Full disclosure, I hate this dude, but he's clearly tapped into something. What do you think he'd be like if he took a class at some kind of respected comedy institution like the Groundlings or IO or UCB or Second City?
His whole thing just comes off as all shock no substance, I wonder what he'd sound like with some structure.
>His whole thing just comes off as all shock no substance Then it's clearly going over your head (even though it isn't particularly complex or heady)
Samuel White
>I hate this dude
no, no you don't. stop lyinng. just stop.
Cameron Morris
>respected comedy institution
eww go away faggot
Charles Davis
Think for yourself, he just paints with a thought provoking palette. He doesn't ram any particular agenda or worldview down his viewer's throats that's one of the main things i respect about him
Jonathan Watson
he used to post a lot in the games forum on SA and his posts were really embarrassing
Daniel Foster
Do you have ANY idea how fantastically gay that sounded?
Aaron Davis
who here thinks his/their shitty quality youtube videos and standups were much better than their adult swim show?
Justin Sanchez
thats simply a fabulous opinion. as in cocksucking gay opinion.
Leo Sanders
do you have any skits or videos of sam hyde you'd recommend? I've been avoiding him since Sup Forums has shit taste in everything, but I'm still a bit curious