Is south park the most red pilled show on Sup Forums ?

Is south park the most red pilled show on Sup Forums ?

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Is the season premiere out?

Is every episode this season going to be about a current political event instead of showing the boys just being kids and playing around the town?

>Made by a jew and a cuck


This is going to be garrison's season


It's also one of the worst.

theyre gonna shit on colin kapernick

How are they redpilled? They think Mel Gibson is an anti-semite for making the jews uncomfortable and are pro-immigration.

Probably, I don't really like this new south park style.
It was at its peak when they just did episodes about whatever, while only having a few episodes devoted to make light hearted fun of current day events.

Their Mel Gibson didn't really attack Gibson. They made him a masochistic loon in a way that was way too over the top to be offensive.

South Park plays both fields which is exactly what allows them to be redpilled some of the time.

They're playing to their fucking strengths, if you want timeless comedy go watch John Oliver or some shit, fuck you.

controlled opposition

Redpilled is such a stupid buzzword.


And the inferior choice.

I'd love it if they made an episode about the alt-right, the amount of butthurt it would cause would be glorious

I thought that was every cartman episode?

The creation of the alt-right movement has retroactively made every single South Park episode topical because real life politics has become Cartman.

>It's a Matt and Trey create two poorly-researched, exaggerated strawmen of both sides of a hot button issue so they can look like reasonable centrists without actually understanding what's going on episode
>it's a Matt and Trey backpedal on an earlier stance so as not to offend their Jewish masters episode
>it's a Trey churns out a "relevant" episode so he can pay to feed his wife's son episode
>It's a Matt and Trey try to stay "hip" by writing about month-old memes episode

t. 14 year old

not untrue to an extent, but it beats the shows that are all PC liberal bullshit

Only 14 year olds watch South Park.

South Park isn't anti-PC in any meaningful sense.

It would've been stale a decade ago if they didn't adapt.
Seems like the game will be immune from politics because it's a fucking game, so quit complaining.

South Park is shit but I was merely pointing out that "butthurt" is an embarrassingly immature word to use.

When you finally settle down at his age all that is left is divorced women with grown black children.

>but it beats the shows that are all PC liberal bullshit

And what, in your opinion, would be a meaningful way of being non-PC making an animated cartoon show about foul mouthed kids from Colorado?

You're aware that shit originated here, right?
It may be an old meme but it accurately sums up the response we'll see.

t. oldfag

>Colin Kaepernick is great!
>Cops are pigs, cops are pigs!
>Wait, someone just took my stuff,
>I need to call the cops.
>Oh no, I just said cops are pigs!
>Who’s gonna help me get my stuff?
>Why did I listen to Colin Kaepernick?
>He’s not even any good.
>Oh I just got all my stuff back,
>Cops are pigs again, cops are pigs.
>Colin Kaepernick’s a good back-up…

Does any other show have god tier writing like this? Each line is crafted to perfection.

>You're aware that shit originated here, right?
That's doubtful, and even if it did, it doesn't make it any less embarrassing.

>god tier writing
Try harder.

That will never happen.Too easy to offend and will lead to a huge shitstorm.
>>It's a Matt and Trey create two poorly-researched, exaggerated strawmen of both sides of a hot button issue so they can look like reasonable centrists without actually understanding what's going on episode
Nope, the middle is always right and Matt and Trey always miraculously end up in the middle so are always right.

Not even. It's called lurking so as to not make an ass of yourself.
Okay, let's reword it.
>I'd love it if they made an episode about the alt-right, the amount of WHITE MALE TEARS it would cause would be glorious

better? :^)

0/10 You're just butthurt. That's what butthurt haters actually believe.

Informed or uninformed it's smart to consider both sides of an argument.
Most are just incapable of making a rational judgement and we end up with polarized children harassing each other.

I suspect the alt-right has many self-loathing beaners as well


Comedy central pls go

it used to be about all facets of people being retarded, now it's 90% about how politics and specifically americans are retarded.

politics in 201x is so fucking pleb and overdone humour-wise so south park gets pretty boring. hopefully there'll be a couple good episodes this season

I miss them shitting on the youth, parents, celebrities, canadians, purely random shit. not interested in seeing seasons done about retarded shit i dont care about. feels like matt and trey are rolling over and becoming a part of the establishment. wouldn't be suprised if they barely even work on the show anymore and it's theirs by name only. kick back and rake in money while the network uses their names.

And the best part is, it comes from a movie made by 2 transgender SJW jews.
Sup Forums is so fucking retarded.

>that hair
>suit doesn't fit
>black """""son"""""


Indeed. Its rebbit-tier

theredpill started in reddit moron

>Paul Verhoven is two transgender SJW jews

I am so sick of you fucking guys. Anti-SJWs and SJWs.
The least you fuckers could do is fucking know SOMETHING about fucking movies on this fucking television and FILM BOARD


They made fun of him the same way Sup Forums does.

They also acknowledged his talent as a film maker.

South Park is the official show of edgelords.

>dude I made you eat your parents SO FUCKING INSANE

The shame is that it can be a very effective metaphor when used aptly, but it was instead appropriated by pathologically lying retards such as those on Sup Forums, whose primary form of arguing is labeling their asinine opinions and perceptions as enlightened.

>If I insist that my thorough neo-Nazi brainwashing is "the red pill," then it is!

Is south park written by buttblasted virgins?
I don't think so

Mel Gibson has made statements which are textbook examples of traditional, delusional antisemitism, historically instilled through Catholic church brainwashing.

There is so many things wrong with this picture. How can you run a successful tv show for almost 20 years and still doesn't own a proper fitted suit.

He looked better in a dress during the Oscars.

Thats classic literature and folklore you dumbass.
Forcing someone to eat their family is old as fuck.

Because he doesn't give a shit, you massive retard.

I think thats obvious seeing how he's there with his wife's son.



Yes, being a stepfather exists in the world. Happens commonly when people marry older. You probably used to even call it that before you were literally brainwashed by meme spam, you retarded abortion.

isn't it about time you got back into your cuckshed?

No it didn't, only redditor trash would think that.

I really liked the safe space episode. And the one where they killed reality. Also the Bruce Jenner jokes. They can sit on a fence all they want as long as they still make fun of shit I hate too.

So of course it can't be done wrong with cringeworthy results.

>Sup Forums low IQs constantly yammering on about a humiliating sexual fetish, often using unnecessary imagery to describe it

It'll be easier in the long run if you just come out of the closet now. Don't even try to justify it or claim you aren't in the closet, just makes it more embarrassing. Since I don't read gay erotica books, 100% of my encounters with gay erotica are Sup Forums inbreds describing it.

>merely a coincidence

>Paul Verhoven

>Still watching South Park
Yeah and the capeshitters are the juvenile ones.

That's his son, I know you always have BLACKED on the mind to jump the gun on that but you could've done a quick search.

Sure SJWs are bad but don't you think the anti-SJWs are just as bad?

>He goes to cartoons for sound opinions on politics

>instead of showing the boys just being kids and playing around the town?
the show hasn't been about that for like 15 years, wake the fuck up

It's never been like that, most people are just too young to realize that the 1st seasons were also current-events heavy.

How will his wife and her black son feel about a BLM episode?


They're using the argument I like


They definitely were not heavy on topical events back then. They might have had hints of it or a few episodes dedicated to something like that that, but most episodes were just vulgar adventures about these fart joke loving kids including cow stealing aliens, talking poop and a giant robotic barbra streisand

>Mel Gibson has made statements which are textbook examples of traditional, delusional antisemitism, historically instilled through Catholic church brainwashing.

which arent lies.
why would anyone complain being brainwashed by truth?

It's probably just a response to the external environment

People, due to the 'net, are far more territorial with the political views now

M&T wouldn't be exempt from wanting to put in their opinions

Which I don't mind, as they're pretty balanced

The kids still get to be the forces they use to get a point across

They are lies though. Insisting they aren't lies doesn't make them not lies. People who say Jews start all the wars are always laughably unintelligent, brainwashed not-so-useful idiots who do all manner of mental gymnastics to arrive at their "conclusions." Reminder, if you start out with a conclusion and then try to piece together/edit/falsify history and "evidence" to fit that conclusion, then you can be certain you're brainwashed. This applies to everyone on Sup Forums.


>It's another year on Sup Forums complaining about south park

This has been the way since 2008 and I still enjoy the show and you all still watch it lol

They don't give a fuck about race and identity politics because they're millionaires

spotted the kike

t. Trey Parker

>John Oliver
Pick one

Uh WHAT no no they weren't fuck off

I was fucking 16 when the first season aired, there was very little politics

>instead of showing the boys just being kids and playing around the town
when did this happen last

It would beeven more funny if they start making fun of of the alt-right for maximum butthurt. I always loved how south park shits on everyone and never gave a fuck.

>another year on Sup Forums where faggots take silly shows like this seriously.

I'm enjoying the faggotry on this thread already, and the new season isn't even out yet!

Paul Verhoven ?
Matrix ?

I use to think it was redpilled until they made fun of based Trump and people who hate immigrants

Honestly thats low hanging fruit shit liberal comedy. Might as well do fart jokes.

only thing significant about South Park is that the show has embodied the spiraling down of viewer ratings to match media corporations reduced expectations.

When it gets down to half a mil desperate teen fap mavens, CC will think that is great.

How do Sup Forums tards prove they're just right wing SJWs with a straight face? Are you somehow too stupid to recognize that's what you're doing when you admit to things like this?

dang i just want episodes like ManBearPig, Creme Fraiche and Go God Go

Yes, but only when they make fun of the left. Any time they make fun of the right, they've jumped the shark and haven't been funny in years.

No Total Recall
The movie that came out 9 years before Matrix?
The cinematic introduction to the concept of Red and Blue Pill as a literal choice to turn back to reality or not?

I mean if you want to get really technical the Concept originated in Gödel, Escher, Bach.
Douglas Hofstadter is also not two transgender SJW Jews.

>It's funny until they make fun of my side
you sound exactly like a SJW

go to your reddit approved cuckshed please


>caring about suits or hair or anything when you have literally 50m or more and do what you love for job and its not some lame "i love selling property!" bullshit you tell yourself its making a cartoon with your best friend

Un just

lol have you watched the first season (or 3) of south park? like ever?

I wonder when will South Park do an episode on the fact that corporations did a whole 180 on the whole Occupy Wall Street movement and made it about white privilege and all the rest of the abhorrent shit that came with it, gender, gay, black equality etc

Fuck em all, keep em poor lol


South Park has always been in the middle.

They hate the extremists on both sides of the political spectrum.

People just assume they are redpilled because the Left is the current establishment and can't handle the slightest bit of criticism.