>Sup Forums

Sup Forums just advanced to the ELITE knockouts for the first time in 3 (THREE) years.

So, let's have a laugh at Sup Forums thread.


Other urls found in this thread:


Those losers, when will they learn to cheat?

Remember when we won back to back titles?
>inb4 cheating


>I watched the streams of both those tourneys

Good lord.

>So, let's have a laugh at Sup Forums thread.
No, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are best friends you swine.

Yeah, I'm thinking Sup Forums's back.




>Sup Forums and Sup Forums are best friends
Nope. Even /jp/ is more likable for helping us out twice.

>the city of Sup Forums

Pls give me a tl;dr on these cups

Is it just some neckbeards playing Fifa representing a board?

Its neckbeards making tictacs and letting RNG play the game.

But its lots of fun and banter.

what is a tictac

>the dilapidated shire of Sup Forums

>Tic Tac (officially styled as "tic tac") is a brand of small, hard mints, consisting of 94.5% sugar, manufactured by the Italian confectioner Ferrero, and are available in a variety of flavors in over 100 countries.

fuck off weeb

Sup Forums is a nerd-free board

Kill yourself, degenerate weeb shitskin.

Can someone explain the drama going on in /4ccg/?

All I'm hearing is something about Sou/MayDave rigging /mlp/

>the soiled pantsu vending machine of /a

I don't know, but I hope it ends with the community realizing that rigging a fucking video game doesn't really matter that much and giving >us >our second star back. They're all butthurt autists so I doubt that.

is there anywhere I can see a vod of the game?

>giving >us >our second star back
They never took it away, la.
It's still in >our hearts.

it's coming home

Wait, now /mlp/ is being accused of rigging?

No. I've made my home here.


Good game Sup Forums

it should be in the 'videos' section of the hitbox site of the cup

Is Sup Forums even relevant anyore?

>lost its bro culture
>traffic down in comparable to three years ago
>populated by generals
>tripfaggotry still heavy
>janitors run the board

Yeah, I'll take Sup Forums.

Fucking chinese cartoon faggots
Fuck Sup Forums

Fuck off if you don't like it here


and it's STILL better than Sup Forums. Enjoy your jojo threads faggot.

don't try to ruin this for >us



thread theme

Gotta break out the classics whenever Sup Forums gets btfo

How many of Sup Forums proxy teams still on the cup?

good times, /vg/ taking over the cup killed it for me

>mexican intellectuals

I love anime

Sup Forums is an offshoot of Sup Forums. That means it hates Sup Forums.

>this is what weebs actually believe

something pedro and I can agree on


who gives a shit about this autistic shit

kys weeb fuck

Posted it in the wrong thread but whatever.

no you fucking freshcunt

it was always Sup Forums and Sup Forums


>this obsession

Absolutely pathetic


Why can't you just love each other? less hate more love please.

why is it always the europeans and south americans that are disgusting weebs

Brazil has the largest amount of Japanese people outside of Japan, so that kinda explains it.

Reminder that Sup Forums is a bully free zone


Please delete our team. It's not like >we are going to reach the elites ever again.