Why didn't they just kick in the door after they got the gun ?

why didn't they just kick in the door after they got the gun ?

Why didn't they just make a good movie?

If there was gonna be a scene for the police to investigate they wanted it outside, thats why Prof X insisted on the police's arrival, so they would step out


This might be more to your liking.

You're entitled to your taste man but let's not get pseud here

What the fuck was up with Patrick Stewart's accent? What was he supposed to be?

lol are you fucking kidding me? Have you never been on this board?

but they let at least one of the punks get killed by their dogs inside their club house anyway and also later seemed to take no issue with trying to let the dogs kill them inside.
if their goal was to have bodys mauled by their dogs as a result of trespassing why didnt they just kick in the door and force the punks to go outside with their guns ?

>getting snooty over slasher and horror flicks

I didn't think his was possible