Idris Elba now becomes the protagonist of the last movie you watched.
Idris Elba now becomes the protagonist of the last movie you watched
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Straight outta Compton
What changes?
>There Will Be Blood
...The Neon Demon...
So Idris Elba is the shark?
I'd turn it off
He wouldn't be able to compete. Not with the superior Orcs!
>Let's go to prison.
It actually makes more sense.
Star Trek Beyond
>Schindler List
>Ayyo we need to put more of them mufuggas jews on this list n shit, fuck them nazi crackas
Might be good.
>Mary, Mary
Horrible, since Debbie Reynolds was glorious & now I have to see Elba in a dress.
The shallows just got a million times better.
>Only God Forgives
Huh... that would be interesting.
>frodo baggins
I can roll with this
I only watch Idris Elba films.
you've never heard Idris Elba speak have you?
Not a movie, but I literally just watched season 1 of the wire
So Elba becomes McNulty AND Stringer Bell?
V for vendetta
We either never see his face or we get loli Idria Elba
Civil War is finally kino now
>Blood Father
>supposed to be an ex-footsoldier for a neo-nazi crime gang
All those people talk the same.
The Nice Guys. Eh, iunno who I'd switch. Probably Crowe. Maybe.
Smart crimelord Elba vs alcoholic cop Elba.
>Green Room
He would be stomped in the parking lot by the Red Laces.
Why is Idris such a meme? What makes him rumored to be in every major film?
What has he done?
>Casino Royale
Elba as Lex? I'd dig it lad.
He's english m8
>he becomes Ethan Hawke in Training Day
It'd be weird him being the more intimidating and mature one of the two. It'd probably be no different if he was Denzel instead.
Just finished Casino Royale....
English nigs speak even worse. Why can none of them pronounce th?
so he become shane diesel
>It's a Mirrorverse episode
Watched Willy Wonka for nostalgia.
mfw Idris is Charlie with the ticket.
>Under the skin
Ayy lmao
i dont even know
I is va one wiv da goldan tikat.
Oh shit.....
I genuinely can't remember the last movie I watched. Kinda a scary feeling. It's not an important thing to remember at all. Not saying I remember important shit either.
>Kubo and the two strings
More like Kuro and the two strings
Hello alzheimer
trips of horrifying honest truth
i can't remember the last book i read for pleasure
>A.I - Artificial Intelligence
>it's a "black father caring for his robot son" movie now
Ruined. I can buy the robot child thing, but the black father thing breaks my suspension of disbelief.
>sweeny todd
Doesn't work since the film had no other black people in the entirety of London so he would be outted immediately as benjamin barker. No ones gonna forget the only black dude in town.
He is probably a great natural singer though, being black.
My sides.
I was watching Juno.
Me neither but that's because I haven't seen a film in months.
Everything makes sense now
>Sea of Trees
Not much has really changed.
>LOTR: Return of the King.
First black man in Middle Earth
Idris Elba shot up columbine.
>Gets hit with the Kryptonite gas
>After stumbling around he gets on his feet and tries punching Batfleck only to realize he's weaker than him
>Seven Samurai
But it's an ensemble cast.
>Idris Elba plays all 7 samurai and the main villagers.
>Idris Elba running around in this costume doing zany shit.
Alright, i'm down for that.
>Idris Elba faces off against Tiger Idris Elba
I'd watch it. That little kid sucked complete dick.
Children of Men
Could work?
High Rise
It would still work probably
not much changes except Andrea Riseborough and Olga Kurylenko get blacked
>Boogie Nights
So he'd be Markie?
Lots of de-aging makeup but ok I guess.
Unless he played Burt Reynolds or something.
>Olga gets blacked
pls no
I don't think much would change maybe the Italian mob bosses would be harder on him.
>django unchained
It works
I don't think he could do the vulnerable, scared, and over his head aspect
> Tomorrow Never Dies
Well, you cucks have always wanted Elba to be Bond even though he can, you know, be an original character or something.
Not gonna lie, I would be interesting in seeing it.
American Psycho
I don't even know how to react
>Star Trek Nemesis
It wouldn't really make sense with Tom Hardy being his clone...
>Indiana Jones
It would fucking work. Reboot, now.
>yo eve gib me dat white robot ass
>we're gonna need a bigger welfare check
Last Days in the Desert.
A... black, well-built Jesus? Hmm... nah.
desu I'd pay to see an immortal Idris Elba dressed in skintight spandex kicking ass to save the man he loves
This just went from a movie made purely to fantasize about Kate Beckensale to the gayest movie ever made
Blade who?
>Neon Demon
He'd probably kill the witch desu
Breakfast at tiffanys. Haha
>12 years a slave on TV in gym
>Scary Movie 2
Nowhere to go but up.
Idris Elba as captain Kirk in Star Trek TMP?
>Wild Target
I don't think I've ever seen elba play someone meek and flighty
not sure if it would work
Ocean's Eleven
I'm actually okay with this
Which one? all of them???
>Finding Nemo
well that would be weird
National Treasure. A lot better
>john wick
too bad niggers hate dogs
What changes ?
we wuz jezuz
>Le Mariage de Figaro
We wuz tailors n shit
> 10 Cloverfield Lane
Turns out the guy with the broken arm is evil while Elba and Winstead have a 2 hour long BBC scene
Everything stays the same.
The Equalizer
probably better than Denzel, actually.
Freddy Got Fingered
Honestly would really like to see the Elba version
I think the last movie I sat down and watched was good bad and ugly last week.
He could be cool in it but I don't think she would get away with the blending in with Confederates part
>Lilya 4-Ever