Why do women like this degrading shit?

Why do women like this degrading shit?

Because they like it, fag.

Same reason men like bitches who put them under their feet.

BDSM is fun.

Because those guys actually look good unlike you, you fat fucking NEET.

And they're rich, don't forget the mot important part.

everybody got their kink, man

These guys got ripped off so hard, but I guess they didn't have much pulling power originally. They learned their lesson though

>Paid MEAGER salaries, film earns hundreds of millions and sells well on home video
>Knowing the sheer power of the franchise, and knowing the producers wouldn't want to recast, even after the director and original writer said, "I'm done", they bumped their salaries by an exorbitant number.

I like degrading shit, and I'm not even a women.

because deep down inside they want to be put in their place

because deep down inside they want to be put in their place

Women are fucking retarded that quite honestly don't mind any of that stuff as long as the guy is attractive. Of course many dudes would put their dick inside a womans shit hole as long as the girl is hot, or have them piss of them.

Human psychology is fucking weird and sex is made to be malleable in the mind.

Honestly, I myself met this chick at an lgbt meeting group who was bi and seriously into this kinda shit

she didn't give a shit what they really looked like or if they had money or what, she even told me she dom'd a homeless guy with a straggly beard

I was surprised as fuck and until I went to a "party" with her and her friend and my friend who I went to the meeting with and was just fucking mind blown that stuff like this was going on

I mean I figured it did but it's proximity to me and where in the town it was just baffled me

I made a thread earlier but it didn't take off.

Is Fifty Shades supposed to be funny/satirical? Because some of these quotes, holy shit.

>"The helicopter was made for sex, I observed sexily. You could lie across the seats or recline them."

"Christian Grey picked up the long black thing and started working my zone. It was bananas."

"When I woke up, Christian Grey had somehow gotten an entire orange into my mouth."

"The sex feelings flooded my body like a charging herd of itty bitty elephants. We're talking small."

and of course, my favorite,

"Do I afraid you?" Christian Grey asked, licking his eyebrow."

...or is it just that poorly written?

We love being dominated and treated excessively into submission. Feels really good.

So are you into it now?

why do you find it degrading?

It's just poorly written.

Hahaha what the fuck is that last line

because women are stupid attention whores

The real question is why are so many of them so brain dead as to enjoy such a shit book and shit movie?

I don't know about you but that makes me want to choke a bitch out.

because women are stupid whores

Well there are a lot of different reasons, and they vary from woman to woman. It's not easy to give one quick catch-all answer. The best I can do is say that many women lead boring lives and want to imagine something thrilling and forbidden. The reason most will prefer a man being in control and degrading them is because they're taught at a young age the important of subservience and the pleasure of being of use to a man. There's also a great intimacy in totally giving yourself up to someone; even though it can be seen as degrading, it also shows a great deal of interest in the woman. Combine that with some natural thinking patterns that occur in females in most species, and it adds up to them wanting to fantasize about someone powerful controlling them.

Bdsm is literally phoney edgelord: the fetish

Real degradation is far from that fake shit

>my fetish is better than your fetish
Go fly a kite, kid.

Also, where the fuck did this 'choking' meme come from.

Every basic tumlr bitch is into 'choking' all of a sudden

Fuck off

>faggots are degenerates

In other news, water is wet.

Well it is actually. It's just theatrical nonsense and as far from real degradation as you can get.

Some normal shit is far more dominating and humiliating than the consensual dress up fashion parade that is 'bdsm'.. Which ironically is the opposite of degrading


same reason why daddy/mommy roleplay is rapidly getting popular and socially acceptable

Choking is fun dude, oxygen deprivation combined with orgasms creates a high

>mfw girlfriend wants me to be like Mr Grey all the fucking time

i fucking hate this film

>having a gf
get out and take your dubs with you

Gee wiz, I wonder why people would find being lightly whipped, choked or tied up with silk ties as opposed to being shit on, pissed on, punched or forced to wear a leash and gimp suit in public.

Seriously dude, you're just fucked up. Sorry your dad touched you.

I'm a guy and I'm actually a lot into this kinda shit; talking seriously, i don't know; i think i've always kinda liked rough sex. I think the best explanation on this was "There's also a great intimacy in totally giving yourself up to someone; even though it can be seen as degrading, it also shows a great deal of interest in the woman"

I always related very much this submissive patterns on love's role in a sexual relation. I can't actually find out like the ultimate psychological explanation on why of this relation between submissive-hardcore sex and love, but i think it comes also from knowing a bit inside your hide that you're totally given up to someone and being hardcore sex some kind of extreme demostration of it.

Books, movie, tv, etc. They can all be used to explore fantasies in a safe manner.

It's retarded to interpret fantasy as reality but people do. Having rape fantasies does not mean you want to literally be raped. Another example would be boys being raped by relatively older women and normies going on about how they wish they had sex with their teacher. The don't separate fantasy from reality.

it was literally fan faction from twilight that got big man, what do you expect?

You should break up with her, she doesn't want you for you.

My gf and I make fun of this shit

Women enjoy entirely different things to men. They can watch a film about a rich well dressed guy and not care that he is completely 1 dimensional. Its like porn to them.
Then him acting all hot and cold and spasticated but makes their vaginas tingle even more. The main female lead being both so boring and unlikable helps them both dislike her so they want to steal the man while also not being intimidated by her and negative about their own appearance.

Dont bother trying to see it their way.

As much as women these days like to talk about being respected and empowered and whatever, on a primal level they really want to be dominated and treated like furniture.

Because they love to be degraded by men they find attractive.

Because feminism is wrong.

I once had a girl talk about choking on my dick in class in front of everyone. Told the teacher and the girl I was also seeing that she almost threw up on it.

I legitimately am curious why I enjoy public degradation. All of my fetishes are normal except for that one. Oh well.

It could be worse. It could be something you can never enjoy.

Ill never have futanari and breast and ass expansion.

sure you did, lonely neckbeard

The last things you mentioned are all fake theatrical bullshit anyway.

>lgbt meeting group
>into degenerate shit
who would have thought

holy kek I actually lol'd at how bad that is.
>that last line

Women really, really hate themselves
The guy in this movie is a disgusting DYEL with wide hips, no lats and probably has gyno if he hadn't had surgery right before this


>Women really, really hate themselves
For good reason.
>inb4 tips mylady

many bitches are self-described kinks. I have to act surprised every time i find out a girl is into choking or being called a dirty slut

Used to be a thing when I was a kid even without sexuality involved. Stupid kids would choke themselves or each other to get "sensations". It was fucking weird.

>The helicopter was made for sex, I observed sexily.

If it was ironic/satirical it could be a comic literary masterpiece

i kek'd, thanks user

Only beta degenerates like that

>"Do I afraid you?"
what the fuck

Looking forward to it tbqh

>licking his eyebrow

Are you a grill?

women are naturally submissive like dog

These are hilarious but I'm pretty sure they're fake. I can't find a source for any of them that isn't just repeating the same list or any proof that they're actually lines in the book.

>not doing the power stance

Literally My Immortal 2: Electric Bukkake


betas BTFO

People who are actually into BDSM hate this fuckin' series.

They're fake, unfortunately. I just downloaded the book and searched for the quotes but they don't appear. There are plenty of real awful quotes though. Let me pull up a random page

>"Damn Kate for letting him in here with no
warning. Vaguely, I’m aware that I’m still in my sweats, un-showered, yucky, and he’s just
gloriously yummy, his pants doing that hanging from the hips thing, and what’s more, he’s
here in my bedroom."

Shit all reads like a Tumblr post

Shit, now I'm convinced E. L. James is a genius.

too bad she looks like a potato

“Does this mean you’re going to make love to me tonight, Christian?” Holy shit. Did I just say that? His mouth drops open slightly, but he recovers quickly.
“No, Anastasia it doesn’t. Firstly, I don’t make love. I fuck… hard. Secondly, there’s a lot more paperwork to do, and thirdly, you don’t yet know what you’re in for. You could still run for the hills. Come, I want to show you my playroom.”
My mouth drops open. Fuck hard! Holy shit, that sounds so… hot. But why are we looking at a playroom? I am mystified.
“You want to play on your Xbox?” I ask.

Playing XBox is better than sex , to be honest

it reads like a woman's mind

because he's a billionaire

women fucking love money

>his pants doing that hanging from the hips thing
Isn't that a normal thing unless you're a nigger?