What are your thoughts on the Wachowski Brothers?
What are your thoughts on the Wachowski Brothers?
Ahem, sisters*
They're ok.
You fucking shitlord
would bang Lana
there bad
you mean the wachowski sisters, shitlord?
>Lana was rumored to be trans since the matrix sequels and was photographed crossdressing a decade ago
>a year after she comes out Andy suddenly decides hes trans too to get in on all the media attention
they're over rated hacks
I'll tell you what I think, I think they're really weird but they do have something going on upstairs. Speed Racer was damn good, Cloud Atlas was neat, and while Jupiter Ascending was really bad, I love some of the crazy ideas in it. The Matrix was not a fluke, they really are pretty creative.
Lilly you shitlord!
They're fabulous.
Absolute hacks.
Larry is so autistic he actually chopped his dick off to be more like the character from Run Lola Run.
>two trannies in the same family
where did their parents fuck up so bad?
They made 2 good movies between them. Matrix and Speed Racer. They're also degenerate freaks and should be gassed.
They both transitioned to female? I've never heard of a case like that before.
>Beaming at the camera in tiny dresses and high heels, it is difficult to believe that these glamorous sisters actually grew up as brothers.
>Jamie O'Herlihy, 23, and her sister Chloe, 20, formerly called Daniel, spent their childhood years dressing up as female celebrities and playing with dolls.
>But as they went through school, they hid their gender struggles from everyone - including each other - out of fear of how they would be perceived.
>Eventually, last summer, the siblings opened up to each other about their battles while celebrating Chloe's graduation at their home in Cork, Ireland.
happens quite a lot
>This is a 10/10 in Ireland
I think they needed someone who could control them.
Ireland. FUCK.
Unfortunately true.
I bet these two sex freaks used to jack each other off under the sheets when they were growing up. perverts.
>no mention of a father
Single mothers strike again.
Sick shit.
>it is difficult to believe that these sisters actually grew up as brothers.
... are we looking at the same men caked with makeup?
>blonde has a belly piercing
>looks okay in the thumbnail
>[vomits internally]
Run, Lola, Run was ok, i guess
Holy shit the red haired one looks like a crooked nosed Chloe!
They didn't make it, they just obsessed over it.
More like Bella Thorne
Always knew she was a man
That's a relief. I just watched and enjoyed that. Would have had to rethink it if those fags had anything to do with it
>tfw watched Run, Lola, Run for the first time recently
>tfw kept being reminded of fucking Lana Wachowski because xe has similar hair as this German qt
They're made some good movies, don't be a pisser.
the matrix and...?
1. The Matrix
...the list could go on!
I've liked everything they made (except for jupiter ascending) and don't care that they're batshit insane and hope they continue to be batshit insane if it means they make more great shit.
Speed Racer and Cloud Atlas. They also had a big part in V for Vendetta, which all the memes aside, is a decent movie.
2. The Matrix Reloaded
3. V for Vendetta
4. Bound
5. tv series: Sense8
Shouldn't this serve as proof the only reason trannies ever pass is because of beer goggles?
And the idea an irishman is calling them knockouts just further reaffirms that?
How retarded do you have to be to enjoy the Matrix sequels?
So no other good movies then, got it.
>implying the matrix had sequels
kek, same thing happened to me
Where bad?
Stick to your capeshit threads of you think Matrix Reloaded and Cloud Atlas are passable movies. They're laughably bad.
>Implying you haven't ever considered becoming a woman to escape the burdens of being a man
I'd rather just skip another period of self-delusion and kill myself.
if i wanted to escape the burdens of being a man i'd do the respectable thing and blow my fucking brains out
>implying you wouldn't
I would. I'm a tranny.
>implying being a man isn't easy as fuck compared to how insecure, neurotic, useless and drama filled a womans life is
At this point shouldn't we be calling them The Wachowski Creatures?
I still wouldn't
Really good filmmakers.
The Matrix movies become good if everything you see takes place inside the matrix, Smith is the One not Neo and the Architect is the one that made everyone believe that they are living outside the Matrix when they're not.
Speed Racer is a great movie.
Haven't watched Cloud Atlas or Jupiter Ascending but I've been told that they're meh/shit. Except maybe Cloud Atlas but idk.
Do you know how fucking easy my life would be if I could just fuck and suck my way through everything?
Only if they still have cute feminine cocks
V for Vendetta was shit because it made V into a superhero, removed the ambitiousness of whether he was prisoner number V and made it about the government lying ala 9/11 conspiracy bullshit.
In the book, the world turned to shit, so Totalitarianism was the only option left. V just came in and fucked everything. And you didn't know who V was, even his past was bullshit since it's the detective who was prisoner V, not V.
Although I will admit that the end fight scene was rad as fuck.
Kill yourselves
are you saying he's not the kingpin?
one hit wonders tbqh
Holy fuck, look at the fingers of the redhead.
I am neither drunk nor blind (thus not irish) so, no, I would not.
What fucking burden?
You are a white male between 18 and 60, the world is at your feet.
>What are your thoughts on the Wachowski Brothers?
Hacks who became degenerates. They made one decent movie nearly two decades ago and that was fucking it.
They need to stop being gay and just make a new Matrix movie
its what everyone wants
Set it in a different system or some bullshit give us something fresh
Two fuck ugly men become two fuck ugly bitches. I hope the burn in hell.
>it is difficult to believe that these glamorous sisters actually grew up as brothers
Looking at that pic... no. No it really isn't hard to believe.
all this pressure to be bright
How sad is it that these two hacks got their hands on Doona before anyone else in the states....
nut up or get fucked
Because the sequals were that great?
They tainted by odd looking alien waifu and for that I will never forgive.
>a new Matrix movie
>its what everyone wants
Have you been in a coma since 2002?
>Speed Racer was damn good
How big of a gold mine is it for psychiatrists in Hollywood?
Imagine being their parents.
>Fifty three percent of the mothers of boys with GID (Gender Identity Disorder) compared with only 6% of controls met the diagnosis for Borderline Personality Disorder on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines or had symptoms of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory.
she actually passes pretty well. if I walked past her on the street I would've just thought she was a very ugly woman
>it is difficult to believe that these glamorous sisters actually grew up as brothers.
Is it?
Just admit you're a homosexual
>What are your thoughts on the Wachowski faggots?
They are hacks. Cloud Atlas is their only good movie, and that was based on a book and co-written and directed by someone else
I will fucking kill you.
>ywn fuck the blonde qt on the right as she squeals in Irish delight to make sweet sweet love to her boipussy
feels Keanu man
They're stunning and brave.
>At this point shouldn't we be calling them The Wachowski Creatures?
>difficult to believe they grew up as brothers
Dude. Man arms, man faces, caked makeup, broad shoulders.
>these are the anons critiquing your movie tastes
isnt life grand