House md thread

house md thread

Patient, female, 68 years old. Suffered from fainting followed by jerky movements yesterday afternoon, reports say dehydratation and heat shock. Go.


Heat stroke.

>Heat stroke.
>Heat stroke, also known as sun stroke, is a severe heat illness, defined as hyperthermia with a body temperature greater than 40.6 °C (105.1 °F)

yesterday didnt even cross 26°. Next.

Patient has suffered from previous strokes, and in this case the humidity did factor in to heat stroke, including the attire she wore, and factoring in her age.

Could it be sarcoidosis?

sounds like she contracted an infection from a spoiled meals on wheels dinner that has spread to her brain and is causing muscle spasms and random seizures

Sounds like she could use some Tricycling



It's not lupus. It's never lupus


Parkins----I mean Pneumonia

She's pregnant, got a baby inside of her. How do I know? I was the on who put it in her


Do a CT scan

If we treat her for Lupus and its something else the treatment will kill her.

I can't let you do that House

Open the pod bay doors, HAL

House, this is her now, still recovering. She's suddenly started jerking her head like this.

Any ideas?

posting in an epic thread

Le lupus xD

Syncopal episode due to atrial fib caused the fainting, jerky movements due to her benzodiazepine withdrawal as she's an addict that's been lying about and hiding from her husband and her husbands son. Her dropping blood pressure is from her husbands son poisoning her with his biological mom's beta blockers because she wouldn't buy him chicken tendies.



Trump's numbers have been improving. Perhaps its psychosomatic in nature, a nervous breakdown maybe?

Quickly, initiate rapid sequence intubation and push 5mg of midazolam and being a levophed drip. Titrate to the amount of left wing butt hurt.