Why do people hold Carlin in such high esteem? Hes not even remotely funny
Why do people hold Carlin in such high esteem? Hes not even remotely funny
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George Carlin invented telling jokes you fucking idiot
he's deep, you know, the american government is bad and there's no god. he was the first person to ever say either of those things
Let's ignore OP's retardathon.
Someone recommend me some Carlin, never actually been exposed to him.
Clearly he is you faggot twat
He was a master of delivery
If you knew anything about comedy you'd realize that.
Dude broke down a lot of barriers about what you could say on stage, both in terms of content (anti-religion and anti-government ravings were actually new and sharp at the time) and actual words you could say on stage. Dude was arrested for swearing on stage at least once that I know of.
That being said eventually he found a flock and turned from edgy comedian speaking truth to power into an anti establishment preacher looking for applause instead of laughs.
doesnt he give his albums to everyone he meets?
Im trying to remember if he did it to the black guy or Ben in Dogma
>all these faggot redditors
Carlin is an unfunny liberal faggot.
Fuck off you mouthbreathing retard, we're discussing comedic timing, not politics.
I bet you hate Lenny too
Nice argument!
Why do people like you even stay in a Sup Forums discussion website if you can only scream buzzwords at each other. Fuck off.
>faggot redditors are now triggerd
Carlin was a little unfunny preaching faggot, you dumb cunt dipshits.
you've got school in the morning, one more Bill Hicks video before bed boys
Is liberal supposed to be an insult or something?
t. Beta cuck redditor.
You're everything wrong with and ruining this website you cancerous fucking ape. Learn how to fucking post or kill yourself and get actual people as far away from your rotting filth of a "person" as possible.
People who don't know shit and just come and talk however they fucking want trying to be funny first and making a good post second are cancer and should be fucking erased. I'm talking about you faggot. If you're gonna greentext and make a two word post that adds nothing to anyone's lives
1. Don't post it.
2. Hold your breath.
3. Die.
If you can't possibly argue comedy unless the comedians agree with your worldviews why do you even try?
Are you this frustrated with being a white male?
Most comedians are left leaning anyways you mouthbreathing tryhard newfag.
Nu-male cuck shill Drumpf nigger
>being this assblasted
Yeah, fuck off back to red-dit, you retarded cuntbag faggot.
>replying to pasta
Fucking newshit
If you hve never been exposed to carlin what the fuck are you disagreeing with op for? He could be right for all you know
he is
>these assblasted faggot redditors
Topkek, Carlin is a huge unfunny liberal cuck faggot.
>falling for copypasta on top of being retarded
Fuck off you tryhard newfag
Who cares? Hes not funny. Comedy is supposed to make you laugh. Ive never cracked a smile he just complains about shit for an hour
>implying it wasn't to trigger you dumb cunts
>inb4 he was only pretending to be retarded
Carlin is funny for kids, fedoras and edgy retards. On the other hand he often was on point, though almost never really funny.
So as a comedian he sucks. Just a regular old fart, but who can speak in front of audience.
What a fucking tryhard newshit fresh off the reddit boat
This is why you lurk before posting.
still did all that stuff.
even the rightwingers owe him for it.
>calling others newfags
This is you retarded redditors expose yourselves, you cocksucking faggots.
>literally random greentext of something I didn't say
>projecting about reddit some more
Oh god your asshurt is delicious.
Fuck off you tryhard newfag, fucking lurk, you're clearly new and can't even discuss this simple subject without buzzwords and memes you read yesterday.
his old stuff was very well crafted. He went way down hill when he started getting too political
>assblasted redditors still replying
Topkek, stay mad you dumb cunt redditors.
Thats just like, your opinion, man.
You have nothing you newshit, nothing but idiocy and memes.
Sad when he became just another pol-tier alt right moron in his final years. I wish he had died in the early 2000's before he fucked his legacy.
>trying this hard to not sound new
Back to red-dit, you cocksucking nigger.
alright dude let's not go overboard. You can't find me one person who is below the age of 40 who likes Lenny Bruce's shit. The guy's stuff is very outdated and he's barely coherent with his mid-50's slang. I get hat he gets automatic respect for pushing boundaries like no one had before but let's not pretend we all sit around listening to his sets and laughing our asses off.
You can't even bypass the wordfilter with an open and closed spoiler
You're new as fuck
>implying people do that
Stay mad, little retarded faggot. Go on redditor, keep telling me how new i am and how you're definitely not a faggot who browses red-dit, cuntbag dipshit.
george carlin was a rare talent. he was an entertainer from the old days. if you watch him he's more than a comedian, he's putting on a show with his mouth. his rate of delivery was faster than anybody working at the time. his vocabulary was at a higher level than other popular performers, you stupid kids born in the 90's and raised on edgy school textbooks think this stuff was in the culture already, no dumbasses, the hippies like carlin put it into our culture, he's just the only one that lived long enough with enough iq points intact to give us young people a lesson.
and his material holds up too. he is objectively better than the shit comedians we have today, he is way funnier than all the runner ups in his time too, funnier than bill hicks, eddie murphy, jerry seinfeld, leno and letterman, he was even funnier than lewis black and john stewart and he was even better than colbert. the guy is literally the best comedian i have ever seen and i have seen a lot of comedy.
finally i used to do forensics and i was fucking good so i know what i'm talking about you morons, the guy was a rhetorical giant and if you can't tell, it reflects poorly on you.
You're new, I don't browse reddit and you don't even know that the wordfilter is activated with "back to"
Anything else? Do you want to keep pretending that you're trolling anyone?
Because liberal numales think they're like him
Edgy, viciously intelligent, with a wicked sense of humour
>46 posts, 17 posters
Retarded faggot redditor.
he was cool once, before he got atheist preachy.
I win :)
I don't know why you guys torture yourselves talking and discussing things you dislike. Doesn't seem fun.
You really got BTFO there pal
Carlin was a libfag hack. But in general, I don't get the fascination with stand-up comedy, it's redundant.
Lmao society is shit xD
Truly an upboatable comedian if there ever was one.
Jerry Seinfeld and Richard Lewis are my favorite stand-up comedians, none of those DUDE EDGE LMAE hacks.
He's not wrong on this issue, you pansy fag.
He was considered dirty and edgy for his time. Today there's nothing special about the material.
this post is 100% correct
people calling carlin "edgy" while trying to be facetious are fucking retarded. the guy is the definition of 'cutting edge' and you have retards trying to turn that into an insult
I haven't met a single person on this planet that doesn't like carlin. only shut-ins on Sup Forums.
>It's an alt-right shitlord attempts to denegrate a great comedian because he's liberal episode
And NO, you can't have Pepe, you white nationalist fucks. Pepe is for EVERYONE.
Why do alt-right faggots get triggered by atheists or people who dislike the idea of an all-seeing, all-powerful government?
Do you feel so protected by the amenities of modern civilization that you fear losing it? Fucking NEETs, I swear...
Early Carlin is gold fags.
bill hicks is better than carlin.
if hicks was still here he'd blow the fuck out of carlin.
carlin is good but not hicks good. also most of his stuff seems rehearsed not natural.
late old man carlin = prime hicks.
early carlin = carrot top tier.
leno and letterman get the fuk out user they are shit pleb tier garbage. should not even be mentioned.
also marks off for carlin starring in "bill and ted" top kek.
Neiher is hicks. Hicks and Carlin were both completely unfunny and kinnison wasn't much better.
The reason they're so respected among comics is because in the era they started doing their thing which was sort of screaming attempts at philosophical points laced into rants about how much they hate everything; every single comic was trying to do Jerry seinfeld type observational comedy. No one was doing anything unique, everyone was doing the
"hey you ever notice how..." and Carlin, Hicks and Kinnison completely broke that mold. But they were never funny, I think Hicks might be the worst stand up comic ever actually.
>he puts john stewart and colbert at the top of his modern day 'comics' list
Jon Stewart was a pretty bad stand up comic and colbert was never even a comic. The fact that these are the names you mention as modern comics (along with lewis black) reflects very badly on you and tells me you know absolutely nothing about comedy.
>responding to your own post
Carrot top fan detected.
In all honesty, I don't think I've ever heard an actual "joke" from Hicks.
Can you name your fav's user.
In terms of guys who purely make me laugh the hardest
Chappelle, Burr, CK, hedberg, galifinakis (pre-hangover)
>comparing Carlin to Jon Stewart and Colbert
>trying to force the meme that Carlin was some Democrat stooge
>Carlins did material that would make SJWs and unironic poltards alike foam at the mouth
>people still try to force the idea that he was either one or the other
Some of his stuff is great
Some of his stuff is just yelling swears about people
I like this bill hicks "JOKE".
Best comedy set I've ever seen. Billy was a fookin legend
>yelling swears about people
What are you doing on Sup Forums, grandma?
Andrew dice clay is funnier
I actually found Robin Williams to be way funnier than Carlin. Shit, fucking Greg Giraldo was, late Carlin was fucking awful.
>you do a commercial you're off the artistic ralecall forever
Lol what a salty faggot.
this is the first time this has been revealed, but if you laughed enough at his shows he would pass out free hairnets or toenail clippers.
Todays younger generation of comics should pay heed
This may have been the most autistic post I have read in a while. You need to go.
We could use more people who distrust and disdain our American government. They really fucking deserve more of that.
Carlin also invented the fedora-edge-atheism that is ubiquitous among teenagers today. He was the first
I wish he was here still
Carlin was by far the most prominent philosopher of the late 20th century.
Louis CK is trying to emulate that, but he's only a thin shadow of Carlin in that regard. Carlin was truly a grass roots revolutionary who challenged the core, essential tenants of modern capitalist society.
I wish he was around today to grill the anti-whites of society. You know he would rip them a new asshole.
OP isn't saying he is wrong, he says Carlin wasn't funny, which is true.
He panders to my reddit sensibilities.
t. underaged wigga