Yfw Ben Garrison is now paid $950 a month on patreon to irritate SJW's on twitter

>yfw Ben Garrison is now paid $950 a month on patreon to irritate SJW's on twitter

We couldn't have planned it better.

Other urls found in this thread:


As it turned out, Zyklon Ben wasn't just a meme, and he was actually one of our deep cover agents

Sup Forums made Ben great again.

I can't wait till he finally kicks off the next shoah.

He should be thanking us

All of these nigs have no clue what they are awaking

I think it's safe to presume he's preparing for the Shoah in his Montana fortress

>when you call someone a racist for so long that they themselves believe it

my sides

Ben is based and always has been, even when he was fighting Sup Forums.

Also, he's pretty smart. There aren't many 40-something year old men who would be able to figure out how Sup Forums works. He's one of the few.

is that a joke? a literal retard could figure out Sup Forums.

we have entire boards dedicated to dickgirl drawings. I don't think it takes much mental capacity to post here.

It's actually really fascinating how Ben has progressed since he was turned into a meme. At first he lashed out about it and tried to sue people making edits. Now he's more indifferent and doesn't pay much mind to it. Now he's doing way better.


Confused, bitter 40-something year old man detected.

Le secret club maymay

Ur a faygit

> You won't


>I did


Not how it works you retard how it works. We're fucking stupid and most of the dumb shit people do isn't really an attack it's just people doing stupid mean shit because it's funny.

>that image


Good cartoon

Holy shit Ben, murder is illegal.

>figure out how an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard works

>All of these nigs have no clue what they are awaking
>I think it's safe to presume he's preparing for the Shoah in his Montana fortress
He's already massacred all leftists in a 50 mile radius, pic related.

>you won't
top tier

Holy shit I haven't followed him in months have we finally awoken his true self? He is confronting his destiny finally?

That's fucking great.

Ok, does this mean you guys will finally stop defacing his work with nazi bullshit?

>There aren't many 40-something year old men who would be able to figure out how Sup Forums works.

I think the kike that was doing that died.


>Holy shit I haven't followed him in months have we finally awoken his true self? He is confronting his destiny finally?
Have you not seen the comics he's doing now? totally top tier.

>I think the kike that was doing that died.
He's in jail.

Literally kek'd, so I take that as a no.

Didn't the dude actually get busted or something?

Ben's faced pretty much the worst the internet can dish out, and came out stronger.

nothing the liberals, SJWs, or feminists fling his way can compare.

he's so flippant in responding to them too, I love it.

That died out awhile ago man. Bens pretty stoic about it anyway.

Kikes deface his art by removing the anti Semitic parts, newfag.

What the fuck are you talking about? The nazi shit is real, ben "pull the trigger on every nigger" garisson does not fuck around. They were making his cartoons more friendly for the general public, they wanted to paint garrison like a libertarian cuck, but the truth stands: garrison is a dangerous man, a mad man and he will continue to fight against zionism.

He actually sells shirts with his cartoons on them. I'm considering buying one.


if you look at audiences at Trump rallies, there's almost always one with a Ben shirt, usually the "if you build it they won't come" one.

Now he just needs to disavow globalism

>He actually sells shirts with his cartoons on them. I'm considering buying one.
Get this one.

>950 a month

I hope he has another source of income, that's quite little in Burgerland.

He deserves more patrons.
If I wasn't a starving nigger I would donate some shekels.


that's not his only revenue stream

I know that for a while he was only making money off his paintings.

also, he lives in Montana. it's a lot cheaper to live there.

I get the feeling it's $950 more than he was already making.
>He deserves more patrons.
>If I wasn't a starving nigger I would donate some shekels.
Also this.

I'll probably get that one, but in a different color.

In bumble fuck Montana though it gives him leeway to do art for a living.

>Sup Forums memes Ben Garrison into being a racist nazi
>Ben blames these memes on the left
>makes it his mission to aggressively attack SJWs

It was literally a jew called Goldberg who was making the edits, and he found this out.

I wonder how that made him feel.

He knows what's going on. His wife raided us with Dick butt all day once.

He's one of us now. Just look at them bantz.

I like new Ben :)

Same situation here, monkey brother. Fun fact, he donated some copies of his book shortly after the release but I arrived too late

I had no idea he was on patron. I've heard of it but I've never given money before.

I might have to throw him a few bones. He's seemed to actually embrace his popularity on here recently despite all the edits we make.



thank you sir

Shoe0nhead gets $943 per video plus the revenue she gets from Youtube. I'd imagine that in many parts of the USA that would be enough to live off but I think she lives in Jew York.


He sells on ebay. Just search 'ben garrison'. I bought a copy of my favorite.


Zyklon Ben's shit was never defaced, retard.

After the Pez dispenser incident, he never went back.

Well it's official now burnouts should finally accept their defeat.

I'm glad 'ol Ben has finally realised that the only way he can win against the trolls is by joining them. He's much more popular now than when he was just a regular cartoonist anyway.

>mfw Terror of Tel Aviv could become more than just a dank meme