When did Sup Forums lose its virginity
I'll start 15
When did Sup Forums lose its virginity
I'll start 15
In the future, maybe.
I was 18. Took the virginity of a 15 year old boy.
>Sup Forums
>loses virginity
pick one
Sup Forums
24 and still virgin
A guy fucked my ass when I was 20
I'm 21. Still haven't.
Is it too late, bros?
11, to my 15 year old neighbor.
15 pretty much got raped daily by my 29 y.o teacher for 3 years she was a nympho it also turned me into a sex maniac with crazy fetishes
14, to my 17 y.o. bf
24, found a girl on yik yak and met up. That night we fucked endlessly. Now 2 years later we're engaged.
u wat
One, I made her fucking scream
Need me a teacher like that
13 seduced by 15 yr old.
we gathered boys and girls and stick our winnie in their wosh wosh
Not far from becoming a wizard now
Story time
Alex Jones?
I haven't had sex, kissed, dated or talked to a girl
Im 29 yrs old btw
25 hopefully
kind of but don't stress yourself about it
and definitely don't lose it to the whores
>Is it too late, bros?
no, relax, you have time
why not fuck a hooker?
>and definitely don't lose it to the whores
why not? nothing wrong with fucking hookers
With terror, right?
tits or gtfo or gay
no, nothing wrong with hookers, but losing your virginity to one of them will not be a great memory
Mine's kind of a long story
>be me, 15 at the time.
>mom asks me to do my laundry today
>few hours later, take my laundry basket to the basement
>next to the washes is a pair of my sister's dirty panties
>She's 19, 10/10 bombshell
>look around before picking them up and giving them a sniff
>pocket them and do my laundry
>going back upstairs, walk past my mom's room
>catch a glimpse of her admiring her new boob job in the mirror
>even more diamonds
>this is bad, must fap
>go to room, close my door and start to fap
every other girl since then has been a prostitute. i'm surprised i havent killed myself yet.
17 with my 16 yo gf at the time. we were each other's first time so it was awkward the first time. Later we eventually got used to it. Broke up due to me having to move for college at 18. I miss her...
>pull the panties out and stiff them
>"Watcha got there, sport!" I hear my dad say behind me
>scared me so much I jumped and fell on my ass
>he steps out of my closet
>"put them on, user"
>"put. them. on."
>I reluctantly put on the panties, still in shock as to what's going on
>"Karen, Abigail, come quick!"
>My mom and sister rush in and start laughing at me
>My dad drops his pants, dives onto my bed and spreads his asscheeks with his hands. I can see his anus
>"Son, it's time you joined in a little game we like to play as a family"
>mfw my sister kneels and starts licking his asshole
>my mom undoes her belt and whips out a cock even bigger than my dad's
>Dad starts sucking mom's dick
>Sister pulls out even bigger dick, sticks it in my dad's ass
>with a mouth full of dick my dad looks at me
>"I want you to shit yourself in your sister's panties, son" "Go on now, shit your self"
>run out of the room and make a break for it
>Run out of the front door in a tee shirt and pink panties, my dick flopping out of the side
>my neighbor's dad, Mr. Thomas is standing in his front yard, fully dressed for the office, with his dick out. Just masturbating in the front lawn.
>Look to my left, realize that every dad in the culdesac is doing it too
>sides missing
I know this going to sound cliché ,
but don't worry about getting fucked ,laid , or whatever, sex is not that big a deal and when you have at the wrong time it opens up a shit load of problems that just colossal and a huge never ending mind fuck,
like why did she stop fucking me ? was my dick to small
why did she break up with me , we had sex doesn't she still love me ?
WE HAD SEX ,, why is she talking to the guy now , is she bored with me ? or think he is hotter then me
and a host of self image problems that come with it.. some people can separate from it , but most people can't ..
I may not have this in the best way ,,but you get my point I hope, sex ain't all that big a deal
it just seems like it is because you aint had it yet.
>except for the Kang-LaJohnson's house, as the only black family in the neighborhood they don't have a dad but their mom, L'watermellonika is standing in her yard next to hundreds of bicycles jacking a huge purple strapon
>"Wonderful weather we're havin- ahh aghh oh fuck" Mr. Thomas shouts, before he starts spraying his lawn with cum and screaming loudly
>I slowly back inside my house and hear loud moaning and grunting
>The ceiling is shaking and plates and pictures are falling off the shelves
>there's a deafening crash as my bedroom floor collapses into the living room, splattering two year old sister in her play pin
>without seeming to notice, my mom and sister are taking turns slapping my dad on the mouth with their cocks while he barks and hops on all fours like a dog. He's wearing a dog mask.
>call the police, it starts ringing
>suddenly silence
>my dad is right behind me, scissors in one hand and the cut phone line in the other
>He uses the phone cord to tie my hands behind my back and throws me down the stairs to the basement, knocking me unconscious
>I was 13.
>She was 19.
>Best friend's older sister.
>We fucked behind a Great American grocery store as not to be caught.
>Did it 4 or 5 times behind the store.
>Decided it had to end.
>2 weeks pass.
>End up fucking in her bed room every time her parents leave.
>Got risky and fucked when my friend was home.
>He walked in on us one day.
>Yelled at me; "Hey don't cum in her, I don't want a pregnant sister!"
>She was spooked, we never fucked again.
over 30 and still a virgin
wut r birginity
A few months old
Raped by wild niggers
Pics or it never happened.
Also nice dubs
13, have been fucking since middleschool.
18 to my husband
First sex I had she didn't know what she was doing, would probably have been more memorable with a hooker tbh
Haven't yet, 22 and I've only had handjobs, foot jobs and a shitty blowjob.
14 to my best friends gf the night he lost it to her as well.
>Took my parents car out without them knowing.
>Best friend bought beer.
>Broke into his gf's aunt's house.
>Proceed to get sloshed.
>He takes her to laundry room.
>Said it had soft clothes on floor.
>Hear washer machine bang against wall for half a minute.
>They walk out and she giggles and goes to restroom.
>I drive him home then head back to take her home.
>She tells me she's got a condom left over.
>I pull over next to park near her place.
>Proceed to hang in back seat for half hour until she says she needs to go home.
>Haven't cum yet cause fucking no feel condoms.
>Pull out and she slurps the d for another minute and swallows load.
>Driver home.
9 to my husband prophet huhammad
This is the only story that is actually vaguely hot.
Why would you ever think it could be a female? You're as big a faggot as he is, but for entirely different reasons.
>I come to with a headache. This must have all been a dream
>Open my eyes and try to stand up but my hands are bound.
>as my vision clears I see that the room is lit with hundreds of candles
>All of the dads in from the neighborhood are standing in a circle fully dressed but with their dicks hanging out, plus Ms. Kang-LaJohnson and her purple dildo-thing
>My older sister is spread out on the pool table on her back, and my mom is painting on her with some sort of liquid
>my dad is sitting in a lotus pose, levitating just above the floor, his eyes rolled back in his head so that just the whites are showing
>I struggle to my feet and walk toward the steps
>Mom is finger painting upside-down pentagrams on my sister's naked body using my other sister's skull as a palette and her blood for paint
>As I near the stairs, without moving or looking at me my dad says in a voice that is not his own, "seize him"
>Ms. Kang-LaJohnson and my friend Jeff's dad, Mr. Mattews, pick me up by my arms and sit me on the couch
>Ms. Kang-LaJohnson uses her EBT card to sever the cord, and sits down next to me. Mr. Mattews sits to my left.
>Having completed her task, mom chucks my younger sisters skull which smears the wall with blood when it banks off and lands with a clink in the trashcan
>"Swish" say's Ms Kang-LaJohnson in a strangely deep voice
>Everyone in the room holds out their hands and begins chanting something I don't understand
>Abigail begins to slowly levitate above the pool table, her massive dick becoming fully erect
>she pushes her stomach out, her hands stretched out above her head as her body begins to form an arch
>as she continues to stretch this way I can hear her bones snapping and popping. She is smiling wildly and her tongue is outstretched
>her head is now nearly touching her ass when there is a loud "pop!" as her spine shoots out of her stomach. spraying me and everyone else with blood
>she continues to contort until her penis finally reaches her mouth, and she starts to suck herself off hungrilly, while letting out several loud farts as she does so
>this goes on for about five minutes until finally, she gasps and a mix of blood and sperm bubble out of her mouth
>The chanting stops and her mangled body drops with a sudden thud. Her eyes are completely lifeless, her lips locked in an insane, cum-smeared smile
>They are scamed, buy with $0, you need to pay only shipping, before to repair.
>Dad pushes her corpse aside and it falls on the floor. Mr. Mattews gestures for me to get on the pool table.
>I stand up and hesitate momentarily before jumping over the back of the sofa and sprinting for the stairs
>Again I can hear my dad say "seize him" as I rush to make my escape. I hear a stampede of footsteps clambering up the stairs behind me.
>As I dash through the front door and onto the driveway, my friend Jeff and his mom, Mrs. Mattews are driving by
>They stop and tell me they're looking for Mr. Mattews, that he's been missing over an hour and I tell them we have to leave, NOW, and climb into the back seat
>Mrs. Mattews asks me to just hold on a second and tell her what's going on and why I have blood all over me and am wearing panties"
>I plead with her that I will explain but we have to go, now. Ms. Kang-LaJohnson, now halfway across the front lawn, unscrews her purple dildo from it's strap and chucks it at us
>the Dildo crashes through the window and caves in Mrs. Mattew's skull. She falls forward onto the horn and mashes the accelerator to the floor
>We pick up tremendous speed before hopping the curb, smashing Ms. Kang-LaJohnson's watermellon-shaped mailbox and plowing straight into her front stoop
>dazed, I brush broken glass off of myself and look in the front seat. The armrest from the porch chair that Ms. Kang-LaJohnson sits on literally 24-7 has impaled the passenger headrest, and Jeff's head is in several small pieces on the dash
>One of Mrs. Mattews blood-soaked tits shook free in the impact, and I covered her imploded head with my hand and added it to my spank bank
>I forced the bent and twisted door open and climbed from the wreckage. This had bought be a head start, and I needed to make it count. Now to find a phone.
>climb over the smashed porch and car
>hear both Jeff and his mom farting and spurting shit, as people who have just died often do. It smells like anus
>The front door of the Kang-LaJohnson home is already open by a crack and the lights are out
>I push on it but it only gives a little. I push harder and it opens as literally hundreds of thousands of KFC buckets are crushed behind it
>I climb over the KFC trash and see a pre-paid cell phone on the coffee table next to a crack pipe and a plate of watermellon slices
>I'm almost to the phone when I realize I'm not alone. There are at least thirty welfare babies all staring silently from the unlit kitchen
>throw the plate of watermellon at them to distract them and run upstairs with the phone
>the upper floor is a two-foot deep ocean of swisher sweets wrappers
>wading through the trash I open the phone. Battery: 2%
>Go to dial 911, but when I press 9 it says "Quick Dialing: Dope Dealer"
>"ay who dis nigga watchu callin me n shit fo' homie I got gunz n shit nigga I got baking soda n shit nigga"
>hear something rustling around beneath the blunt wrapppers.
>"Nigga watchu need nigga who dis?"
>Boost Mobile: Powering Off
>the wrappers rustle again
>my mom jumps up from out of the trash pit and her cock swings back and forth with a Dutch Master's wrap stuck to the tip
>using some sort of jedi-penis bullshit she queefs through her dickhole and blows the door shut behind me, sending the blunt wrap flying into my mouth
>I start to choke and throw the phone at her
>The phone hits her in the right titty and her implant explodes
>the implant itself shoots out and hits me in the stomach, dislodging the wrapper from my lungs and forcing a loud, dirty fart out of my ass
>She picks in up and jams it back in her gaping tit wound and begins to walk towards me
>"Do you want to fuck mommy, user? Do you want her to please you?"
>she is hovering over me now, her huge coke-can club of a dick dangling inches above my face
>I fall down and slowly backstroke through the garbage until I hit the closed door
>She pulls my sister's panties to the side and lets my dick and one and a half of my balls flop out
>"If you won't take mommy's dick, mommy's gonna have to take yours"
>for some reason her remaining titty forces me to get hard against my will
gonna keep it till i die
>She places her hand on her neck and begins to pull
>the skin rips and her jaw snaps and cracks as she pulls off her own head and throws it out of the window
>She leans forward and rams my cock into her exposed throat hole, her remaining boobie flapping and slapping my ball sack
>Her neck hole starts making oddly satisfying suction noises as I drive my lil' thicky ball deep into her throat cavity
>I shout "mommy me make ballwater!" and ejaculate directly into her stomach
>some of it falls out of her deflated tit for some reason and slaps my balls
>I pop my boner out of her neck and that dumb ass thot slips lifeless beneath the waves of the blunt sea
>it's actually a beautiful sight. A tear falls from my eye, slides down my balls, mixes with neck-fluids blood, phlem, and semen before slipping beneath the waves
>While I was neck-effing my mom, I failed to realize that the dad group and Ms. Kang-LaJohnson had formed a mob outside the house
>I ran out the front door and jumped on one of the stolen bikes in the front yard
>I had nearly outflanked the dad's when one of them thrust his semi-hard benis between the spokes of my front tire
>instantly the bike flipped forward and I was sent crashing to the ground. Once again, I blacked out
>I woke up wedged in a pitched black space with no light. It smelled unbearable and felt like some sort of wet bag I had been stuffed in.
>I struggled to reach in my pocket and fish out a lighter, but before I could I began to move
>I saw a light for a moment, then again, and I was squeezed tightly before falling out into blinding light
>I rubbed my eyes and looked up and my dad's horrifically stretched anus. He had stored me in his asshole.
>All the neighborhood dads surrounded me, their dicks out and fully erect
>I began to levitate and spin clockwise, my face slapping each dick in the circle as I went around
>I began to spin faster and faster, being smacked on the tongue by over 200 dicks per minute
>one by one they started blasting their yoghurt, and seminal fluids were slung all over the room (and down my throat)
>when they had all made their sour cream, I began to contort slowly
>I knew full well what was coming
>I felt nothing as my spine and ribs popped and the flesh of my back tore
>I could see my dong now, growing closer to my mouth. I opened wide and started sucking that fucker like it was my fucking job
>I pictured Mrs. Mattews fine as titty in the car earlier and farted a loud BRAAAP as I flooded my sinuses with sloppy globs of mayonnaise
>and then all was dark.
And that's how I lost my virginity folks
18 to a 30 year old 5/10 off of craigslist
My penis first touched the inside of a vagina when I was zero years old. We did some pretty extreme stuff. You've heard of fisting, but I basically had my whole body inside her. Ripped her right open with my head and shoulders. She had to get stitches. I had this cord thing wrapped around my neck cause I'm into erotic asphyxiation. You know how it be when it do.
lost it to a fat chick i knew in bio when i was 17. It was actually kind of nice because she gave good head. didn't last too long though. Isn't really worth the green text.
5/7 user
ma boy
(male) 16 with another 16yro girl
15 to my English literature teacher
i shall never get fucked
Lost it at 29. Literally a month before my 30th.
24 year old virgin
I never even kissed or held the girl's hand
43 and it hasn't happened yet, so I'm betting it won't ever. I'm in good shape and handsome, but I'm too smart for most cunts. I'd rather talk politics or philosophy than "muh Game of Thrones"
17 to girls
25 to boys
>too smart to smash
seems legit
you're lieing, post pics you ugly bastard
gurl here. 13
oh well
Male or female.
How old was the girl?
Male of Female?
How old was the guy?
16 :O