How do I get over my attachment issues with females...

How do I get over my attachment issues with females? Every girl I've made it past first base with I always end up getting really fucking hurt. like beta male to the max acting like a little bitch when she doesn't want to see me anymore. Sending long paragraphs about how I adore her and gay shit like that. Once I notice the emotional connection is gone on her side is when I start to act like this. I also have trouble cleaning, doing laundry and the dishes.

have you considered your understanding/perception of their "connection" to you isnt always accurate?

yeah but not usually until after the fact. I just get too damn obsessive when a girl shows interest. Like all I can think about is them. I just want to be able to not give a fuck.

>I just want to be able to not give a fuck.
Just keep doing you.
After enough times of getting hurt you will get your god powers.

well you posted the right image, op.

see a psychoanalyst.

Stop treating them as girls. Start treating them as people. If that is still too much. Start treating them as guy friends. Also learn to spend time with yourself and find out what would make you like yourself.

do you have trouble cleaning, doing landry and the dishes in general or just when you get emotionally attached to a girl?

think about them as in your pretend version of her that loves you. you will always create a pretend version of a female that loves you until you find the real deal. You have to be honest with a girl and tell her you are a hopeless romantic and cant help but get attached by nature

fuck some hookers

no, really

Do mushrooms and walk yourself through a relationship.

I've been to a shrink and it made me worse, literally spent 125$ just to talk about my ex every 2 weeks
I guess, that's how I got my only long term relationship. I had no interest in her when we first met I was chasing another girl
In general, typically if I am interested in another girl it is easier for me to do those things.
not really following you here
thought about it before. what is it like. just seems kind of pricy.

specifically a psychoanalyst. this is important.

shrooms are great easily my favorite drug. Is this serious advice idk what you mean by it.

Ill keep this is mind, just broke right now lol. anything else that could help?

>just seems kind of pricy
sure, i guess, it's more expensive than watching tv

but also more fun, and more memorable, and good practice

Shrooms are great for looking in to see what you might be doing to fuck up a situation.

what is fun about it? how is it different than psychotherapy with a shrink?

oops, i clicked on the wrong post. meant to reply to the one above

oh ffs i give up

Never tell a person they're the most important aspect of your life.
Imagine being told, you're the only one that can make this fucker happen, even though you were just throwing him pity sex, I'd start running too.

Fuck your mother's pussy. That should fix you up.