Thanks Baby Boomers

Thanks Baby Boomers

you mean Baby Doomers

Those wankers are 2nd class to me, i personally am just awaiting so that AI comes and fucks us all

Yeah it kills me when these fucks talk about minimum wage and salaries and shit.

I work for the biggest snack food company in the world, I'm responsible for selling and maintaining the stock for this company in two grocery stores that average 2.5 million dollars in sales a week, every week like clockwork.

Personally sell in, packout, display on average 25,000 to 35,000+ dollars in product every single week like clock work. If somethings fucked up, I'm responsible for everything. I pack out on average between 750-1500 cases in a week, can't go over 40, not allowed overtime.

I make 15 and a half dollars an hour. If I hit sales numbers I get basically an extra paycheck every 3 months.

I make just under 40,000 for a professional level sales job that would have paid realistically 100+k a year in 1985, and it crushes my soul every day I go to work knowing this.

I like my job, I like my work, but I'm making a third of what I should be.

Fucking boomers.

What you describe is why most households with kids have both parents working. Dad can't support a family on his income alone anymore.

Whine on, faggots.

Hurry up and die already, old leech.

As he types on an imageboard when he should be working and/or looking for additional work.

Pssst...funny memes don't pay mortgages.

My wife has a pretty good job, between the two of us we make almost 100k, but we can't afford children.

We just bought a house and we are barely head above water, but we've essentially decided we don't want children, mostly because the financials of it are impossible.

We're both early 30s, we have a house, not a ton of debt, and we're doing ok, but unlike some shitfuck boomer who only cares about themselves I understand how much better off we are than our peers.

The fact we each only work one job to be where we are is a luxury. I bust my ass and come home beat every night but at least I get to sleep.

Sounds to me like you drive a truck and stock shelves. Nice try though.

Hey now, I'm sure he earned HIS benefits

Seriously, man the fuck up pussies. I agree with this guy. Also, guess what baby boomers didnt have: safe spaces, out of the closest faggots, and definitely no trannies. Blacks knew their place and women still knew how to cook. Stop being such annoying pussy ass faggots.

>Trannies ruined the economy

>earning 40k driving trucks
good one user

I literally told you the scope of what I do, right down to the financials of it.

If I was paid one case of the product I sell in, and display, per hour I would make 3.5 times what I make now.

Which is basically what I should be making. I guess companies forgot you should be able to buy the products your employees produce.

Boomer garbage in this thread that never worked a day in their life.

I am unclear as to what your point is with the safe spaces, faggots, trannies, blacks, and women comments.

If you're on the side of that you wish it were still that way, that those people "knew their place"... well then you're whining just like the people you're making fun of.

If you think it's good that we've moved passed that... I'm not sure who you're calling pussy ass faggots.

Either way... you're retarded.

All of those things you described happened on Boomer's watch, what the fuck are you talking about.

I hope they are the first to go when the liberal tolerance camps come.
So i can watch and laugh.

This is for WV (Trump-World) but the trend is the same nationally

Well they'll be old, and they're unfit for physical labor, especially since they never fucking did anything, so right after the undesirables they'll be first up.

Lol, the problem with this generation is it's debate skills are the blame game. And this OP is the pinnacle of what I mean. Thanks for being my go to example bitch, stay reaching for the stars.

Why you can't afford nice things anymore

we're number wut?

We're so focused on being equal and safe everyone has to be paid the same. All these illegal immigrants come into our country and take jobs away from america. So now we have all these people that are poor as fuck we have to adjust prices. We, as a society changed into this equal environment that now basically fucked it for everyone. All those pc courses your businesses spend for meetings and bullshit could be given to you. All those lawsuits and seminars is money spent cause of homos and "pc" culture. Women are bitching about being paid the same so we gotta bring these cunts in.. and now we have to build a third bathroom for dudes that dont like their dicks? You see we are spending a ton of money on bullshit. And your boss will never like u cause you cant openly joke about getting head or banging a chick on a sales call. You cant bully little bitches out of ur company without being sued.

This softy ass society fucked our economy in more ways then one. Now the company outsources most jobs to countries where they dont have to worry about bullshit like this.

>Additional work

I know you're larping, but fuck that mentality. Having to work is already a defiance of human nature. I refuse to give the whole of my time just to survive. I am no machine.

You don't seem to understand that waning demand for your skill set. It doesn't require and ivy-league education to sell junk food. This is pretty base stuff. If you were to quit, they'd replace you for the same or less money. This is the reality of the situation in a free-market economy. You are of course free to take counter measures. You could seek alternative employment with better pay and opportunities for advancement. You could seek out a position that might assist in some post-graduate education assistance. Lots of options provided that you don't paint yourself into a corner by accumulating debt or having children. The next move is yours.

There is no debate, the only debate is how an entire generation was born with zero moral compass or national pride and collectively sold out the greatest nation in the world for crack, heroin, and sex with disease ridden hookers.

Yeah, you're a route salesman. You don't do anything other than display product that the chain literally needs to make its sales.

Wait a couple of years til you are making a couple of dollars more and the company suddenly lays your ass off. Then where are you going to go work at the same amount? No, you'll be a homeless fuck, muh unemployment muh welfare, muh millenial status.

Quit blaming the generation before you for your misfortune, you ungrateful fucks. In 20 years the gen "X" ers will be taking it out on your fucked up life.

Perfectly fine. Just don't bitch about not having any money with which to acquire goods and services.

>Drives up the federal defecit
This is mostly due to welfarers, if you pay more tax then you get back you are not the problem

Rest is accurate

If you're the same person that I was responding too...

yep, you're just as whiny a cunt as the people you were calling "pussy ass faggots".

Get a life you fucking loser.

Do you sell hot cheetos faggot

>if you pay more tax then you get back you are not the problem

Just plain wrong.

>Women are bitching about being paid the same

Yep, worked a job where as soon as we hired a trainee woman, she wanted to know why she didn't get paid the same amount as the dude that was there for 30 years, "because she did the same work"

Fun fact, you can't buy anything without paying taxes. Everyone pays more taxes then they are able to take out in a lifetime, some just pay higher amounts.



you asshole little shits wanna blame us for all this shit ??
how about all this shit in collages being safe spaces ? what kind of bullshit is this ??
how about all this gender studies crap and guys turning themselves into bitches ?
abd the god damn queers being celebrated as being special because they suck a cock and everyone telling kids this shit is normal ..
how about women wanted equality but that is just a word they are using for emasculating men, then complaining there are no good men anymore,
how about we gave the blacks every god damned thing and even the presidency and they still failed ..except for an exceptional few

how is this any fault of us ?

There is no waning demand in the market I'm in, in fact it was one of the few markets that survived the recession untouched and has continual growth percentage year after year.

As far as "easily" replaceable, that's not the case. The industry has an incredible turn over rate because its actually one of the most difficult industries to work in. Another company I worked for had a turn over rate of 87%.

Workers here are invaluable, it has the physical demands of a high paced physical labor job, and requires the intelligence for sales, analytics, planning.

I'm not worried about being fired barring punching someone in the face, put it that way.

Wages being 1/3rd of what they should be are not a problem unique to my sector of the economy, it is universal. Its better doing what I do than for some, actually.

But sure, keep talking out of your ass and boot lick your masters.

Also >Post-Grad Education

Because college isn't a house of cards thats due to fall over any minute. If you'd have said something like Commercial Drone Pilot or Medical (to wipe the asses of all the dying boomers) you might have had some kind of point.

>professional level

double kek, doen't understand that he had nothing to do with getting the contract

>"easily" replaceable

Its all a matter of dollars. Remember when Hostess closed their doors because of high labor costs? Nothing is impossible, nothing is too big to fail. How many old people do you see working at what you are doing? Not many, and you won't be one of them either.

In the US more bachelors degree than ever before. It's good but college is more expensive because of it.

You're better off going to trade school and learning to weld than getting a bachelors degree at this point.

Someone skipped Econ 101. If there was such demand, pricing for these position would not have cratered by 66% on the past 30 years (using YOUR figures). That's not how supply and demand works. If your skill set was so valuable, you would be paid more. You see how that works? Prices don't decrease if demand/availability decreases. Company don;t pay "invaluable" employees 66% than they did 30 years ago.

So work for a different company.. Wtf

Exactly what im saying. Its all part of why the jobs dont pay the same.

>All these illegal immigrants come into our country and take jobs away from america.
Uhu, so a worker that has no education, does shit jobs because high profiles get him caught are taking your job?

Maybe your job is just shit and you are easily replaced?

Norway seems to be doing well. I wonder if my relatives didn't move to the US from Norway

Or automotive technician, plumber, autobody technician, etc (seriously)
Decent honest work, decent pay, littleor no college debt

Let me get this straight, you have a post-grad education and stock convenient store shelves with junk food? Did you get your post grad degree on the interweb? If you want more in life, go out and make it on your own. You don't have the balls for that though, so go on an blame they guy that enables you to eat, Bitch!

I haven't seen you post anything brilliant. You have no argument. Doomers are the most narcissistic, selfish, destructive generation this country has ever seen and we'll be better off when they are all dead.

While I'll agree that people should live within their means, the scope of their 'means' has shrunk. Inflation has devoured the dollar and is sopping up the plate with interest rates. People can't afford to go to school, or buy a house and move out, or in a lot of cases even afford a car payment. It becomes a case of "What am I going to neglect to survive?" I make about $1200 a month, and between loan payments, car payment, the rent I pay, an my bills, I have approximately $100 at the end of it all that, while I would love to spend on things I want, has to either go to catchup, or into an emergency fund for the inevitable shit hitting the fan moment. You can scrape by like this, but you'll never get ahead, and I don't like the idea of living here till the place collapses around my ears.

You say 'Get additional work,' but there is no additional work to be had. I live in a small semi-rural city, and everything around here is blue collar as fuck. I have nothing against blue collar, but I don't know a hammer from a hacksaw; I went to college for IT (can't get a job because I can't code my way out of a wet paper sack), and I sure as hell can't afford to gi back when I'm still $60k in the hole and interest rates are going to keep me there till I die. My job is third shift as well, so I don't have time to job hunt or moonlight since I'm on call for the job I have now.

tl;dr: It isn't as easy as 'Just get another job.'

Wish I'd known that pre-college.

>But sure, keep talking out of your ass and boot lick your masters

From a guy who stocks store shelves with Ring Dings! LOLOLOL...You can't even make this up.

>Which is basically what I should be making

See, this is where I have a real problem. There are lots of people under 40 that have the mentality of "what I should be making if evil corporations didn't keep me down".

News flash. Companies have ALWAYS paid workers as little as possible to produce a unit of goods/services. Even in the 1950s. In a capitalist society the labor market is (mostly) a free market. You chose to be a route salesman for a junk food company. You knew when you took the job what it paid. You took it anyway.

You don't get to bitch about the results of choices you willingly made. Especially when the outcome was entirely foreseeable.

Well thats exactly what im saying... these "shit jobs" were for americans, and you couldnt fuck with their pay cause they were legal workers. Now you have these mexicans and illegals coming in and doing jobs for way less money cause its twice what they make in their country. So they just send that shit back to their families while they jam pack one apartment with like 7-8 mexicans while they live here until they are deported. Plus they benefit from governement programs which drains more
Money from americans.

"worst global economy the World has ever seen" ??

When was the "global economy" any better? More people have been lifted out of poverty in the last 30 yrs than all of recorded history prior.

meme magic does not equal truth.

But it is just as easy as "move". There's no good reason that a guy with IT skills makes 1200/month anywhere. That's utterly ridiculous.

Yes, in India, China, Viet Nam...

Like I said, I have a house and no debt, I'm making it, I'm just mad I'm not making as much as I should be. I'm working harder for less.

But I'm doing just fine, I'm much better off than my peers (mainly because I chose a recession proof industry a while ago).

You can think what you want about what I do, but the fact wages haven't gone up since 1975 isn't a myth or whining, its the facts.

I only provided details about what I do to show the absurdity of the current American economy, its not a unique case.

What do you do exactly, for the record?

>how about all this shit in collages being safe spaces ? what kind of bullshit is this ??
These people cannot ruin anything, mostly because nobody hires them for jobs that are important.

We are blaming you because you took the veterans work, turned it to shit by screwing with the Federal reserve, of course because you didn't stop there no. You went further and pushed iran/iraq to a "small" war domino so now we have these unresolvable shitpits in the middle east, while going to vietnam which is why everyone in the world hates america.

Not because what your veterans fought in the WW2


Just stop. If you ever post here again, I will fuckin’ choke slam you into a coffee table, with any luck it will be one of those old school
antique coffee tables that was made out of the really good wood from deep in the fucking forest and not that Ikea bitch that explodes like a
fucking stunt table. I will put you right through it, and pull you up by your god damn larynx and then right through the dry wall, my hand would
be disappearing into the wall like I just fisted a fucking horse. Then I’d pull you out, you’d have plaster all over your fucking hair, you’d be
deprived of 3 quarters of your oxygen, and you’d start to cry. Then I’d just whisper into your ear, really calmly, like one of those bad guys
in one of those great 80’s movies with Mel Gibson, or fucking Stallone or whatever, where once the goons would get him tied up and the head
bad guy that’s running bitch would come in all relaxed with his dress shoes and suit and would just come up and put his face like parallel to
the other dude’s face and just come in and whisper in the guy’s ear nice and calmly. That’s what I’d do to you, as you’re struggling to breath,
I’d put my head right next to your ear and just be like “If you ever post in this section again, I will fucking kill you. You understand me? The
only reason you’re not dead right now is because I haven’t figured out how to get away with it yet. If you even come in this section again, I
swear to god, I will grab you by your fucking baby fat and the top of your fucking head and I will throw you upside down through a bay window”
As you sit out there in the rain, picking the glass and the wood shards out of your body, I’m gonna take a tray of hot macaroni and throw it right
on your fucking face. That’s what I’ll do if you ever post here again.

are they not part of the "global economy"?

oh yeah, forgot that you don't have any free uni to further educate yourself because of the baby assholes, sorry

For a "Millenial" I would be considered well off, when I tell people I only work one job they are flabbergasted.

I'm basing that statement off what people made in the 80s, not off some form of self deserving entitlement. Do people not know what inflation is?

Everyone in this thread is making less now than their parents made in 1980, this isn't an opinion.

I once more refer you to ”$100/month left over."

First, last month's rent and deposit totals between $1800-$2000 in my nearest metro, so that's almost two years of nothing going wrong in order to relocate, nevermind that doesn't include any furniture, kitchenware, or other necessities.

Everyone wants to act like this is some great social injustice. It's actually a direct result of reproductive trends since the 1960s.

Well educated, career driven, intelligent couples tend to have fewer children. Poor, uneducated, welfare or working class people tend to have more children.

The dumbest among us are reproducing the fastest. And have been for years.

Knowing that, why wouldn't wealth end up concentrated in the hands of the few?

I don't see why my wife and I should pay more taxes to make sure that an unwed mother with 6 kids can buy a house with no money down under a federal loan guarantee program.

I own/operate a high tech recruitment firm.
For those with marketable skill sets wages have increased quite nicely for the past 20 years. If wages in your industry are decreasing it's because the demands of the position can be completed by unskilled labor and/or automation. It really is that straightforward.

>You can think what you want about what I do, but the fact wages haven't gone up since 1975 isn't a myth or whining, its the facts.
This is an absolute myth. The number of persons living in abject poverty in the world has gone down by 2/3. The only people whose wages have not gone up are the unskilled persons in the West who were overpaid when there was no competition.

aww thats sweet. who really care is the millennials suffer.

>be student
>demand for low to moderately skilled labor is low
>try taking the time and woe to become highly skilled
>massive opportunity cost of happiness
>would be happier with that happiness instead of any additional happiness gained with high skill income
>opt for welfare instead

NEET life is good senpai

Ever heard of a 2nd job?

sure kid. go fucking cry in a corner.

sure kid

I work third shift in an on-call position. "Sorry, boss, I can't come in. I'm at my Burger Barn shift" doesn't exactly fly.

you first

>sure kid. go fucking cry in a corner.
Truth hurts doesn't it?

>how about all this shit in collages

Well, you made it past the first sentence without being retarded. I guess that's something.

sad I hope you lose everything

try reading comprehension asshole

not as retarded as you.

It is an opinion, and isn't based in fact. I'm far better off than my parents were in 1980. As are my brother and my sister.

But we got marketable degrees and worked our asses off. We also relocated to areas where wage growth outpaced cost of living increases. You know, the proactive shit that smart people do to get ahead.

sure kid

try working

then enjoy your failure.

Great comeback kid. Really well reasoned.
1/10, got me to reply.

you deserve your shitty life.

It starts to become a problem when the opportunity cost of becoming an "invaluable" employee (which seems necessary these days according to your post) exceeds the downsides of going NEET. Now we have a shitton of NEETS in the young male demographic.

not if we kill you first.

>stock boy is sad he doesnt make a million dollars a year


So how badly do you hate your life and family that you'd rather always be working?

Might as well go NEET at that point. Quite poor and free >>>>>>>>>> independent and define yourself by the job you're told to do

like you deserve it kid.

Are you living in Commiefornia? That state is so fucked up, I can't understand why anyone would live there.

In the early 80's I made 16 an hour. Took a second job at $5.35 during the holiday season. When I interviewed, the store director grilled me as to why I wanted the job as she only made $14 an hour. Told her I needed the money, etc... Hired on. My main job started working OT which they never did, yet I commited to working the other job. Did I pussy out? No, you make a comitment you keep your word, no woe is me.

You work a third shift on an on-call position. I'd tell that boss, sir, I have bills to pay, I will have to take a second job. Maybe they will pony up and get you more hours.

doesn't hurt me asshole.

I've asked, but they're very demanding in that regard. 'If you can't be available (i.e., able to come in any time with 30 minutes notice), we don't need you.'

ah the condensending answer.
hallmark of a true loser.
try occupying a job kid.

Won't be long.

Would have by now, but it's a point of pride that nobody else is footing my bills.