James Wan (born 27 February 1977) is an Australian film producer, screenwriter and film director

>James Wan (born 27 February 1977) is an Australian film producer, screenwriter and film director

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That's not james wan that's godzilla you racist

Well he is. Ever heard him talk?

Wan of us

Yeah, so's Mel Gibson. So what?

dude there are that many australian born asians, what the fuck even is this thread

not white = not australian

Try going to Sydney some time, half the people you will see are Asian and Australian.

Don't Wan no trouble

not aborigine = not australian

not white = greater than 0% chance he descended from criminals

I was the only white male in my year nine class in 1999.


Growing up in Melbourne and Sydney doesn't make Australia and less white, it just means you're probably a faggot.

I didn't grow up in Sydney or Melbourne, or even live there at any point in my life. But nice try, loser.


thats like saying if youre not a panda bear youre not chinese

sorry m8 if you don't look like one of these cunts you're not australian


you literally descend from british criminals lol

Literally the only good director to ever come out of Australia, you should be thanking him.

Wan is a qt desu

you ever been to any CBD?

Also, Asians are based.

Staggering around a geographical region looking for grubs doesn't make a nation. By your logic every country on earth actually belongs to australopithecus.

Can any Ausfags itt confirm that Australia is just Mad Max?

im canadian

Seems unlikely, but I've ever been to the north.

They literally run ads on tv telling abos not to sleep on the road, because they do.


Jesus. I thought Don't be Rama Rama was the penultimate.

maybe have designated sleeping streets then

>yet another Sup Forums shitthread on Sup Forums

I used to live in Alice

would be the comfiest town in the world if it weren't for the locals.


nope, dont believe it, too insane.

fuck off, idiot

My condolences. I truly am sorry for you.

abos are literally the ugliest people on the planet. what the fuck.

That song is catchy as fuck.

What the fuck are you even trying to say? I was the only white male in my class. I didn't say it made me better or worse than anyone else.


Petrol's a helluva drug.

>proud of being an ignorant faggot

Kill yourself

Suppose he is white can you tell that he is Australian?

Lol this is even worse than Americans

Your shitty little meme countries DO NOT belong to any specific race, get the fuck over it.

>8-10 years old
>at a family gathering one evening
>some australias smartest kid game show is on, asian kid beasting it
>keep repeating my joke its smartest australian not smartest australian CITIZEN haha
>nobody laughed


some things never change

you're a nation of mongrels anyway, half of you have abbo and arachnid dna

>All these chingchongs mad about this post
Remember whites created film making and all related entities


Because anglos are such a natural part of Australia right?

>nationality and ethnicity are the same thing
Are you 12 OP?

Anglos are not a natural part of creation, they are the spawn of Satan himself

What's your point OP? A lot of Australians are Asian.

Is this the Sup Forums thread? Did I miss it?

I didn't know Australian was a race lol

>yet another reddit complains about Sup Forums post

Except mel was born in NYC

>triggered by a random anecdotal story

t. melbourne

>not being American

It happens. Aboriginals are called boongs because it's the sound they make when they bounce off a bullbar.

You guys remember that chimp out in Kalgoorlie a couple of weeks ago about the kid that stole a guy's motorbike and got himself killed?

>Australian is a race/ethnicity


it's both. to be an Aussie is to be ethnically Dutch or English, while practicing a cultural expression made by said groups in that particular corner of the Earth.

Oh yea? Name Wan

more like Austlarian


"Dutch or English"
>Yeah, let's forget that one of our biggest national heroes is Irish.
>That half the Christian population is Catholic, and not just because of Italians and Philippines but because of Scots and Irish.

Can't Skips just fucking accept that Australia has never ever been ethnically homogeneous. Fuck, chinks have been here since the Gold Rush!

calm down, big guy.

>contributed fuckall towards the social order and laws of the country
yeah those chinks were really building this nation cheng

why cant non europeans (especially non anglos) admit they didnt do a fucking thing to create the great australia we have?

if we left it to the italians or the spanish we'd have a fucked up nation like theres

if we left it to the chinese we'd be all bowing to a glorious leader and banned from using this website

fucking idiots think liberty is just a given

do you realise how rare liberty is? then combine it with a functioning society? you dumb fucks from reddit and other lefty echo chambers need to get some fucking truth in ya

Grew up in Sydney. Went to public school. We learnt about multiculturalism and stuff in grade 2 and 3

They even brought in some old fella who told us about the dream time once a year thought it was heaps cool

Australia is a multicultural country

T. White cuck

is it not the case though that Australia literally relocates rapefugees arriving ashore to other countries?

i honestly think Aussies (and Afrikaners) are the toughest, least cucked whites there are. maybe it's the fact your countries are inherently uncomfortable, but outside of Slavs, toughest whites.

Nationality doesn't work like that senpai, and you can't be ethnically Australian, that'd be like being ethnically Yugoslav or Swiss

the city whites arent tough. we're bitches in the cities, just general new york latte sipping punces.

BUT the guys out bush are hardened, and there's some hardened city blokes who travel around and get some manhood inserted into them

But right now I'd take any South Africaan against any cunt from Sydney, Melbourne (easily) or Brisbane

Extreme minorities, dumbfuck wog.

White Australia policy kept the country great.

that's stupid you can be ethnically Aussie

who decides when an ethnicity begins? some arbitrary decision by some arbitrary scientist of anthropology no doubt

If my white cunts have been in Aus fucking about for over 200 years that's good enough for me to consider my blood Australian

My ethnic ancestors are from the UK, but how long do they have to be settled in the UK for me to be ethnically British/Scot/Irish? They weren't born there, they migrated there

Fuck off chang

>literally dismissing entire branches of the social sciences because it doesn't fit your bogan mindset

People, James; Bailey, Garrick (2010). Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (9th ed.). Wadsworth Cengage learning. p. 389. In essence, an ethnic group is a named social category of people based on perceptions of shared social experience or ones ancesters experiences. Members of the ethnic group see themselves as sharing cultural traditions and history that distinguish them from other groups. Ethnic group identity has a strong psychological or emotional component that divides the people of the world into opposing categories of “us” and “them.” In contrast to social stratification, which divides and unifies people along a series of horizontal axes on the basis of socioeconomic factors, ethnic identities divide and unify people along a series of vertical axes. Thus, ethnic groups, at least theoretically, cut across socioeconomic class differences, drawing members from all strata of the population.

you dumb fuck my argument is supported by evidence you're the bogan who can't into logical or rhetoric

i was talking about Scots and Irish mate.

Admit it you know nothing about Australian history or even what constitutes an ethnic identity because your'e still cucked by mother England so hard into believing that Gallipoli is something to be celebrated instead of the realization that Australians died for suck fucking twat of a King and his dying Empire

>fucking idiots think liberty is just a given
What the fuck does Liberty have to do with ethnicity?
Liberty has everything to do with economic prosperity and free-market capitalism.

Emigration grows the economy by introducing more workforce and thus more consumers into a country: that means more money, which pays for the fucking liberty which you somehow got tied into your head is associated with ethnicity.

Even, as I think you are suggesting, somehow Anglo-Australia is so great as to be preserved, which is a dreaming for a halcyon days that never fucking existed... I doubt you could even tell me the paragons and exemplars of English culture.... go name me three philosophers and three English authors... right now white supremacist.

Prove to me that Anglo is best.

I challenge you to support your ill-formed narrative with even a subjective pantheon of intellectuals....

That quote literally argues against your point if you're insisting on the 'white australian' ""ethnicity""

Kek you might wanna read what that says before you copy/paste it next time

>Liberty has everything to do with economic prosperity and free-market capitalism.

lol u fucking wot? go back to finance class chong you don't know shit

>Even, as I think you are suggesting, somehow Anglo-Australia is so great as to be preserved, which is a dreaming for a halcyon days that never fucking existed... I doubt you could even tell me the paragons and exemplars of English culture.... go name me three philosophers and three English authors... right now white supremacist.

democracy, free speech, all the rights that derive from these fundamental concepts that have come from european culture, passed from the greeks to the romans who became the british who you so vehemently dispise because of their large white cocks you snivelling turd

>reading comprehension

>an ethnic group is a named social category of people based on perceptions of shared social experience or ones ancesters experiences.

man i'd hate to be as fucking stupid as you cunts

or do you deny that Aussies see themselves as having a shared social and historical experience since we landed here? you dipshits need to stick to some easy degree like arts

just stop dude kek

I'm not even gonna bother

small dicked non-aussie ethnic chinese detected

look at what you did
you got the Sup Forumstard riled up

>People, James; Bailey, Garrick (2010). Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (9th ed.). Wadsworth Cengage learning. p. 389. In essence, an ethnic group is a named social category of people based on perceptions of shared social experience or ones ancesters experiences.

Aussies have shared travels from the UK to the conquer of this wretched terra nullis land. That is a shared social and historical experience. Undeniable by cheng.

>Members of the ethnic group see themselves as sharing cultural traditions and history that distinguish them from other groups.

See above. We are not the Aborigines. We are not the Chings, or the italians, we are the anglo australians who came and built australia.

>Ethnic group identity has a strong psychological or emotional component that divides the people of the world into opposing categories of “us” and “them.”

We are us, you are them.