Why do so many NBA players believe the Earth is flat?
Why do so many NBA players believe the Earth is flat?
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I know the reason.
You know the reason.
Everybody knows the reason.
>believing everything the government tells you
>Draymond Green
They're woke unlike you
i thought gary coleman was dead.
believe nothing.
European NBA players don't believe in a flat Earth
So this is the power of the redpill..
>look outside
>flat ground as far as the eye can see
>go inside on the internet
>people laughing at someone saying the truth
You'd jump off a cliff too if someone told you right
really makes me think
how can there be cliffs if the earth is flat?
pray for sweden
>inb4 entirely low tier troll thread
>hurr he doesn't believe the earth is round when you can look out for miles and not see curvature
>must be a troll
you can in a hot air balloon though
if you know anyone who also thinks this, please cut off communication. they are hopeless creatures with no chance of redemption.
That's because the Earth is a manifold. Not that a brainlet like you would know anything about that.
Why do sphere nerds get so triggered when brothas learn the truth?
Because they're dumb niggers that don't care about getting an education because dey be makin' top dollah, so whenever one of them shares his opinion publicly, they all hop on that bandwagon cuz they brodas and sheeeit
If the Earth is round how come all maps are flat?
Fuck Trump and fuck white people
but if the earth is flat, how can there be globalists?
Flat? Like Rpg maps?
someone get this hothead out of here ffs
but you can see the curvature of the earth quite easily in a number of ways
this wouldn't have happened if you had simply gone to class, kyrie
Who the fuck cares what athletes think?
You people are worse than ESPN I swear
You have to be a flat earther to go to the finals
>350BC: Aristotle deduces that the world must be round based on properties of matter and gravitation
>2000AD: basketball Americans declare the world is flat despite overwhelming empirical evidence to the contrary
>he thinks nigger basketball players are redpilled
are globes not maps?
you care or you wouldn't be here
kyrie basically admitted to the media that he was just playing them off as dummies, saying that they'll cover dumb ass shit like this but won't ever cover the real news
kyrie basically calling the media fake news lmao
be where? on Sup Forums?
once mexicans take over power in the US, blacks will start to very much miss living under white power....
how can it be fake news if there is recorded evidence of him saying it?
so he was only pretending to be retarded?
how is a basketball american saying that the earth is flat newsworthy?
when there's legitimate shit going down in the world, the propaganda machine decides to be full autistic and fall for kyrie's joke as if it were true?
no, he was trolling you and the msm
he went to fucking duke retard, obviously he doesn't think the earth is flat. he was clearly memeing lmao
>how is a public figure saying something completely retarded newsworthy
I don't understand your problem. You complain when sports media covers sportspeople, saying there is important real life things happening, but when they cover that real life stuff like ESPN, you get mad and claim they have an agenda and should stick to sports.
you've been conditioned by the media to believe that retarded shit that people say is somehow important because those people can ball
>he went to fucking duke retard
Not for their academics and he was only there for a semester.
Something that someone says doesn't need to be important to be interesting.
dude it was very clearly a joke bro.
i don't have a problem, i'm just explaining how kyrie is raping your retardation just for a joke
>he went to duke
There's his problem
So you agree with the media being entertainment and not information. I guess that explains fake news if most people are like you.
It's just sports media, why does it bother you that they cover sports?
saying Flat Earth is unnecessary, just call it Earth
But it is also information. They literally informed us that someone said something.
>Kyrie: low effort "the earth is flat lol" joke
>You: Multiple paragraph dissertation of why the earth is round using logical fallacies that you had to google because you have never used them before. Have a "I'm scared for future generations" crisis.
>Kyrie: "Just kidding"
>You: This "you we're pretending to be retarded" meme from reddit means that I win
dude i'm following this question and you very clearly are incapable of understanding the point.
nobody cares that they cover sports. they care that people are dumb enough to confuse entertainment and information
well it has to end at some point no?
there shouldn't be someone in charge of determining what should and shouldn't be reported on
thats north korea brah
They are only projecting their own stupidity onto others. Most people can clearly parse what is important and what is merely entertaining.
why can't you or the msm then? this isn't news, it's comedy.
>what is a joke
>what is click-bait journalism
Even if he just took a piss on the media. Now everyone thinks he's stupid. I fail to see how this helps him.
Unless he sprouts this shit on a regular basis to get some attention.
>Your average redneck and niggers are on the same level of intelligence
Really makes you think
Because they wuz kangz?
You're definitely overreacting to this. Are you related to Kyrie or something? It shouldn't bother you so much that people are laughing at this.
>Now everyone thinks he's stupid
Nope, only stupid people think he's stupid.
I mean, the general epistemological idea behind the whole "flat earth" thing is valuable for certain things...
but not if the earth is flat...
It's not that many, just couple of dumb niggers who care more about being in da hood and shiiet than concepts of gravity. So many players rely on athleticism or size and they never had to think about anything in their entire life except when to smoke weed and what 2pac song to play next.
I don't think most people will even read anything about it except the initial headline. That's the problem.
>earth takes almost exactly 24 hours to rotate
>humans naturally confirm to a 24 hour cycle via the circadian rhythm
Seems a bit convenient don't it?
Because America has notoriously low interest in the outside world and famously poor education for athletic students?
>try to go onto reddit's NBA board
>entire board is filled with "flat earth" threads and "le flat earth XD" comments
Where to begin...
Firstly, 24 hours is defined as the period of the Earth's rotation, you have the definition backward
Secondly, humans and many other creatures have evolved to have the circadian rhythm
Education is not an excuse, you don't need good or any education for that, earth being round is in any film (some nice shots of it in space jam that every basketball player watched 1000 times), every news and weather report, many commercials etc.
Flat earth conspiracy memeing is the best autism bait. You can make some nerds cry on their keyboards from it.
>go to Sup Forums
>it's a bunch of dead generals and soccer threads
what has become of us
He was baiting/being ironic obviously.
>believing in evolution
libcuck detected
It is flat. Can you personally show me proof it isn't? Don't show me any fake news or alternative facts either, libturd
I posted it in the last thread and got like 10 (You)s so I figured I'd try again
>Where to begin...
Absolutely exquisite post
It's actually hollow, protip: you can't prove me wrong either.
No, he actually believes it. If you don't realise this then you're stupid.
You're right you know
i think it became the new NBA meme and Green did it just for the bants on Kyrie.
I can imagine Westbrook being the all-star mvp today and while accepting the trophy say that the earth is flat
players know the league is struggling because viewers are already tired of the warriors v cavs being the only teams.
>Green did it just for the bants on Kyrie.
Nope, Green started this long time ago.
*insert praying emoji*