How badly can you guys fuck this picture of me up? I want to see what you guys come up with

How badly can you guys fuck this picture of me up? I want to see what you guys come up with.

Fucking nigger.

Not you.
Niggers can't internet

Yes they can.

Passive army deface request.

??? Nigga what you mean?

Niggers don't use capitalization or punctuation. It's a dead giveaway that a poster isn't really black when you use both.

You're already a nigger, you can't go any lower.

I went to high school. I graduated. That the shit that's going to get me money.

I'm going to college to be a police soon.

You're a nigger. Can't fuck it up any more than that.

Your inability to extrapolate simple information from text leads me to believe you are a nigger. Also "nigga".



Awaiting racist captions. GO Sup Forums. Do not disappoint me.



you're a nigger, cant get more fucked up than that.


You guys are Just Straight up racist like how bad do you hate urselves

About as much as we hate niggers.

not as bad as we hate niggers.

I tried my best. I just bought photoshop, like my skillz???

Racist, from experience

Not at all.



mine is long:

"this is my movie theater membership card. black people account for 70%+ of movie ticket sales in the US. #oscarssowhite happened for no good reason because up to that point, more oscars had been awarded to black people than their historical percentage of society. there is no reason to make "black" movies or promote black stars because the rest of the world hates black people and while it might bring a few more black people into a movie theater in the US, the rest of the audience will thin out because no one else wants to see "black" movies and the big foreign markets HATE black people, namely china."


this is pobably some fucking social experiment for a liberal college somewhere and hes going to show how racist the internet still is and "EXPOSE THE DARK WEB" thinking Sup Forums is the fucking dark web or some shit. These people arent the people you experience racism from in the streets. were autistic low lives who can barely speak a word to women let alone throw slurs around at strangers.