incest story thread
ill start
Incest story thread
Then start you fucking nigger
I fucked my sister when she was 12. I had recently turned 19, but we had started messing around a few more than before my birthday. Went on for years. Eventually she went to college, I moved out of state for work. Good time, though.
>be me, 17
>memorial day weekend
>my family is visiting our aunt/uncle/cousins in scottsdale
>memorial day comes, everyone is in the yard doing activities
>I'm hiding out in the basement playing vidya with my cousin who we'll call Mike
>mike asks if i've ever jacked off with a bro
>i tell him no, awkward silence
>Uncle comes down the stairs
>tells us to come outside for a little while
>fucking normies
>go outside and get in the pool
>swim for a wile, swim up to the side of the pool and start talking to my female cousin who is 18, let's call her Megan
>How's school, yadda yadda
>Feel something grab my cock
>it's mike under the water
>try to act normal while he starts sucking my cock
>mfw it feels incredible, can't bring myself to stop him
>can't help it, cum in his mouth
>few seconds later he surfaces and spits my load onto megan
>WTF mike! Mom, mike spit fucking snot on me!
>aunt comes over and yells at mike and tells him to go inside
>i dry off and go look for him a little later
>back to playing vidya
>uncle comes down the stairs again
>"Mike, user, are you down here?"
>tells us the prank was uncalled for and that we're in deep trouble
>He drops his pants and says "which one of you bitches is first"
>Mike immediately drops on all fours and says "me daddy fuck my butthole daddy"
>uncle spits on his dick and starts plowing mike
>staring in disbelief
>Uncle tilts his head back and shouts "come here faggot"
>he pushes me on my knees and covers my face in cum
>his cock smells like shit
>Mike starts fingering my asshole while my uncle crushes up some pills and snorts them
>my dad walks downstairs followed by my brother, both completely naked
>uncle says "you boys gon learn today. let's begin the three legged race"
>we all form a train with each of us licking the asshole and pulling on the dangling dick in front of us
>we all go up the stairs and into the yard like this
>when my mother and aunt see us they start screaming
>Mike's licking my ass, I'm licking my dad's ass, my dad's licking my brother's ass, and my brother's licking my uncles ass
>Uncle breaks from the train and fly tackles my aunt and starts smearing his shit coated dick all over her face
>mike and my brother start to 69 eachother while my dad tell me to fuck his ass
>Megan comes outside and her and my mom are screaming and crying
>mom pushes me off of my dad and he farts a little when my dick pops out of his ass
>dad grabs her by the feet and starts spinning her in circles
>he trips over my brother and mike's blowjob pile and sends my mom flying through the living room window
>megan runs after her
>my uncle runs, bounces off of the trampoline and lands on me, slamming his dick into my ass
>several vertebrae in my lower back audibly snap
>my legs and dick go numb, uncle pounds my demolished anus
>broand Mike are spitroasting my dad
>Megan comes outside with her dad's gun and shoots my uncle in the head
>he pulls out, blows his load on my buttcheeks, and falls over dead
>Megan turns the gun on herself and blows the right side of her head off
>"Mike shouts "AGGHHH I'm gonna cum, pulls out of my dads ass and runs over to Meg
>thrusts his cock into her exposed brain and cums
>some drips out of her nose
>hear sirens in the distance
>Mike goes to the shed, get's a can of gasoline and pours it up his ass
>lights a match and explodes, starts raining ground beef
>My brother finishes in my dad's mouth and my dad starts gargling it
>"Mike shouts "AGGHHH I'm gonna cum, pulls out of my dads ass and runs over to Meg
>thrusts his cock into her exposed brain and cums
>some drips out of her nose
>hear sirens in the distance
>Mike goes to the shed, get's a can of gasoline and pours it up his ass
>lights a match and explodes, starts raining ground beef
>My brother finishes in my dad's mouth and my dad starts gargling it
>dad puts brother on all fours and starts fucking him
>hear his balls slapping
>dad says "that's the ticket you lil' slut lol ride that dad dick lol"
>my mom, bloodied and limping, emerges from the house and limps toward the fence gate to leave the yard
>a SWAT van smashes through and crushes her
>police pile out and order everyone to show their hands
>my dad puts his hands up and keeps fucking my brother
>brother can't move his hands because he's getting fucked doggie
>the cops shoot my brother about 25 times
>dad's still thrusting away
>just then aunt comes to and, confused, starts to run and shout
>cops blow her away
>they reach my dad and pull him off my dying brother
>he too farts when the dick is pulled out of his anus
>they put him on his stomach and cuff him
>one of the cops reaches me
>"we've got a live one"
>realizes I'm paralyzed
>"his legs is done in but that mouth sure looks like it still works"
>all of the cops put down their weapons and start getting undressed
>it's dark out by the time I'm sucking off the last of the 25 officers who arrived
>they're all laying around smoking cigarettes trying to get hard again for round 2
>last officer farts a little as he blows yet another massive load down my throat
>I've lost control of my bowels and am farting a steady stream of semen out of my ass
>he zips up his pants and turns around
>"gotta hand it to you, that boy of yours has a mighty soft- wait a minute!"
>They all pick up their weapons and start searching
>Hear a noise from the house
>dad has been in the basement making a skin suit out of all the pieces of our family members
>they all open fire but there are too many layers of flesh and skin to penetrate
>he casually strides through the hail of gunfire towards me
>I see my aunts lips move but can hear him mumbling beneath them
>"I'm gonna get my nut off"
>he rolls me over and I puke literally a gallon of mixed semen
>he pulls his dick out from under a flap of my uncle's stomach and lubes it up with some of the puke semen
>he grabs my limp, paralyzed dick and pulls my dickhole apart
>he jams his dick into my dickhole and starts fucking it
>"we gotta do this again next year" he mumbles from within his skin suit
>he let's out a muffled fart has he cums and creampies my dickhole. He gets up and runs into the night.
>I'm in a wheelchair now. They never did catch my dad.
Fake and gay
fuck you fag its totally true
Dude WTF
Seems legit
That was a wild ride.
wut u aint never dicked your cousins before?
go on
ok I guess one other time does come to mind
>be me
>high school sophomore
>straight, have a decent 6/10 gf
>dating for two months
>me and my buddies from chess club are in the bathroom on the third floor sucking each other off
>right as my one bro busts in my mouth I hear the door open
>idiot friend was supposed to watch the door, I guess he had started jerking it and forgot
>in walks a mutual friend of mine and my gf
>try to swallow and gag, cough cum all over my shirt
>I'm on my knees and my friend is zipping up
>says he won't tell her
>he did
stuff like this happened a lot, I had sort of a reputation for it in my school days
>be me in 8th grade
>ask a grill, let's call her Rebecca, to formal
>she said yes, fuck yea
>fast forward to formal
>slow dancing with Rebecca, bored as fuck
>when the song ends I go to take a piss
>my bro Jeff is in the bathroom with a flask of liquor he stole from his parents
>"user want to hit this?"
>end up taking pulls on the flask with him for something like 15 minutes
>starting to feel really tipsy
>gotta get back to the dance
>"thanks man, that was a lifesaver"
>hang on user, take a pull of this
>he pulls out his cock
>I laughed, "you're such a faggot Jeff"
>turn to leave
>something stops me
>I turned around and dropped onto my knees and started sucking on his cock like it was an ice cold water bottle in the middle of the desert
>he lights a cigarette in one hand and hold my head with the other
>"give me that" I said, taking his cigarette and turning him around
>I pushed the butt of the cig into the butt of his ass and he farted a puff inwardly
>I sucked the puff out of his ass and licked it while jerking him off
>turned him around and jammed his meaty cock down my throat just in time to empty his load into my stomach
>Go back to slow dancing with Rebecca
>she complains that my breath smells like cum
>I played it off like she was crazy
>fast forward an hour or so, getting punch from the food area while Rebecca's in the bathroom
>feel a finger slide up my ass
>it's Jeff
>dude cut it out Rebecca's gonna see
>try to pull away but it feels to good
>he's wrist-deep now, rummaging in my rectum
>I flex as hard as I can and force my dick to suck itself inside my body
>My dick is not inside out, and pointing out of my ass
>Jeff grips in in his hand inside of my asshole and starts to stroke it
>Rebecca returns and we continue to slow dance while Jeff is crouched behind me and jerks me off through my ass
>can't last much longer
>Rebecca's starting to realize somethings up (my ass)
>I'm too carried away to notice
>about to cum
>she looks over my shoulder and see's Jeff working his magic
>she shoves me but it's too late
>I fart out a huge load onto Jeff's face and my dick unravels back out of my body
>"er, t-that's just icing Rebecca"
>she tells me to prove it by eating some
>Jeff looks at me and I wink
>"Fine, look"
>scoop a handful of jizzum off Jeff's face and slurp it down
>mfw to this day she doesn't know
wow great effort kiddo
uncle ==dad. yeah fake and gay
>uncle ==dad
what the shit does that mean?