Why is this guy allowed to fuck up so many times?
Why is this guy allowed to fuck up so many times?
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Hes a company yes-man for a company that doesn't care about quality, just how much money they can skim.
His happy willingness to literally stuff every single frame with product placement means the movies will literally pay for themselves twice over before ever being released.
Watchmen is actually one of the better capshits ever made, man of steel failed but it still better than most capeshit movies.
The only one he really failed in was batman v superman and even that one is better than most capeshit, it's just that people had massive expectations for that movie.
His wife is a big wig producer and he's a yes-man
The same reason your mom kept spending her abortion clinic money on drugs and alcohol, OP.
He's a literal whore
Everything good about the watchmen movie is attributable to the flawlessness of the source material. All snyder did was introduce flaws.
A commitment to failure?
That's pretty quippy, Leonard Maltin.
>Dawn of the Dead
>one of the few horror remakes that people actually like
>makes money
>makes fucking bank and is iconic to this day
>Flawed but incredible considering the expectations behind it. Actually adapts the book pretty damn well. Incredible art direction, sfx and character development. Doesn't make bank but earns him some respect.
>Man of Steel
>Underrated as fuck. Too long, but still makes money.
>Still makes money
From the perspective of the suits, who just want to make money, he's doing just fine. Another critical dud and I'd start getting worried if I were him... but as long as Justice League gets so-so reviews and does >800m he'll still have people at WB that like him.
*tips fedora*
He is married to a warners producer
>iconic to this day
I don't know what you mean by iconic, 300 is mostly made fun of these days.
>Underrated as fuck
No it isn't, it's just okay and people agree that it is just okay.
He's hot
I don't think zack snyder has the mental capacity necessary to worry.
This is now a thread about attaining salvation and everlasting peace.
You know when people talk about how Avatar was "forgettable" or something like that?
>"Quote a single line from Avatar!!" etc. etc.
300 is the opposite of that. It has a number of famous quotes, people still reference it, and it has determined the look of a number of sword & sandal movies/shows that followed.
It is part of pop culture and will be for a while.
As for Man of Steel... I still think that movie is fucking awesome. It's a bit bloated, (you could shave 20 minutes off it and keep the story the same), but the stuff that works really fucking works. I think it's really underrated.
That's not M. Night Shyamalan
300 is full of memes though. Memes are not iconic, are they? Or maybe they are. I guess that works too.
>the movie is fucking awesome
I don't know how anyone could hold this view seriously.
>300 is iconic because sparticus knocked it off!
>300 is remembered because it was internet maymays!
... Can you start (or follow) a maymay that involves suicide?
he is literally the only capeshit director in hollywood whose films are actually worth watching. he's the only capeshit director who knows how to compose a shot that reinforces the larger themes of the narrative.
Its that childhood thing. People hold movies they watched when they were children as unassailable so they don't have to admit to themselves how shit their childhood was.
They also didn't understand the internet was not spamming madness/sparta because it was a great line, but because it was fucking idiotic.
An hero?
More like hes the only director so lacking in self-respect he's willing to put overt bullshit like that in a movie. Then people who only catch subtlety when there's a fucking ton of it sitting on their face think hes brilliant.
Hes a pleb's pleb.
Yea, that one works
How can no one has mention this fucking piece of shit. Holy crap this was the worst movie I've ever seen.
It was okay
the hot babes make up for it
So you're a misogynist who can't handle being told how problematic your male privilege is?
Or whatever this was about.
god i hate my brothers. they actually enjoyed this piece of crap. okay i don't hate them. but fuck do they have poor film taste.
Because it brings to focus every flaw with zack snyder as a director.
I see you've heard that before and are desperate to keep me from elaborating.
Snyder = Kubrick
Imagine being a fucking retard in the 70s saying "Wow The Shining sucked just like 2001. Why is Kubhack still allowed to make movies?"
Wrong side of history piece of shit
>you get the two most iconic characters of the capeshit in one movie for first time...
yeah, very low expectations
The Shining was trash though you fucking imdb drone scum.
This is hilarious but you're getting nobody with this desperate bait.
Is he so incompetent that he needs special three hours editions so you can "" """"""""understand"""""""""" his """"""""""films" """""""""?
Hack please leave the thread, everybody knows you're a Zack.
>zack snyder
... yea I'm not buying that.
Watchmen is his only good movie and its only good because he got lucky.
The rest of his """films"""" are trash,
He has married the producer. He is basically a trophy husband: young, pretty and stupid.
>Zack Snyder
>Yes man
Snyder is the opposite of a journeyman director, he brings his own vision to each project.
Zack Snyder truly is the Kubrick of our generation.
I watch all his films on opening day.
You have shit taste and deserve mockery
>>"Quote a single line from Avatar!!" etc. etc.
"We can not achieve peace until every human is a cold corpse from our world and their destructive "culture" eradicated. The goddess wills it!"
t. qt na'vi fundamentalist
More people should see the the extended cut, it really makes the movie much more rememberable
>Man of Steel
>Underrated as fuck.
>Memes are not iconic, are they?
What the fuck do you think makes a meme a meme? 300 is a part of pop culture. Everything in pop culture is a meme.
He hasn't fucked up once, pleb
Except for all those shit flicks
go put your buttplug in and watch civil war again
>b-b-b-but marvel
Grow the fuck up
>he likes Zack "the hack" Snyder
>Makes a movie called Batman v Superman
>Among many things, is actually a politically driven takedown of the post 9/11 culture of American fear and paranoia told through the lens of deconstructing America's two greatest pop culture icons.
He's literally the only director in Hollywood with the fucking balls to make a movie of this size and caliber and actually have it mean something. If you hate him, you're the fucking problem and surely bought at least two dozens to shitflicks like Jurassic World, Force Awakens and Civil War.
Armond pls
>Civil War is a fun family movie!
he's literally never made a good movie
>b-b-b-b-but marvel
Seriously grow up fucking neckbeard
break your chris evans.jpgs out
>literally fucking a producer so he can do what he wants
>literally stuff his movies with so many references and symbolism that plebs come out of the theater with aneurysms (Return of the Dark Knight from Sup POV, Excalibur etc)
He's about the only artist left in major blockbusters
It's called a golden ticket. He was David Geffen's favorite rent-boy in the early nineties.
Because he's quite frankly brilliant
DC execs are retards.
According to this trend, his next movie will be an unwatchable piece of shit and box office bomb.
>Justice League bombing
yeah ok kid
you're the reason shit movies are still made
He is great, and one of the very few pop corn directors that still care about films.
It's this. He and his wife are both in deep with Warner Bros. They would have kicked him to the curb otherwise after Man of Steel. It did turn a profit, but it performed below the studio's expectations. Investors don't take kindly to that.
name a director that would have been better than Snyder
Almost anyone. Even Brett Ratner is better at structuring a plot than him. He's only good at framing shots.
>Investors don't take kindly to that.
Things I learned on Sup Forums this week:
>no movie even breaks even until it hits $800 million
>Movie studios are charities that care more about comic book fan's feelings than profits
>Scarlet Johannson isn't a midget with a horrible California Jewish Princess voice, she's really very sexy
>almost anyone
i expected nothing less from a marvelcuck. Snyder does action better than Nolan. face it Snyder was the best man for the job which is why the studio picked him. i think WB knows more about making movies than you do
Because he's white.
Snyder actually has a lot of talent when it comes to visuals and action scenes. He's good at making things feel epic and grandiose. When he's given a strong script, as Watchmen shows, he can turn it into something pretty decent. It's just that he can't write to save his life and neither can anyone else working on these DCU movies.
dont pretend like marvel writing is worlds better or even better at all. its obvious marvel caters to the fedora wearing redditor iphone crowd
DC cater to people who appreciate film, cinema. so stay mad that there arent enough quips and family moments in DC films
He didn't fuck up once all his films are successful.
Just because it triggers numales doesn't mean it's bad. It's not his fault this generation are pussies raised by single moms.
Justice League will be his redemption. Just you watch.
No matter what happens with Justice league he WILL direct man of steel 2 and there's nothing you cucks can do but cry harder.
And see it of course.
Almost everyone does action better than Nolan.
Do you listen to CRAWLIN IN MY SKIN while watching Superman mope around?
I wouldn't call it better in the sense of having more artistic merit but it's more engaging in terms of making them actually entertaining to watch.
I've stopped bothering with them after Guardians of the Galaxy because they're just making the same movie over and over again since the first Iron Man but if people aren't burned out then... that's good for them, I guess.
Don't tell me DC has much more going for it, sure, they pay lip service to some larger themes and stage it with a sense of unflinching emotional gravitas but at the end of the day they're still just movies about people in silly costumes punching either each other, or some big monster.
To be honest, I was actually kinda on board with Batman v Superman until... Doomsday or whatever his name was showed up and the titular conflict as well as the conflict with Lex Luthor (Who, while being an absolutely aggrevating stammering nerd stereotype, at least had a personality) was shoved inside in favor of a fight against some big, mindless monster with a bland design.
What was even Lex's motivation?
Superman is so powerful let's kill him because FUCK YEAH HUMANITY?
I am convinced he has film material of all the execs fucking some underage thai hookers. I can't find another explanation
Name one movie of his that was poorly directed. They all suffer from bad scripts.
>stronk womyn has to help two men with mommy issues against an evil rich white man
Sounds like a numale movie to me.
Something like that. He had kind of a god complex. As in, not a complex making him think he is god but a complex about god. The existence of a more powerful being just triggered him on a personal level. He spent his whole life believing there are no greater beings that when one does show up he lashes out at him.
Basically, he's some angry fedora manchild.
Zack Snyder is not a hack. Man of Steel and Batman v Superman are just too uncompromising and batshit insane for the superhero genre. You can hate him all you want but you can't claim that man doesn't do whatever the fuck he wants
Why just kill him then instead of capturing and running experiments on him and finding the science behind his powers? You could even still have him threaten his life by having to run an autopsy on him.
That would seem like proper motivation for some rich nerd.
And then they could have Batman trying to imprison him instead of trying to murder everyone.
This, it's true that modern america is anti-intellectual. They prefer quips and mary sues to this level of political and social commentary. If BvS was a graphic novel, it would be regarded as one of the best ever made. Fucking goys.
not liking hamfisted themes, incoherent stories and action schlock out of nowhere is anti-intellectual?
I'm with you until Watchmen
Here's how I see it.
>Dawn of the Dead
A good remake most fans of the original are okay with
Source material and script in sync with Snyder's sensibilities. Might be a thing of its time by now, but was pretty huge back then.
A highly contested adaption. Made bank, but readers of the original graphic novel seem torn if this was a good adaption or not.
>Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
The flick of his everyone seems to not have seen or have forgotten about. Nice looking birds at least.
>Sucker Punch
Everything you might love or hate about Zack Snyder compressed into one raw package. The one to point at if you're on the opinion that Snyder is really just as good as his scripts/source materials, and that he shouldn't be writing them.
>Man of Steel
Many great moments but most beyond a vocal minority had problems with it or flat out didn't like it.
Same vocal minority defending MoS is even louder now, but make a good case in the sense that it's too easy for trash to make money if it's tied to external things people like. I know a few DC fans that payed for the extended cut even though they absolutely hate it, just because they love Batman and/or Superman. Then again, they also tend to have Batman & Robin in their collections, so that's not saying much.