably Tron: Legacy

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Maybe Dark Knight somewhere, IDK

1) Adventures of Robin Hood (Korngold)
2) Cutter's Way (Nitzsche)
3) The Wrath of Khan (Horner)

EDIT: When I said soundtrack, I meant 'score'. Whilst GotG 1 & 2 have great soundtracks, their proper score ain't good

Sunshine (2007)

For a Few Dollars More (1965)

Amélie (2001)

1) 2001: A Space Odyssey
2) Koyaanisqatsi
3) The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Giu la testa (Duck, You Sucker) (Moriccone)
Blade Runner (Vangelis)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (Badalamenti)

>Blade Runner (Vangelis)
a classic yeah, good taste based user

>2001: A Space Odyssey
That doesn't count

I don't care about soundtrack vs. score, it's the best musical accompaniment for a film. making it score vs. soundtrack is just pointless semantics

Thank you, based friendly user

Atomic blonde
Lord of the Rings (all)
Maximum Overdrive

Star Wars Episode IV
Star Wars Episode V
Star Wars Episode VI

Not really, but the Star Wars films at least deserve a mention

Hell yeah, of course. Anything by Williams is a win

The music Kubrick uses on 2001, A Clockwork Orange and The Shining are the absolute perfect fit for the moments in those films.

I also love Full Metal Jacket, it's a great mix of contemporary stuff and original score.
Eyes Wide Shut, to me, isn't quite as memorable sound and song wise 2bh. Although that Masked Ball scene has a fantastic score.

Wish they would re-release The Shining OST though.

Soundtrack -
The Crow
The Crow: Salvation
Gankutsuo - The Count Of Monte Christo

Lord Of The Rings
12 Monkeys (The Movie)

True, user.
I was listening to the original Superman OST the other day. Fucking superb stirring stuff.

Bernard Herrmann, John Williams and Ennio Morricone... greatest of all time, lads?

Conan the Barbarian
Things mentioned
Things I can't think of at the moment

I would say the Spiderman (2002) soundtrack but alot of it is just short bits. The main theme and like every song used in the film is good though

>Conan the Barbarian
well basil polidorious was great in this bso !

The Fountain
Theory of Everything, maybe...

Conan The Barbarian (1982) - The Orgy music is so lush. Along with the visuals it's like a Frazetta painting come to life.

Road To Perdition - The movement that starts at 1:00 in. Gives me chills.

Star Wars A New Hope - Sure it's obvious and easy. But this music cue gets me so jazzed up for adventure and pew-pew-pew. Makes me feel like a kid again.