>Walk in >Notice receipt checker doesn't give a fuck about her job >Get groceries >Go to self checkout >scan nothing, bag everything >Walk to exit >Present an old receipt from last real shopping expereince at walmart >Lazy ass employee marks the receipt >Throw it away and leave >Free groceries
Been doing this for about a year now. What do you do to save?
Xavier Adams
They have cameras you Deplorable idiot
Ayden Mitchell
Not OP. But the cameras don't magically know you've stolen something. The LP guys have to know and in turn check the cameras.
Sounds like OP has a pretty good system.
Jaxson Young
As long as you go through the motions, they have no clue. I'll still pull everything it and run it over the scanner, I'll just purposely miss the barcode then bag it. I worked in loss prevention, its hard for the cameras that high up to make out the screen on self checkout machines. Not to mention they are usually trained on the more high value items for shoplifting anyway. Loss prevention has better things to do than to watch people scan (Or misscan) items and then bag em'.
Christian Rogers
Sign? At my walmart I've never had to do anything at the self checkout. There' just 1 person there to direct people to the open ones, but they've never asked for receipts to sign or anything.
Gabriel Martinez
I never pay for the plastic bag at checkout. Always press 0 bags.
>fuck you faggots they used to be free
Jeremiah Parker
Well then more power to ya, I think in the more ghetto or not so rich neighborhood walmarts I've noticed the trend of receipt checkers. Pretty easy to do it when your white, dress good, look good, and act casual. If you are a nigger, and act like one, congratulations you have the eyes of LP and everyone else around you.
Jackson Martinez
>>Present an old receipt from last real shopping expereince at walmart >>Throw it away and leave >Been doing this for about a year now. What do you do to save?
nice fake story friendo :^)
Ian Nelson
Shieeet. You have eyes on you even if your black period. So tired of being looked at like I lifted a a bottle and shoved it in my shorts when im just trying to reach for some captain crunch. Thats my enormous black cock your looking at, not stolen merch you profiling ass mofucka
Jeremiah Reyes
Two days ago was my last day working at Walmart. There is usually a trained asset protection employee present in the store who wanders to the front end occasionally, but only very rarely. There is also usually an employee who is required to watch the self checkout. They have a register and screen somewhere nearby self checkout where they can see what has been scanned and what is currently being scanned. So they will be able to tell if you aren't actually scanning anything. Please be cautious if you try this. They may not check the receipts but asset protection is a bitch.
Jonathan Evans
Oh yea I guess what I should have said was "Throw it away" in quotations. Once again, I go through the motions. Make it look like I thew away the receipt. Honestly, a pointless gesture.
Hunter Lopez
As fake of a post as op. If I could I'd bet money this guy is white.
Connor Moore
Well, you only have your fellow niggas to thank for that tbh.
>see guy looking at you >pull out cock
problem solve, they'll never question you again
Grayson Hill
Fucking bullshit
Jose Turner
So why do you save the receipt for next time if the guy at the door marks it?
Jayden Brown
I smell shit
Easton Russell
>walk into Walmart in my podunk shithole in the middle of nowhere >see absolutely nobody >spend about twenty minutes shopping; run into one other customer who also looks like he's in a zombie movie >finish and wheel my cart out
Did this about a month ago. I honestly didn't catch even the slightest hint of an employee working in that store, let alone LP. I've gone back since then and have seen a total of THREE different people, none of whom looked like they'd give even a third of a fuck if I told them outright I was about to steal $100 in groceries.
Christian Cruz
Nigger tier behavior
Robert Brown
lol ok you upstanding citizen
>inb4 at least I don't etc etc >inb4 at least I'm not a etc etc
Christopher Rogers
OP's story is probably bs, you might get away with this once or twice but they would catch you eventually. However, from time to time I go through the uscan with my cart of groceries and place a high dollar item on the bottom of my cart, scan and check out, put bags in cart which covers the bottom, walk out. I don't really need the item but i say fuck Wal-Mart and get over on them as much as possible. This only works if you don't look suspicious, ie a nigger.
Kevin Lewis
>implying the bag carousel doesn't have a scale to sense items added to the bags without being scanned >implying the self checkout employee doesn't notice that an entire cart of food isn't being scanned
It's almost like you've never really been to a self checkout before
Nolan Jenkins
>shopping at walmart
No thanks, I'd like to keep my dignity
Eli Gonzalez
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. >Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. even if it's true, OP is a nigger
Mason Russell
Carson Campbell
A big thing in America is "pay people next to nothing and expect them to give a shit". If someone sees you shoplifting, it's more trouble than it's worth to them to call you on it.
Xavier Clark
If they mark it and you "don't throw it away literally" then how do they not see the marking from last time? Isn't that the whole point?
Grayson Hill
I had a friend who would just load up his cart, take out some walmart bags from his previous visit and bag all the stuff in some empty aisle.
he would then just walk out like nothing with whatever he wanted.
Jason Martin
Stealing at Walmart is new guy stuff. Try robbing other, more profound places. I'll be impressed if you can.
Nathaniel Foster
>see someone shoplifting >im a good employee, better to stop home >tackle him outside >cops arrive a few minutes later >oh shit user, you're not supposed to do that >sus sues Walmart >get fired >Walmart settles to avoid bad publicity >guy has a nice windfall waiting for him after he done did his bid
This is just one of many possible scenarios.
Liam Harris
Today I stole 3 icecream bars and some frozen yogurt from my school store. All I did was walk out with out paying after the nigger kid showed me how easy it was to do it.
Christopher Flores
>Be working security for one day at Walmart as security door greeter >Job is to mark receipts but only on expensive items (tv's, video games, cameras etc) >Job is also to check a persons receipt every time a beeper goes off when they walk through >If they clear all the way out of the store before I can get to them I have to let them go and do nothing >Girl in her 20's walks through and it beeps >I stop her and ask her for receipt >she has no receipt >clearly she is hiding something on her >I ask her to kindly rewalk through a few times to see if it still beeps >it keeps beeping over and over >I ask her if she is sure she has nothing and no receipt >she tells me she has nothing and no receipt >I know this bitch is lying >I'm forced to do nothing and let her go, can't prove she's stolen anything because I can't see it >Few hours later a guy walks through really fast >the thing beeps >I cant catch him fast enough, I ask him to stop and he keeps walking >nothing I can do as per policy >Little kid walks through few hours after that >it beeps >kid starts sweating and getting nervous (he was like 12) >shows me some dvd's >I ask him for receipt plz >no receipt.jpg >I am not impressed >I ask him to go back to his mom in the store >he's scared so he goes back to his mom >doesn't know that if he just denied and walked through he could have got away with it
This was my experience for the 1 day of my life being security and working as basically a glorified walmart greeter. It was the shittiest job I had ever done, and there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop anybody, the only people that could were LPO's and that's only if they caught the person in action - searches by law are not allowed in this country unless done by peace officers (Canada) and must be done with reason. if a person denies and it still keeps going off nobody but peace officers can detain you or search you e.g free to go. Security was pointless Walmart was wasting their money on us.