Tfw 19 years old and balding

>tfw 19 years old and balding

i'm 27 and look 19. And my hair is great. ayyy lmao

bald is beautiful baby

Do yourself a favor, either start looking up HAIR THICKENING foods and agents, OR just start shaving it.

That isnt balding its you taking shitting care of your hair

Just shave your shit pussy.

>Tfw bald at 19

I'm 33 now and don't quite have the culdesac but I do have a power dome.

I shave my head and look good. Go away with your negative bullshit.

find better shampoo

fuck you.

>Tfw its a genetic and I don't have that genetic so i have hair for days

that actually isn't too bad, but i would switch over to a short crewcut or buzzcut. when you crop it super close, it's harder to tell the extent of your balding, once it starts becoming noticeable, start going for the full shave.

>thinks anyone on Sup Forums is "cool"

also: avoid shit like MSG, processed foods, and cigarettes. all of that shit will make you age prematurely

shampoo lightly every other day, avoid hair products.
don't bother with rogaine and propecia, its not worth it.

Shave your head unless you're ok with looking like a pedophile

more vitamins

If you think it is balding look up stem cell treatment for hair growth

>its new and being worked on rn

your scalp is really oily but you're not receding, so i think that's a good sign. don't leave your hair that long. cut it short.

when you leave hair long, it forces your hair follicle to work harder to produce sebum (oil) to keep your hair lubricated, but that oil can build up and "strangle" the hair follicles until they disappear. touch your scalp right now, if you get a fingerfull of grease, stop eating fatty foods. go vegetarian. and only use bar soap to wash your hair.

>Greasy hair? Go vegetarian!

Fucking idiot

fuck you because you got nothing to complain about yet.

>triggered this hard

i hope your balls fall off from propecia abuse

MSG isn't fucking you up dude, that's 80's propaganda.

It's just fucking gluten.

lurk moar

im not butthurt. i just know youth is fleeting. if its not baldness its wrinkles, grey hair, or a double chin. just take reasonable care of yourself and don't waste your youth worrying about what you will look like later in life.