s/fur fart free edition
S/fur fart free edition
Other urls found in this thread:
clean oxygen
Finally, I don't want Dash to post his alternative fart porn onto this thread.
mo' threads mo' better
requesting full res of this please, had to leave and thread is 404
Is it safe to come out or will they come back?
It's safe here
I got a very Iggy vibe from this post.
Your normie cinnamon bun of a soul is safe here.
I'm gonna go to bed soon, because of reasons
i saw this on the back of a magazine that came in the mail
I don't blame you.
A'ight, sleep well
Dream of napalm and roses
thanks, anons. I'll post some kitties
All threads are literally fart or fucking cub, good threads pretty much died...
Furries are everywhere.
It's one fucking thread. Jesus Christ you're such a bunch of pansies.
It's still a cancerous fetish
I dont think I will be doing much dreaming, or sleeping for that matter.
Don't care in the slightest.
>mom, he put his fetish in my fetish!
>well he put his fetish in my fetish first!
For you, in the last 7 threads i could participate i mostly found cubs, 2 of 'em being farts too.
post gore dash
That's cool, just don't post it in my threads please.
I don't judge, but I don't want to see it either.
I like to judge, because fuck your fetish because I said so.
I don't like cubs, that isn't my fault. I just ignore it because it doesn't matter. I posted TWO pics in the previous thread, and the one now is because at least 4 people agreed. You're overreacting like every fucking furry on the planet. You all just love to cause unnecessary drama when you can simply close the tab, or ignore it.
I won't. I just wanted to see how people would react.
Whatever floats your goat.
It's dudes with tits, not chicks with dicks
>I just wanted to see how people would react.
And people get salty when I post solo male in s/fur...
Yeah, really. It's not even important.
>"waaah why are you overreacting?
>"I just wanna see people react."
Take a look in the mirror
i still love you dash
well I've gotta be up early, so I'm calling it a night
keep on fucking that chicken y'all
Welp, im out. Its dicking time!
I'm not whining at all, you are. You look in the mirror. If you feel the need to tell that to someone then you are the one with the problem, not me.
Thanks I guess.
Sleep well, Sunshine.
Have fun, Shia.
Sleep tight
Sweet I must've passed gas at least 10 times an hour today
>says the guy who posted fart pics and whines about people over-reacting to it.
You wanna prove you're not whining and/or causing drama yourself? drop it and accept you did something others aren't happy about.
Literally my 2nd and last post in this thread, I just came in to point out you're your own contradiction, I'm not even a furry, lol
What is love?
Shoulda lit that flame in your house, would've been great
I literally don't care if people weren't happy about it. I thought it was hilarious.