Did you guys know that black boys are more likely to be gay than any other race?

Did you guys know that black boys are more likely to be gay than any other race?

Why do you think that is? Genetic? Cultural? Some combination?


(Also notice that white men are LEAST likely to be gay. Black boys BTFO, yet again.)

Probably because they feel more love for their fellow humans, and white bois feel the least love - pretty self evident if you ask me

Good Lord! I imagine that's what hell looks like.

statistics are gay

Yeah thats why white people go around shooting the ever living fuck out of eachother. Oh Wait. Niggers do that. Fuck off dude, rofl

A recent study found that genetics play little role in Homosexuality.
That means it is likely an environmental factor (probably sexual abuse from the slave ages, since the abused become the abuser this would pass down like their culture through the generations).
It could also be the fact that they are niggers.

i like

Nah white bois are too scared to use their guns outside of school zones. They prefer to use their cars to ram people.

>It's not genetics
>It gets passed down from slave age
Nigga is you stupid

Ever heard of this magical thing called culture?
It's why you share similar thinking to your dad, and why he shares similar thinking to his dad, etc.

The only niggers you will find on this board are genetic determinists.

It's probably because the average black boy doesn't have any have male family members raising him and is raised by women and thus becomes woman-like.


>what do you call two niggers fucking?
Fucking niggers

That being said anybody having gay sex with a black dude is basically asking for aids.

Lack of father figure and a masculine influence in early life

Because being gay is fucking great, and because some idiot in the daily mail doesn't know how to interpret statistics. Poor idiot.

because theyre beasts of the field

>too much testosterone
I blame slave owners. They bred these niggers like pit bulls.

>incest runs high in black community
More than likely one of their moms boyfriends or an uncle or sibling molested them turning them into faggots

Playing in shit is romantic...

That's how you sound.

>Black Man
choose one, they only fuck White Girls, not themselves, all gay porn with Black Guy is being made using cgi, not real Black Guys

can black people be sand mermaids?

You know there are a lot of ways to clean up, right user ? You don't have to be covered in sht every time your black daddy fucks you :)

Pretty fucking stupid, you have one white guy ACCUSED (the videos I have show him being attacked, but whatevs) and about a dozen brown guys have unequivocally run down innocent people unprovoked.

They go faggot in prison.

Heterophobe. Bigot.

I would hypothesize that this could be due to the black community's deep hatred of homos. While a white gay can come out, marry a dude, and not procreate; black gays are forced into hetero relationships, and greatly increase the likelihood that their child will be gay. Given enough generations of this, it would be no wonder that the blacks would see a "boom" of gays. (Though, it's not so much a boom as a steady growth; they just have been ignoring it, so it seems like a boom)

If they really don't like them, they should let them marry each other and breed out of the population.