If i were to make an anvil out of any possible material, what would be the most "indestructible" one? like...

if i were to make an anvil out of any possible material, what would be the most "indestructible" one? like, one made out of depleted uranium?

Little boy boners

nokia cell phone


Wolfram or Iridium

depleted uranium will shatter into thousand pieces - this is why you Ameritards used it as projectiles. Once they penetrated the armor of Iraqi vehicles, they shattered into pieces and wrecked the Iraqi soldiers.

Side effect: lots of Iraqis (and American soldiers) literally poisoned by radiations and tiny particles.

But Jews and military-industrial complex do not give any fuck about "collaterals" like that.

the repeated hits of the hammers will cause pressure on the carbon in the charcoal and will cause it to harden with every hit of the hammer
so the more you use the charcoal anvil, the harder it gets, much like those rare swords which only get sharper every time you use them
after a short while you will have an indestructible diamond anvil that imbues whatever you make on it with +5 durability from the diamond atoms hammered into the metal

Degenerate matter. Hypermasses such as neutron stars have gravitation fields strong enough to crush basic particles together. This is called degenerate matter, and is the densest material in the Universe. The densest possible material would be found in a quark star, with a gravitational field so intense that quarks have been compressed into a solid mass. An anvil made of degenerate quark matter would weigh the same as entire planets.

when you list diamonds as a good material for resisting blows you reveal your pleb status when it comes to discussing hardness.

Diamond does not scratch or bend. If you want to scratch almost anything, a diamond will be your best bet.

However, diamonds shatter. Hit a diamond with a hammer and you'll break it. This is why shaping diamonds is possible.



That shit will shatter on the first blow m8


I say diamondillium is much stronger than any of this shit



won't with the right alloy.

OP, everyone knows diamond is the strongest metal.


This guy knows his shit!

If fictional metals are included, an amazonium-adamantium-vibranium alloy would take the cake.

I mean... steel? Have you ever seen a regular-ass steel anvil break?

You can't really make an anvil that doesn't dent/scratch at all unless you make it from neutron star matter or something. And that anvil would weigh more than the Earth and violently pull everything around towards it.

The material with most versatile durability would probably be just steel with some small percentages of tungsten, cobalt and vanadine.

Diamond is the hardest metal.