Other urls found in this thread:
there's nothing worse than a gummy broad
>guy complains about feminisation of sport and how he only wants sport, how it's escapism and free from argument and politics
>is fine that his sport is being politicised for no reason
why do americans always pretend that they care about country
>"I have no idea what's going on but I think something should be discussed"
BLM in a nutshell
I can't stand the fact that he looks like my father
>getting assburned over a monkey not standing
cuck of the highest order
White people are oppressing us!
Fix it for us white people!
Why did he choose such an ugly looking negress?
but you white people BETTER SHUT UP
but yeah fix it
Burr has lost his edge. Expect his career to dive and his next special to be a disappointment.
>getting married
>oh jeeeeezzzushhh
>my beautiful african american wife has the most difficult job in the world: she's a mother
>yfw he will say this without a hint of irony in the future
that guy looks like a penis
He really let himself go
>that lipstick
I am not playing that.
why are you people acting like burr used to be sone racist edgelord? sounds the same as ever
She's been one of his writers for over a decade. If you actually give a shit whether Kaepernick sit or stood, you might be a massive retard
Is it not racist of SJWs to assume that they must stand for PoC because PoC can't stand for themselves? SJWs believe they have to take a stand and be a voice for these people, for some reason, that they can't do it themselves. That's textbook racism isn't it?
I'll answer my own question. because the fedoras on Sup Forums have moved to the extreme right in the last few years and bill hasn't shifted with them, so they feel betrayed
Burr has been infected with the SJW virus for quite some time, but his body is now incapable of fighting it. He got into a fight with Anthony Cumia on Opie and Anthony about black people and when Burr ran out of arguments he resorted to "u mad". A comedian can't be in a position where they refuse to ridicule something or they stop being a quality comedian.
no? also your perception is warped
That would make sense if no PoC were engaged in political activism. Standing in solidarity with people isn't racist.
he was never racist edgelord, but he has specifically stated in the past how he hates when sports get politicized or used for charities when before it was just about the game.
Anthony actually is a raving racist though who takes some decent points and invalidates them with bigoted conspiracy shit
They feel like PoC aren't heard unless whites like them stand up and speak for/with them. Like their movement isn't recognized until they stand with them, like they give credence to the movement.
He has changed.
and? that's what he's doing now. telling people to stop blowing it out of proportion and making a big political stink out of it. just let the guy kneel if he wants big whoop
>if you actually give a shit about your country you're a retard
>implying that's directly Kaepernicks fault
its the MSM blowing this all out of proportion anyway. No one cared about Kaepernick before, cuz he fell off hard.
muh flag standin
like the other user said, they feel they are standing in solidarity. basically utilizing their "white privilege" because they are in places of power where their voices are better heard and influential.
>repeatedly says "i don't know" throughout
at least he got that part right, still respect him for the philly thing but shit senpai, what a waste he's becoming
What does that have to do with anything that's actually effecting our country? Kaepernick sitting is a meaningless gesture and an MSM concoction to distract from actual pressing issues. All he's doing is exercising his first amendment right
>you can't hide behind the 1st amendment unless you're agreeing with me
at least he's not a grandstanding zealot like the people complaining about it
It just feels racist, like they legitimize the movement, give it credence, like PoC can't speak for themselves and be heard. The whole shtick from top to bottom feels like trademark reverse racism.
>muh injustice
>muh identify with your struggles even though i was raised by a rich as fuck white family, live in a gated community with security bringing in billions, and only recently started caring because nobody gave a flying fuck about me or knew my name before i started getting down on my knees, like in my college days
he's like the football version of donald glover, HEY GUYS I'M HOOD TOO BLACK LIVES MATTER RIGHT RIGHT
>how does implicit support for black lives matter effect the country
you're right, a black supremacy white hate group doesn't effect anyone
eh. people care, they want to help, calling them racist for trying to right what they perceive as a wrong isn't anything close to racist. they believe the people are downtrodden and unable to effect change due to circumstances outside their control. it's white guilt, sure, but I wouldn't say it's racist. you can argue the racism of lowered expectations, but whatever. I'm sure the pocs in the sjw movements are happy for the support
maybe, but perhaps some just think he's being a twat and isn't actually making any kind of a difference at all
"creating a conversation" is just retard lingo that covers a variety of ground, while, like his "symbolic" kneeling, accomplishes fuckall
Nobody involved with this stuff remotely says that they need to speak for PoC or they need white people to lend legitimacy to their grievances. Stop trying to twist shit to fit your warped narrative. If you agree with the cause then what are you supposed to do? Nothing? You're ridiculous.
Wtf I love bill burr now
What kind of conspiracy theories?
>for no reason
He wasn't involving himself at all besides taking a seat for people whose voices aren't heard. He's not saying he's oppressed or anything like that, he's doing it for the people who don't have a voice like that. In "solidarity" so to speak.
Over half of congress doesn't stand for the Anthem, how come none of you cuckolds give a shit about that? But the black man takes a seat for a song and look out.
this is what's so funny about it. people hating on Kaepernick care so fucking much about a meaningless gesture by some dumb kid. he thought he was doing the right thing. Literally who cares? move on
>neo-Nazi moron shamelessly twisting words and lying, being a deluded jingoistic brainwashed piece of shit who conflates trivialities like standing for the national anthem with "caring about the country"
One could argue that respecting someone's right to not stand for a stupid fucking song represents the single most important aspect of any western country, but who needs logic when you're desperately shilling Nazi propaganda all over every board. It's a shame no one exercised their right to abort you before you could inflict your stupidity on the world.
>hey someone mocks your anthem and flag on national tv in the sport that's played only in your country.
ohh it's fucking nothing. I'm not even american and I'd be furious.
The best part about all of this was that people raged that BLM was taking things too far. They didn't agree with direct action as a form of prorest. So this dude sits the fuck down, literally an act of protest that requires no action, and people lose their minds. The US is completely off the rails.
Kaepernick has nothing to do with the movement though? All he did was sit down, it's not like he took to the streets and attacked Trump supporters. You can't get much more of a peaceful protest than taking a seat.
The racism within BLM is as bad or worse than the racism they claim to be fighting
that's the whole problem. if it's so insignificant, why are you being a whiny cunt about it. clearly you are invested in it, which is why burr is responding like this. because everyone is being a whiny cunt. jesus. the guy just didnt stand up, he didnt stab somebody
Really makes you think.
>every one must stand for the anthem and everyone must salute the flag and everyone must sing along, or else
This is not what America is about
it's just a fucking song grow up alredy
except for that the country has a constitution which protects an individuals ability to express dissatisfaction with their governing body
people have always mocked the anthem. we did it in gradeschool back in grade school because it's meaningless patriotic mumbo jumbo. not to mention the "under god" phrase thst delegitmizes it fir many people
damn right, or else we will say you're a little shit. that's what america is about, freedom of expression, and freedom for others who want to express what a whiny little bitch you are
agree that it's meaningless and giving it credence only makes everyone, no matter how you feel about it, look fucking retarded when there are much more important things to be concerned with, but then i realize i'm in america, where the most trivial shit can generate hours of news coverage then be forgotten within the day so yeah, can't be helped, etc.
sorry, i just can't take sitting down as any sort of genuine political statement, regardless of who he's trying to impress, speak for, etc. it's the kind of shit edgy kids did in grade school ala not pledging allegiance or drawing anarchist symbols on shit
>One could argue that respecting someone's right to not stand for a stupid fucking song represents the single most important aspect of any western country
this is what I've been trying to say about this whole issue for a while now.
>Kaepernick is in the right
>people opposed to him are in the right
>people opposed to them are in the right
what a wonderful country, freedom manifest
>muh 1st amendment
Can we shut up with this crap ? He has the right to protest, and we have the right to criticize him. This is a free country.
kids... I did that too, but when you grow p you don't behave like a kid, you understand the symbolic implications of a song/a flag. if I rip your mum's photo from your wallet you don't just say "hey it's a piece of paper" People give value to things, and if you don't respect that you're a piece of shit. You're free to criticize it, but you're still a piece of shit.
it's sad because according to anyone with a lick of common sense, it's absolutely true
everyone's a cunt user, welcome to the states
Don't you guys remember that the founding father's always stood in respect for God Save the King even though they disagreed with the way they were governed. Its not about politics. Its about respect.
I wouldn't say rekt but that was pretty good and accurate
By that logic shouldn't we be free to criticize him as much as we want?
Funny how whenever someone makes this a constitutional issue, it's always about shitting on the country.
ok. feel free to continue bitching about a trivial issue most people don't care about
well blind patriotism isn't exactly controversial is it? questions of free speech are aroused when people do things that upset others, like this
and you are free to criticize him, and he's free to say whatever he wants. He's still an idiot disrespecting something that means a lot to a bunch of people
>ignites a national debate
>most people don't care about
pick one
Sure. It's the ultranationalist rhetoric that's ridiculous. Dissent is the most patriotic act.
Try that shit in the Middle East and see what the reaction is. They don't even know how good they have it here. A Muslim woman was chased by a mob and beat to death because someone *thought* she disrespected a Quran.
He's free to protest what he wants and we're free to call him a shit head. The difference in our country is that nobody dies in that exchange.
I'm even more against the pledge now than when I stopped standing for it at 10 years old because the idea of God was absurd and because it gave me creepy vibes of mass indoctrination. Being forced to chant something I don't believe just doesn't sit well with me, sorry fatty.
And the situation he's protesting about means a lot to a bunch of people.
Are you implying one or more of the groups I mentioned shouldn't be saying anything? What makes America America is situations like this. While everyone is a cunt, we are entitled to our cunty opinions and those who would disagree with them.
Kaepernick sat down for what he believed in, not because he felt oppressed, but because he felt there are oppressed people out there without a voice to be heard. And those are his own words. He didn't hurt anybody, he didn't hit a cop with a molotov, or torch a car, or sack a liquor store. It's literally meaningless, but the MSM keep pushing it, first to distract from that pipeline probably, and now I assume to keep the attention off of their Corpse God candidate
there'd be no discussion if white nationalists didn't get so assblasted everytime someone doesnt get a hardon from looking at the flag
Why even bring up the Middle East? It's completely irrelevant to the situation at hand.
>He didn't hurt anybody, he didn't hit a cop with a molotov, or torch a car, or sack a liquor store
>he just demonstrated his support for those who do
>muh white nationalist boogeyman
>questions of free speech
I don't think the goverment is going to arrest him any time soon, so no, this is not a matter of free speech.
he was responding to someone who claimed political dissent is the same as not caring about your country, which is ridiculous
>Are you implying one or more of the groups I mentioned shouldn't be saying anything?
no, quite the opposite actually, don't know how you arrived there
it's funny how everybody's all NOBODY CARES ABOUT THIS SHIT and then the moment they think you're in disagreement in any fashion, they jump your shit with some lite-blogpost about how they feeeeeeeeeeel
no he demonstrated his support for victims of the broken system that fucks all of us in the ass, no matter the color. By choosing to stage his protest during an NFL game and not out on the streets, he separated himself diametrically from #BLM
>offering the most basic respect for the national song of your country
Patriots work to improve the country they love. These people want to tear it down and they literally want lawlessness.
>but the MSM keep pushing it, first to distract from that pipeline probably, and now I assume to keep the attention off of their Corpse God candidate
then why are the only people harping on it white nationalists and zealous "patriots"? no liberals give a shit and see it as the meaningless gesture it was
I just make the assumption that if people are replying to me their being antagonistic
Hey man, I'm a red blooded American who never pisses the Pledge and claps profusely afterwards. The flag represents this country and the people who represent this country shit all over it (politicians I mean). I take no problem with a protest such as this, he's merely exercising the rights that so many fought and died for.
>half the threads on Sup Forums are neonazi propaganda, white nationalist rhetoric and conspiracy theories
Then why you diminish one and and support the other? Again, I'm not saying he shouldn't have a right to do it, I'm saying he's an idiot and the statistics don't support him.
And because you think like that you never stop and think, "hey, there's people who give a shit, for many other reasons other than god, there's atheists doing it, there's soldiers who give it meaning too, better out of fucking respect stand for 1 minute"
is that so hard for you? you have to be some edgy leftists with a tantrum going on about how flags are just objects and frontiers don't exist and shit like that?
Hate to break it to you, it's not just white natonalists, not even white people, I've seen asians burning his shirt, also I've read people who are not americans criticize him because they also have a flag they feel something for.
The rhetoric coming out of those critical of the act is ultranationalist not the anthem itself. Although Americas weird habit of injecting it into everything is ultranationalist as fuck.
>no he demonstrated his support for victims of the broken system that fucks all of us in the ass, no matter the color
oh so it has nothing to do with BLM or the fact he is black, he just protested the system in an anarchistic sort of way right
the lengths you USA fucks will go to, so you wont have to admit blacks literally hate you is astonishing. The dude could literally come out and say "kill ALL white people" and you would probably say "he meant kill all BAD white people"
>taking things 100% seriously on a Colombian paste smuggling bulletin board
you don't really do this, do you?
Literally Hitler-tier numbers
>why diminish one and support the other
Because I'm not a milquetoast clown who rides the fence.
>I just make the assumption that if people are replying to me their being antagonistic
that's "they're" fella, and maybe don't do that in the future, or at least try to comprehend the statement that you're reading before going full BUT MUH on someone, shit is embarrassing senpai, particularly when they're in agreement with what you've said
butt the fuck out Limey. He didn't come out and literally call for a white genocide, he sat for a song for a country that doesn't exist anymore.
>sitting during the national anthem is an anarchist form of protest
You people are delusional.
You probably thought in your head that that comment would make you win the argument. Think again.
Not really. You asked. I answered.
>Muh flag
Yes Goy, you government cares about you and you should respect that
Looks like you're projecting the logic you use to hate entire races of people onto people who don't hate entire races of people, claiming that logic is why they don't hate entire races of people.
Sup Forums is like a fucking science experiment.