Ended a 3 year relationship just like that i guess...

Ended a 3 year relationship just like that i guess. She was my best friend but since i joined the Marines she's been seeing this other guy behind my back. Just wanted to vent before i end my life

Other urls found in this thread:


why don't you kill her first? cuck.

Show. Us.

She isn't worth it. It'll get better, I'm sure.


Reminds me of Borderline personality disorder

agree, she seems really stupid no offense op

post her nudes.

Dude. Women aren't worth it. Go on with your life. Go to college get a degree, get a good job, fuck some hoes and be happy.

don't end your life. women come and go, you have a whole life of them ahead of you.

Sucks to hear that, though.

Best part is she went rogue. All she can do now is insult you. You've won. Let her deal with her issues.

"By" not "bye"? Are you illiterate?

what do you expect dating a girl that has the name if the flattest, most boring part of any country?

Don't do it man. I'm in a very similar situation. Keep yourself occupied. Stay strong.

why would you kill yourself?

shes not hot

I know i realized after i sent it. My hands were trembling too much

Srys op? Dont an hero over a bitch youre a god damn marine. Shit happens and its 3 years out of a possible many so man up and deal.

this shit is all the revenge you ever need, my friend


Actually, I hadn't read the pic yet, you sound like a piece of shit. You two deserve each other, reap what you sow.

Hell ya man show her what a man is. Good for you you deserve better if she can't be loyal.

k bai


>you're just like my mother
Sounds like you got some Freudian issues bro
For someone who's in the Marines, you sure sound like a faggot

Adapt. Overcome. All that shit.
You'll be OK without her, just like before you met her.

fuck it bro, you learned the truth. these bitches are brutal as fuck when you bust them. just focus on making money, it will never let you down.


I knew a savannah once. She too proved to be completely retarded.

So... She cheated on you then?

Make a suicide stream OP

"just like YOUR mother", but that still makes him sound like a petty, insecure fag.


She doesnt even look that good, you wasted 3 years on THAT? OP give me some of whatever youre taking or smoking. It works really good apparently.

Dude, don't kill yourself.
She'll be sad at first, feel guilty for a bit, then get over it and forget about you. And everyone else who loves you will miss you forever. So you'd really only be fucking up the lives of all the people who actually care about you!

Get back at her by watching her crappy relationship fail, whilst you find someone hotter, and more awesome and rub it in her face! You're a fucking Marine bro, you'll be able to upgrade no problem!

Retarded name = retarded cunt

I'm guessing her mother is also a retard?

Yeah that's the premise of the thread, idiot

>be me
>not much interest in gay porn
>not in my recommended pornhub videos
>too busy and poor to just get male escort on backpage
>satisfied with seeing male's asses get creamed on the inside
>visit with sister
>pulls out her special dildo
>starts laying into me for not being properly prepared
>joke that I'll just fuck her without a condom
>it begins
>proceeds to suck my inbred cock and handle my balls
>this from a girl man who waits tables for a career
>politely tell her to bend over and let me do what I want, but I probably won't because her pussy it too loose
>at home hours later, get call from mother
>"what's this about you cumming into you sisters pussy!?"
>"you can't, muh pregnancy, muh hpv"
>getting pissed
>point out that she got pregnant from her brother and doesn't know how to use contraceptives
>>she's just parroting what she's heard
>hang up angrily
>reaching my limit with these people
>pull out gimp
>black clad sex slave spends hours playing with himself
>"Oy vey, muh cock, muh tight asshole. I'm going to cum in ten seconds flat!!!"
>Ii've. had. enough. of. this. shit
>bend over that slave, at the peak of my anger hard-on
>hate fuck that little whore's ass
>a lovely milky stew bubbling from his ass
>become pic related, counting to 15 seconds
Am I gay?

It's a cursed name. We need a Savannahcaust. Or just send them to an African savannah where the nigger will give them ebolaids

Bruh I'm sorry. No matter the situation its never easy after that long. Just know you are becoming stronger and she is becoming weaker. I hope the best for you moving forward.

Deleting everything i have of her off my phone but thought you guys might enjoy this

Did you ask your CO for permission to die? No? Then get the fuck back in line Marine!

What the FUCK did I just read

Don't be a faggot and let her win, do something to spite her, release nudes or things of the such to family members. Since she wants to share her body why not help her out

You idiot. No girl is EVER worth killing yourself over.

bitches want attention and for you to never get over them. killing yourself would be the cherry on top for her.

you know what bitches hate? when you get over them and move on like it was nothing. it fucking drives them up the wall and drives them crazy.

pick one

Post better or let thread die

No. there's nothing gay about taking part in anal sex. if anything, the man you fucked is the gay one since he's the one that got fucked

LoL Cuck by chicks Cucked by country neither care if you die and you're one mind with them.

Brainwashed much.

might as well dump the rest and contact info

Fucking this.

She may be tearing you down now, but once you get over it, your very existence can tear her down. You die, you let her win. Does she really think she can declare war on a marine?

what happened today to me because of the eclipse
Alright, cool. Someone said because our balls didn't touch it wasn't gay. But I wanted to make sure

Can we have some more? Also I'm sorry dude. You deserve better

Give out her info and turn her life into a never ending twitch raid.

Dude post the nudes

best to get rid of dumb sluts like that. i just went through a similar situation with someone i knew for best part of a decade. only gets easier.

What stopped me from doing the exact same thing as you after my relationship was this.

If you kill yourself maybe a handful of people will cry, then mourn you for a few months.

But they will all move on, your ex-GF would probably be even further disgusted by you. And life would continue.

She ain't even that pretty OP. Cut contact, delete her off social media and never, never look back.

Says the guy using cuck as a catch-all insult.

I've seen to many marines die. Please don't add anymore.

Be glad you don't have to put your cock in that thing anymore

>youre a hoe
Apparently OP is a black woman
Really surprised youre getting cheated on

More of this whore

post them all, OP. put them in an IMGUR album and just post the link.

Glad you are just now learning that women are whores. Treat them like such

Less clothes dude

Disregard females. Acquire assets.
tl; dr Fuck britches. Get money.

Ass is ass, brother. Make more of yourself and game just follows. Use the pussy and throw it away until you are 100% sure that it is the only pussy you want for the rest of your very long life.

Dubs of truth

words to live by anons

Let's see them nudes op

couldn'tevenfollow/10 but probably gay

Billy has trouble with reading but he's a very special kid

OP what did you mean about your mom?

Shouldn't you be dead?

Her mom cheated on her dad while he was away on business. Runs in the family.

Where ya from OP? You in the Marines now?

Bottom line man, I've attempted suicide and it obviously didn't work. I learned that shit really does get better op. It's overwhelming, and it's hard to get over, but she has only as much power as you give her. Give it time, and change the way you think about her. Ignore "happy" memories, focus on what made you angry, but let your anger get the best of you. It's better to be mad than sad. Look on the bright side, if she's just like her mother, now you won't have a retarded whore daughter C: Op, idk what you did in your service, but I'm assuming you know what an IED is. If you get hit by one, you don't give up, and your unit doesn't either. They'll cut your legs off if they have to. Don't succumb to a filthy, primitive, cowardly attack, fight tooth and nail to save yourself. You wanna walk around with slut shrapnel for the rest of your life, or are you and your unit gonna stand strong, and vow revenge (I don't condone physical cause jail, but leak dem nudes or dox the bitch. Start a month long stream of constant prank calls or some shit.) Point is op, don't let yourself bleed out due to some coward, defend yourself! We stand with you op (cept the trolls, but that's nothing new).

At least you don't have a kid together

Belay that suicide, Devil Dog. Leatherneck the fuck up. You be the best damn hajji killing jarhead you can be.

Don't let that cunt get to you. She's a one trick ass. There's plenty out there.

>Airforce fag here

Don't do it, OP. Keep yourself occupied: go to the gym more. start eating healthier, do some boxing classes. And boom! You just upgraded yourself and with that comes higher quality women and a higher quality life. Get over it and move on, You're a fucking Marine for Christ's sake!

omfg i call dibs on this oc cringe
this is now a cringe thread

Where them nudes at?

Exactly. The best revenge is alife well lived. I had an ex that cheated on me too. We broke up after that and later she tried to hit me up saying about how great her life was and everything so I told her well that's good my life's going pretty well too have a good one. She later confessed to me drunk that she really wanted to hurt me and was pissed off that I was completely unfeeling about her situation. That's what they want.



Dual dubs of truth.

The Gods have spoken OP, live long, crush the puss, and prosper!

No but srs.

Listen. I've been cheated on before, by my very first gf (and you know how everyone feels about their first).

You'll spend a lot time feeling not ok, but one day you'll wake up and realize you're fine. Simple as that. You're probably, if you're like me at all, feeling useless. "Why was it so easy to go for someone else, why was I not good enough?" etc... and you can't think like that. People who cheat have their own shit going on. It's not there you're not enough, it's just that they wanted more... more than anyone should want, or could deserve.

The universe is fucking massive. If someone cheats what's the harm, that's how she is thinking.

The universe is fucking massive. If you can find a single person who makes you feel loved or important, why hurt them. That's what she'll come to realize.

And if she doesnt then she'll end up some bloated fat whore with 6 kids living on government assistance desperately going through crossed out names in her little black book, and she'll come across you at some point... you job, your fucking GOAL at this point... is to be as fucking ripped, successful, rich, and loves as possible. Revenge. Serve that shit nice and cold user-sama.

Is her last name Paulino? looks v familiar


incoherent as fuck

Pull your shit together, Marine! We all went into this knowing that the day we left for boot she was sucking Joe D's dick.
Do your job, bang random sluts, and don't try to have a lasting relationship with a fucking anchor until you are out. You don't need a nagging cunt dragging you down.
What you need is to dump your load in some slut's mouth or ass from time to time.
Been there, done that.


Bringing her mother into this is pretty low.

Gotta do it fpsrussia style, roll up in a tank/lav/humvee/[instertmilitaryvehicle] to the McDonald's where she works, order food and call her a fat bitch. If she refuses to serve you, she could get fired and won't be able to get free fries anymore.

Release the nudes

Just do what I do, drink and smoke the feels away. Because any head is better than your head

live stream your death

don't end your life, faggot. women definitely aren't worth it

All is fair in love and war. (No pun intended)
If she's a bitch like her mother, roast two sluts at once. Bringing anothet guy in is pretty low

I'd like to fuck her. Given she's a whore it sounds doable. Can you hook me up with her number?

Its not

If she's a whore where are the nudes?