Rule 34

Rule 34

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yah! more summer getting fucked!


someone should definitely make an art about Summer

Was literally drawing something like this


I love rick and morty, but I hate the fucking fan base.


Yeah, no kidding. It's a fucking cartoon. It's like those hipster faggots crying when Glenn on the Walking Dead got killed. I understand being emotionally invested in stories, but come on. It's not exactly The Green Mile...

investing in strory is subjective.
I wasn't emotional while watching walking dead or green mile. But I cried like a bitch over clannad

I just think when the cast gets too big, the characters lose their value. One death or another doesn't really matter because you still have 8 other series favorites, and possibly more to be added. I don't really know clannad or what its emotionally charged stuff was, but it has to have more impact than a gory death in a zombie show.

thats because ur a weeb fag tho







Everyones dumping gallons of horse jizz on this scene

To be honest, it wasn't even that sad. It's more of a surprise/shock. I remember watching Glenn die and having my jaw down for 5 minutes. (And honestly I'm more upset about Abraham's death, one of the reasons I continued watching the show was for his lines and quotes)