>mfw Sup Forumstards don't understand that constant population growth is a necessity for capitalist economy.
how are you gonna solve this one ?
>mfw Sup Forumstards don't understand that constant population growth is a necessity for capitalist economy.
how are you gonna solve this one ?
Not true
only constant economic growth
are you one of those Argentinean intellectuals ?
constant growth is only necessary in a keynesian debt-based economy.
don't conflate that with capitalism
Argentina is light years ahead of your shithole. At least move to a first world country before trying to make fun of it.
t. Algerian intellectual
National Conservatism.
We need to use Capitalism as a tool rather than a goal.
Pic related. Two of the most vocal national Conservatives out there today.
Making western civilisation great again.
False, the robotitzation decreases the need of more people replacing it for need of less people.
And if is out there poorer people and less people, the demand decrases and the porduction have to decrase and then again you need less and less people, and the goverments to solve this open their borders to replace the lost o population. This is the globalist neoliberalism.
What on earth makes you think Sup Forums is a capitalist board, you dumb sand nigger?