>Elle Fanning wants to play Barbara Gordon. There is a small chance because she's too young.

>Affleck is considering Steven R. McQueen and Kit Harington for Dick Grayson role.

>Johns and Affleck is planning three standalone movies.

>Most of the Batman villains will be teased in first movie. Thats why Arkham Asylum rumours came.

>Movie will be focus on Deathstroke and Penguin. There is a small chance for Jonah Hill-Penguin. Probably WB will go after Alfred Molina.

>Joker will be background again. They are keeping him for second movie. Leto and Johns will change the character look lil' bit. He will get more screentime in first movie anyway lol.

>Movie isnt going to air in 5th October 2018. Thats why they're going slower. Air date is November 1st, 2019.

>Movie title is unknown but The Caped Crusader is one of the options.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jonah Hill Penguing would be pretty dope desu senpai

>There is a small chance for Jonah Hill-Penguin


Jonah Hill
Seth Rogen
Jason Segel
>Mr. Freeze
Martin Starr
Samm Levine
Linda Cardellini
James Franco

Make it happen, Judd Apatow

>>Elle Fanning wants to play Barbara Gordon. There is a small chance because she's too young
How the fuck is she too young, Barbara is a teenager when she first becomes batgirl

Literally where did you get this

"Rumors" is a new buzzword that actually means fanfic

Molina as Penguin is Spiderman 2 goes full circle in Batfleck.

>J. K. Simmons
>Willem Dafoe
>Joe Manganiello
>Alfred Molina

So I guess Kirsten Dunst will be Barbara, James Franco will be Red Hood, BDH will be Poison Ivy, and Tugboat will be Two Face

>Barbara Gordon

that photo was probably taken years ago

She should play Robin desu.

carrie kelly?

lmao half of the cast won't survive the second film
everyone is old as fuck

Source: my fanfic

You anons really need to coordinate these posts and space them out, the next batch of """"""rumors""""""" that are gonna get posted in half an hour are gonna complete negate all of these.


>Kit as Dick Grayson


Please don't use the Lord's name in vain.

>Kit Harrington
He is fucking terrible. Hollywood needs to stop casting these shitty GoT actors.

>Kit Harington

>Alfred Molina

They're really taking all the Raimi actors aren't they?

>Elle Fanning
>too young

if anything she is too old. its now or never for her if she is going to play Babs.

I think Barbara will already be Oracle in the movies.

his ass is nice but his face and acting ruins it for me

she's 18



this is such a good idea that there is zero chance it will happen

seth looks like frodo's gardener

>The Caped Crusader

too fucking retarded

Literally none of this is true btw.

>What's the best capeshit film over there?
>It's Spider-Man 2, Mr Affleck
>Ok, bring me the casting here.
>All of them?
>All of them.

Proof it

while it's a known moniker, something like Batman: Crusade would be better

>Too young
>Not using jailbait batgirl

It's like they don't even want my money.

Fuck Oracle, you're literally paying money to have an actress sit on her ass to do a job Alfred can do (which means a higher budget or less effects).

And no ine is first becoming anything in the movie.

Batman is seasoned and old and Joker is already a scary tale to tell your children so they behave.

Female robin works better in this universe than a young batgirl. Barbara/Oracle has more sense, crippled or not.

'The Batman' should be the title

>Not "Batman: The Dark Crusade"

Dark = shekels

they should do batwoman instead of batgirl



As if Ben Ibn Al Fahiki, devout servant of Allah and Mohammed (pbuh) would let movies he made in honor of Islam to have the word "crusade" or "crusader" in it.



She worked with Batfleck in Live by Night

is live by night pronounced as live or live


pic related



Meme magic is a powerful tool, user.

>Affleck is considering Kit Harington for Dick Grayson role.
d r o p p e d

>live by night
That sounds fucking stupid.
>live by night

literally laughed out loud
please, get michael cera somewhere, somehow

Riddler maybe? Or Toy Man?

Where is peter parker

Who would you cast as Poison Ivy?




Just go throw my towel in the ring and say Judy Greer
She'd be literally perfect

jennifer lawrence

Robin is 100% impossible to pull off in a modern movie. Best option other than just writing him out is to throw him in Teen Titans or as an adult Nightwing with the implication that he used to be Batman's sidekick. There's just no way they can cast some sexy teenager as Bruce Wayne's roommate and have it not seem ultra gay.

>Judy Greer

But user..pastels?

Nightwing could work pretty easily, he could even be star in Suicide Squad 2 etc..

>Robin is 100% impossible to pull off in a modern movie. Best option other than just writing him out is to throw him in Teen Titans or as an adult Nightwing with the implication that he used to be Batman's sidekick. There's just no way they can cast some sexy teenager as Bruce Wayne's roommate and have it not seem ultra gay.
no one considered it gay before you came along, check out this closet faggot lmao

>The Dark Knight's Darkest Night: Night of Darker Darkness II: The Darkening of Dark

I think they're likely to repeat the Batman Forever route and just make him mid 20s instead of a teenager, but I agree that it's probably still not going to work.

>Spiderman 4
Her voice is like heaven

>>Elle Fanning wants to play Barbara Gordon.
I thought Jenna Mellon was Barbara in BvS?

>Marvel can make a movie with a talking raccoon and a walking tree
>DC can't make a movie with Robin or Batgirl

>Probably WB will go after Alfred Molina

Are DC intentionally trying to get the entire cast of Raimis Spider-Man films?

Next it'll be Kirsten Dunst as Poison Ivy, and Tobey Maguire as the riddler or something

>Joker, again
Oh boy, I can't wait.

Watch ultimate edition
She's actually Lois' inside source

>Kirsten Dunst as Poison Ivy
Absolutely fucking not, might as well use BDH.

>Tobey Maguire as the riddler
This I could see.

Why did I laugh so hard at this?

>oh shit my sides.

>>Affleck is considering Steven R. McQueen and Kit Harington for Dick Grayson role.

PLease please PLEASE no robin... PLEASE

>Kit Harrington for Dick Grayson

Kek, they gonna have him on stilts the whole movie? No full body shots? Fucking Batfleck has gotta have two feet on him at least.

>>Movie will be focus on Deathstroke and Penguin

please please PLEASE no Penguin..... please

>Linda Cardellini in a catsuit

My boner will look as bulky and awkward in my pants as she'll look in that suit.

>Linda Cardellini

my fucking dick

too fat

>Batman has a fucking thousand villains
>"Let's make it the Penguin again!"

WB logic, everyone. Also there is 0% chance of this being better than Batman Returns so why bother?

When was the last time you watched Batman Returns?

>Movie will be focus on Deathstroke and Penguin

I just want a faithful adaption of Comic Penguin instead of the sewer-mutant abomination that we got in Batman Returns (DeVito was still good though).

Why don't they just call it The Batman?

About a month ago desu

Idris Elba

Completely agree. A teenaged sidekick would work in a Marvel movie, but would seem completely retarded in the DC world. Carrie Kelly would be especially campy.

Nightwing would work great, especially if there was tension between him and Bats. Maybe they didnt part on good terms.

>no foggy


>James Franco
>Red Hood


Jenna Malone is Barbara you fucking dykes

I dont think the caped crusader would work with old batsy's tone. "The Batman" or just "batman" would be fine. There's been enough time between the burton films to have it just batman: subtitle

Who the FUCK is demi lavato playing? She's a reject singer not an actress as far as i know.

Implying this is true I sorta feel sorry for that kid that's been campaigning for the Tim Drake role.

Nice source you got there.

just because you can make it doesn't mean it's good
guardians of the galaxy only worked because of le quirky teenagers

>Joker will be background again. They are keeping him for second movie. Leto and Johns will change the character look lil' bit. He will get more screentime in first movie anyway lol.
> He will get more screentime in first movie anyway lol.
> lol.

are these rumors from reddit?

Live By Night sounds like tryhard redditshit.

Live By Night sounds like Patrician Kino.