will gook moot allow me to create this thread? why is he so ABstraya lads?
also who here should Kilda themselves 2bh
will gook moot allow me to create this thread? why is he so ABstraya lads?
also who here should Kilda themselves 2bh
friendly reminder to the peanut from last night that the name 'wolves' for a modern day Australian sports team sucks donkey dick
Friendly reminder Gillon McLachlan has accelerated this league into becoming a estrogen-fuelled, pozzed marxist shitfest "competition"
Better than the quokkas or whatever gay shit you want.
my n/igg/a
I explained in the last posts of the last thread that I don't want that, if it was you that I was discussing it with you were the actual person to bring that particular animal so keep up the strawman bro
that would be pretty funny if it happened
your thoughts on a potential mother-son rule /afl/?
Unfair considering not all clubs have a women's team.
>British Bulldogs
top kek
nail on the head there matey
And the Lions were formerly the Bears too. >MUH Australia
based straffgod
sad his springsteen tour has come to an end
reality cunt on aborted narrative watch
>tfw norf are the only true Australian team
I'm pretty sure if we met in real life I'd knock you the fuck out.
>those teams
>named over 100 years ago
don't tell me you're tripping again connie
I don't know who convict is
I don't know who convict is
How many of the team names actually have meaning other than Essendon's?
Kia kaha, /afl/!
Just bumped half the threads on Sup Forums and killed off a bunch of generals.
All for you /afl/!
we were part of an Empire that included all of those animals at the time
hello /afl/
You now remember Ryan Griffen
iggs 2bh
Are mods finally deleting threads for this "sport"?
Did you piss your pants again, France?
reality check is not elite and not muscular
goodnight /afl/
All I know is if that's your prediction I'm feeling pretty safe.
Eagles, Hawks, Magpies
reminder that this is the crows year