Can we get a hot rock/Metal girls thread?
Can we get a hot rock/Metal girls thread?
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From the back
Nice! Moar? Nudes?
God I fucking wish. I'd kill to see her taking a dick between those tits
Favourite pic of hers
Much ball drain
Nice user
Here's some chick I know
Uhuh. could ride all night on that.
Looks cute. Moar/nudes?
I wish
She's wearing no bra here but I suck at x-rays
Would be a tricky one to do, works best with thin white tops
Shall I continue with her or?
this bitch like motorhead or what.
Nah, don't think she's a fan.
lol typical woman
as much as I want a metal head gf, I cant shake the feeling that they are some of the fakest bitches alive
Different girl, but still with a hugely fuckable ass
most of them are fucking mental. Great to look at, great to fuck...everything else?