See you, space cowboy...
See you, space cowboy
Kayden Barnes
Caleb Sanders
>turns down his dream role because he doesn't think he can do Spike justice
why is he so based?
Jose King
>his dream role is the protagonist of an ancient chineese cartoon
I had my suspicions since the signs are everywhere, but this proves once for all that Keanu is autistic.
Dominic Mitchell
He can afford to be picky
Camden Martin
He doesn't even need the money. He lives an average apartment and uses the subway. Didn't he buy the entire special effects crew on the Matrix Ferraris or something?
Christian Gonzalez
They'll cast a black guy anyway.
Christian Green
No, he gave them money
Jordan Morris
I'd take an old spike film.
Christopher Cox
>Implying he ages
10/10 make up right there
Connor Ramirez
Real Lolita shit