Any lesbians on

any lesbians on

i'm a hot gril any lonely anons want to post their dick? no ugly guys

What's the most /soc/ film out there?

hi :3

Calling yourself a woman when you're clearly a man does not make you a lesbian


Manlove is the purest love
Dykelove is impure and false

pls show feet

I will, but its a micro penis.

Whoa what happened to I

Anime > Live action

Fight me

Get a load of this MAN over here.


>tfw you don't know if you're a lesbian or you're just absolutely terrified of men

lesbianposters get in here, please suggest Huma and Hillary yuri

That's why it's good to conform to norms as much as you can. Trying to be different a lot of the time is just caused by an individual failing at something.
>can't get a date, lolimgay

sounds like you're the female version of those MRA chaps. Well, I guess that'd actually be feminism.

what did he mean by that whole video?

Stephen is a lesbian

It was the pillot of Steven Universe.

take dick and see where it goes from there.
