They are talking about you now Sup Forums

They are talking about you now Sup Forums

You are alt right too

>a Muslim and a gay Jew steal memes from Sup Forums and repost them for clickbait views
What did (((Breitbart))) mean by this?




Well getting caught was always part of our plan.

Oh no they have the actual CIA investigating Bane posters. this is priceless.

>1.56 MB PNG
What the fuck?

Tell me about the alt-right, why do they worship the frog?


Do American politicians actually talk about politics and current events that actually matter?

>no dicks
yeah ok

Some try to, but our kike media is fucking retarded.

because they are redditors.

There's no way she actually said that I'm calling shenanigans

did you miss the pepe thread?

They get the issues out of the way during the primaries so they can shitpost until November.

Shes dead

>pepe doesn't matter
Kill yourself

This is getting out of hand quick

This image is about ten years out of date, but it's still pretty representative of US politics.

Read: the right and left are basically identical except for a very, VERY small number of hot button issues that mean absolutely nothing.

>obviously fake tweet made purely to try and pull one over on the hotpocketpal so Sup Forumsshit can masquerade as Sup Forums related

you have to go back faggot

This. when will people realize that "picking a side" means absolutely nothing and only starts meaningless arguments that never resolve any problems

Sup Forums a cute

Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums should be unable to post on other boards.

Who /memewarrior/ here?

They should outright ban anyone who posts on any board.

>not including Sup Forums, /r9k/, Sup Forums, and /s4s/

Jesus Sup Forums is so fucking pathetic

You first, faggot.

How in the name of jesus has the race for the throne of the most powerful country ever in the history of mankind become such a shitshow where adult people are being trolled by 20 something idiots posting images of a frog?

I'm loving it btw

They really went full retard this year. And if yesterday was any indication, it looks like they have no plans of slowing down in their race to the bottom.

gun control is quite unfortunately a very real thing that either side feels very differently about and unfortunately its more than just a 'hot button'

Whats wrong with that? You call your cuck porn spam Sup Forums culture even though it started on Sup Forums

Identity politics have pretty much taken this election hostage. Nobody talks about anything that doesn't make for a good headline.

>buttblasted leftist redditors pretend to be from Sup Forums

this episode has been reairing alot

Or even your Sup Forums reject threads lmao

We have the powers of a god on our side.

They found a way to turn what could have been one of the boringest elections ever into something exciting.

Did nigger spam start on Sup Forums? no wonder

Cuck porn is because this board is infested with Sup Forumsedditors. They need to go back to their fucking containment board just like you do.

then go back.

Not to mention that American elections are a huge fucking meme that has ran it's course long ago. Everyone who is not an Americuck is sick of hearing about le Tramp and le Shillary all day. Nobody cares about your shitty politicians.

Gun control literally is nothing but a hot button.

They already own you, mind body and soul, so you having a gun doesn't affect that. It's literally a safety blanket at this point.

Its proven gun legislation has zero effect on violent crime, murder, etc. So it has nothing to do with reducing actual crime.

Thus, completely meaningless issue that exists only to get the mentally disabled all up in a tissy and feeling like their vote matters.

See yourself out redditor

>bitching about Sup Forums on Sup Forums

quickest way to find the them

Your messiah Trump is a redditor. Go back and worship him faggot.


Do you actually believe your garbage or just retarded?

Say that for yourself faggot.

Regular Sup Forums isn't blonde why would rule63 pol be blonde?

I fucking hate Sup Forums now. They basically pulled in all the normalfags from reddit and beyond.

I hope Hillary spreads her terminal illness to those fucking Sup Forumsniggers.

eric trump has posted on Sup Forums that he lurks Sup Forums

>on Sup Forums and Sup Forums

you new here?

>They basically pulled in all the normalfags from reddit and beyond.

>Sup Forums
>pulling in anyone

Whats wrong with reddit? you and a lot of the people posting on Sup Forums right now wouldn't have been posting on Sup Forums if it wasn't for them

>Sup Forums

When did normalfags start worshiping an Egyptian frog deity, and constantly ranting about meme magic. Sup Forums is far more normal than Sup Forums. Don't deny it.

Can someone please explain what is going on with Sup Forums/Clinton/Pepe/Trump/Bane? Have we actually started the fire?

If Sup Forums hasn't pulled anyone in, how are there so many of them leaking onto other boards?

Do any politicians?

Like most, they purposely say the bare minimum about their "policies" and what they intend to focus on because they know very well that it's out of their hands. The script is already written by what comes before and by what sticks around. Lobbyists don't change for each president. The Federal Reserve doesn't change how it operates. Big Banks still tell them how the economy is going to be run. And the masses still don't give a shit during 80% of their tenure.

Eh, hes right and wrong at the same time.

Sup Forums has become the "Sup Forums" of the internet, where people come to post their shitty idiotic opinions they can't voice elsewhere without losing their efame (reddit) or friends/family (facebook).

Actually the Sup Forumstards had it wrong
meme magic deduces that Kaine will be the next president

>They already own you, mind body and soul,
im sure the british felt the same way about the colonies

The redpill is a marvelous thing. You don't have to force anything, people wake up on their own.

>leaking onto other boards

thanks for outing yourself as new. Every board has a little Sup Forums in them. This is Sup Forums. Dont like it? Go back to your website.

What's this template called?

Presidential candidates say basically nothing because the position has basically zero power.

Can't break your promises if you didn't make any.

>Alt right movement (think Sup Forums) uses memes and meme magic to joke and troll people
>They're Trump supporters
>Clinton makes the claim that a bunch of young people have started an internet hate movement that's for white supremacy
>Everyone laughs
>CNN takes it seriously
>Because the memes that the alt right uses often contains Pepe, Pepe is now being decried as a white nationalism meme
>Baneposting is also used by the same type of people and is being grouped in
It's so retarded.

Was getting memed part of her campaign?

Of coursh

Cool television and film thread everyone

What are you even talking about.

people have been fighting for Sup Forums to just be another Sup Forums since it popped up, for since everything is mentioned on TV, everything should be allowed on Sup Forums.

Mods just started really loosing the fight badly this summer.

Don't be so thick Mr. Bond. Redditors always accuse Sup Forums of leaking, yet at the same time this guy was claiming that Sup Forums has no draw. I was using their own arguments against them, you dipshit.

You're right user let's talk about stranger things

It involves baneposting. It is Sup Forums like it or not.

there you go

You say that like it would be a bad thing.

>using "alt-right" unironically

>how to spot a newfag: the post
No John, you are the reddit

d2g here
i hope hillary wins so all russians get nuked to death

Also without CNN this never would have happened. If Brian Williams lying about events is Sup Forums then so is this.

I'd rather hear about Stranger Things for the millionth time than listen to more bullshit about Trump and Shillary

Keep your political bullshit on the containment board and fuck off

The term "alt-right" was coined because "tea-party-er" doesn't roll off the tongue as easy.

please see

I've been on Sup Forums since 2006 and a Sup Forums regular since 2010-2011.

>Everyone who is not an Americuck is sick of hearing about le Tramp and le Shillary all day.

I'm an Amerifat and everyone I, friends, people at work, friends of friends, you name it...everyone is sick of hearing about Trump/Hillary and knows this election is bullshit. Just like the last few, at least. But this one is definitely the most blatantly absurd.


They really don't think that differently, they being the actual parties/politicians. The people they are targeting for their campaigns, sure, but not the politicians themselves, at least not the ones running for office. It would be a terrible economic decision to enforce any kind of restriction on guns in America, and any party preaching such are just blowing hot air. The American economy relies to heavily on the sale of arms; worldwide and local. But that's not to say that they won't restrict it at some point, eventually leading to full on nanny state like the Brits. But this is going to take some time. The Dems will still act like they are the God send party ushering in this new paradigm of thinking, and the Repubs will still argue the other side (though to a lesser extent than what they already do; hell, they already are far more laxed on gun control issues than they were in the past; times change). It will happen when it's economically viable, not before.

>people have been fighting for Sup Forums to just be another Sup Forums since it popped up
No just since they removed the old userbase and only one person gingerlord

Even if you don't think the alt right is a serious movement, they factually exist and factually use that name.
I don't even understand your point.

There is no such thing as the "alt-right"

Congrats. Here's your medal and recognition.

No wait, I take that back, puppets can be on thrones too.

That the media doesn't understand what the image macros actually mean.

They've actually talked about Baneposting? Pepe, I've seen the screeshots, but fucking Baneposting?

>using a name that sounds like a keyboard function expecting to be taken seriously

>Every board has a little Sup Forums in them.

You're the new one here, buddy. There's a big fucking difference between casual racism that has always been a part of Sup Forums and the rampant Trump-shilling, Sup Forums-tier doxxing and spamming, meme-spreading, obnoxious wrestling fans on Sup Forums.

Old Sup Forums was nothing like Sup Forums.

Why can't cuckold Sup Forums tiny-dicked white bois keep to their containment board?

Why do the mods allow them to constantly break global rule 3 with no regard for the quality of the other boards they invade?

Why, when you point out to Sup Forumscuckolds that they truly are a virus which infects and destroys the culture of other boards, do they get so eagerly triggered and start "chimping out" themselves?

>do I fit in yet guys?