No good feels thread. Tell me your woes Sup Forums

No good feels thread. Tell me your woes Sup Forums

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I'm supposed to be on anti-depressants, but I stopped taking them a while ago. Recently I feel like shit and a bother to everyone, dysfunctional and sometimes suicidal. Everytime I want to go back on the meds I throw them up and feel even worse.
I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to get motivation again and stop feeling useless.


Don't ever do this user, that is worst thing you can do.
If the meds are not working go to the therapist and get it changed but you never quit cold turkey bc it could fuck yuo up completely by the lack of endorfines and stuff. Definitely not the most smart choice user



I really want to go back on medication, but I just forgot it one day. And then the next. And suddenly I didn't take them anymore.
I feel terrible for even quitting. I felt so good to that time, so I thought it wouldn't make a difference.


If you feel that you don't needem anymore it means that it's working so you should go back to the meds user. Go to a therapist and stay strong user you can do it

Rationally I know that I would still need them, even though I feel like I don't. I was diagnosed with severe depression and got prescribed a 40mg SSRI.
I'm just worried that I'll, when I go back on it, keep throwing it up. When I started with it I was eased into the 40mg slowly, so I'm afraid I might've destroyed the whole way things worked...


Yeah you might start again slowly, but is the only way user. Please go back to the meds, I know how bad it can be without the meds

This you huge bother and piece of shit. Take your meds and/or go to a therapist and get actual help.


Feels train? yeah I feel like some.

Gonna marry soon, but I still think about her.









I rely too much on what people think about me. Nothing I sayvor do is orginal;It is safe. I can't be my self because no one will like who I am. I must be a puppet..





You are my only friends Sup Forums. Even if you are mean to me your words dont hurt me. Not their do.





Hey user,

I was with this girl in HS for like 3 years, first love kind of thing.


I friggen dated girls way hotter for brief stints too over a couple years.

2 years later found this girl, still not over other girl. Still think about her, but after like 6 years of perfection with this girl, we didnt marry right away like all of our friends, I can say its been years since I gave a shit about that HS love.

Although this girl just left me a year ago... Oh well, the point is a relationship is a constantly evolving and improving entity. It just gets better and better, as long as you put work in. Its easy to think you had it good because someone else put in the work, but if you are willing to work too you can make something truly unique.

yours dont hurt, like theirs do.




Have you ever been strong for so long, that you forgot how to cry. That you are scared to cry?








fuck user. my heart. Bloody hell.

Well I had to go get an abortion with my girlfriend today. She's 6 weeks and she's doing the pill. She took the progesterone blockers today and tomorrow the actual abortion pill.

Honestly, I'm not one of those "Life starts at conception people" and I always thought in a situation like this I would be fine mentally and could handle it, but all the pain my girlfriend is gonna go through and both of us being upset we can start out family yet has been eating me from the inside out.

I mean under different circumstances if I had a well paying job and she already started her nursing career, it would be fine and we'd try to have a kid, but we literally can't and might not ever be able to since she's high risk from blood clots.

I can feel it starting to put a wedge in between us and things have been awkward. Last week I drove around just crying to myself thinking of everything and wondering if I should just kill myself.



Joke's on you. I don't need either a watch or an alarm clock.

I am surrounded by people. Yet feel so alone.
I fake my happiness to fit, but they don't.



I like these threads, they remind me I am not the emotionless, careless, egoist asshole that I pretend to be to feel strong, when I am obviously not.

I agree. I was put on Effexor and stopped cold turkey while also coming off adderall. Ended up saying fuck it and basically played Russian roulette with opiates and benzos. I was found laying on the floor, barely breathing and in a comatose state. First time being inside an ambulance, shit cost $40. Antidepressants are toxic and fuck with your brain chemistry. Never again.

Almost fucking killed my brothers puppy
>be me
>playing with the pupper (2 months old)
>Have him trapped between my tighs
>He goes apeshit when i do this and i find it funny
>Suddenly he starts barking really weird, like, without air
>Realize he is not breathing
>Grab my shoes and sanic my way to the vet
>I did not stop for a solid 5 minutes of full speed running
>Get to the vet and slam the door for they to open up
>They treat the dog
By now my mom and my brother arrived
I shit you not Sup Forums, his fucking look
>Vet takes some Xray
>His guts are on his torax
>Brother breaks right there
>Vet says operation is 450 dollars or 200 if dog dies
>Vet says we put him to sleep
>We risk the operatiom anyways

They are going to intervene the pupper tomorrow morning
My father is pissed beyond comprehension with me
My brother says it's okay, I didn't mean to hurt him, but his look at me
I hope the little guy doesn't die, i also love him

Hows your day b


I'm such a vapid cunt I can only think of myself. I can't stand me anymore.






Not to derail your thread OP, but I just want to share this.

To all the Anons who are 'feeling' today/night, let me just say that one way of helping yourself is to get rid of whoever or whatever it is in your life that's causing the burden. I know, this might seem obvious, but it's not as easy as it sounds. Yesterday evening, I finally decided to delete several family members off my social media (and by extension, out of my life) who not only have been ignoring me for some time, but have basically been talking shit about me behind my back and doing everything they could to isolate me. Well, I removed them. I took action and gave a big, though silent, "fuck you" to them and will do so verbally if they ever try contacting me. The feeling was so liberating, because now I have the opportunity to 'reinvent' myself and do whatever the fuck I want, however the fuck I want, and not give two squirts of piss about them, their lives, how they feel, or what they're achieving that I'm not achieving. Had a good day at work as a result, and intend to take myself out to a buffet after work on Friday, or possibly while shopping Saturday. Completely alone.

You can do it too, Sup Forumsros.


>literally me







That's one reason I was scared to go on medication in the first place.
This, and the fact that a lot of people told me that they don't feel like themselves anymore after going on meds.

trips and I win that lottery tomorrow. check em faggots

What if the thing that burdens me in my life is myself, and no one / nothing else?
I don't even know anymore why I'm depressed.

i am just tired of humanity, it is a cancer on this planet and thankfully it will never spread amongst the cosmos. (...and yet so many wondrous, painful and deeply saddening things occurred to propel us to this point we should have been so much more, but we are not)

I can never be happy. Always there will be that voice, telling me to second guess everyone and everything. That I'm not good enough, for him or anyone. That I'm just pretending and that I will always be unhappy. I want it to stop. But everyday, it comes back to bully me, to belittle me,and remind me that I am nothing

I know the feel. Maybe...try something you've been wanting to for a while, but never got around to. It could be learning a new language, learning a coding language, pretty much anything. Know that none of this really matters in the grand scheme of things; we'll all die, and it will be as if none of us ever existed to begin with. So, just do whatever.

But it requires a lot of introspect to find out what exactly is that "X-factor" holding you back. I still haven't found mine, but I'm sure I've come close with my latest move of getting rid of those people.

genital warts. feels bad.

Unfortunately meds don't fix problems in life. Doctors seem to push antidepressants on anyone who's even slightly unhappy, even if it's temporary. I was never depressed but had a few symptoms and my doctor convinced me to take them like it was some kind of miracle drug. In reality all it does is fuck up your brain chemistry and cause the exact symptoms they're supposed to fix.

Well, at least you made me feel a little better. At least I don't have genital warts.



That's sad

Listen to this man. Big achievements come in little steps


I tried to learn french and stopped.
I spend a lot of money on vidya during summer sale and barely touched andy of these games.
There is nothing that is fun to me anymore, nothing that really relieves the destructive feelings.


I tried several different antidepressants. Never felt any better, but the side effects were right on the money. Delayed orgasm was especially annoying.

fuck you this hit me right in the feels. fuck you guys goodnight.








Suggestion: Perhaps learn Russian or Japanese? I've started learning Russian, but want to stick to perfecting Japanese.