Yes, victims can absolutely be to blame...

Yes, victims can absolutely be to blame. Anyone who does not understand risk assessment should not be treated like an adult

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nah victim blaming is always some predator trying to pass guilt off to someone else

the predator chose the action victim fell victim end of story



Nope, there are certain behaviors that increase risk

Just like you wouldn't walk up to a pack of ground apes and call them niggers

they would be the victims

increased risk doesn't matter ultimately the crime lies in the one who took action if you can't see that i am wasting my time even typing this

increases risk =\= fault.

fault lies with the person committing the act, not the recipient of that act.

It lies with both and trying to say an idiot who put themselves in that position isn't to blame whatsoever is just encouraging other idiots to do the same

Or at the least NOT discouraging them

Okay everybody just calm the fuck down and accept that people who dress and act like cheap sluts will inevitably be treated as such.


/threading your own post makes you look like a tool

So does being Maynard James Keenan but you don't see me sending him hate mail.

walking around with a fist full of cash increases your risk of being robbed, but the fault lies completely with the person who doesn't have the willpower to NOT rob.

same with the chicks. if you rape someone, that's on you for not having the willpower to NOT rape.

Bullshit. It's politically correct nonsense like this that shields girls from advice that will greatly reduce their risk of rape.

Here's why girls shouldn't binge drink at mixed sex parties in college: "and nearly three-quarters of those rapes (72 percent) happened when the victims were so intoxicated they were unable to consent or refuse."

Saying that only the rapist is to blame and shaming anyone who dares to point to shocking statistics like this just keeps women ignorant and rapable.

sure kid

sure is millennial in here

Because 1 in 5 college women are raped, parents should stop sending their daughters to college. It's just too dangerous.

no one is denying that you're more likely to get raped if you do dipshit stuff like get blackout drunk around a bunch of horny guys, but in the end, it's the guys who are putting their dicks inside someone without consent.

So you have just as much sympathy for the girl who drinks herself into oblivion at a frat party as the girl who gets grabbed on the street and dragged into an alley?

No, because deep down you know that one is partially at fault.

i'm actually most likely older than you.

Spotted the autist.

The problem is that the whole "the rapist is always 100% at fault" mentality is used to shame anyone who would advise college girls on steps they can take to reduce their rape risk.

If you tell them not to binge drink, you get a shitstorm of opposition saying "We should be able to do what we want! Tell rapists not to rape!" This is childish irresponsibility.

Just like waving a toy gun at a cop. It's still the cop's fault the stupid nigger gets shot right? Same shitty result, but you're basically making excuses for people making stupid choices in life.

If you had a 1 in 5 risk of being raped if you lived in a certain area of town for 4 years, would you move there?


I think victim blaming is horrible, but yeah, you shouldnt increase your chances of bad shit happening just to prove a point.
If someone robs you, the thief is to blame 100% , but stop being an idiot.


There is a line - you can tell someone they should have been more careful, but still be supportive. Everyone makes mistakes. A girl who gets raped, even if it was due to her own carelessness, still deserves sympathy.

The problem is people think being critical in any way is seen as attacking them. It's not, it's just trying to give them common sense. Yes, they went through something terrible and you should be as gentle as possible, but if they are going to learn anything they also need some tough love.

>100% of women who breath air eventually die.
>Women should not breath air if they don't want to die.
This is your shitty logic that does not work on any level.
Correlation doesn't imply causation you autistic bastard.

I parked on a particular street near my house and my car was hit twice by drunk drivers. I will never park on that street again, even though I bore no fault in the accidents. If I defiantly keep parking on that street and get hit a third time, would you have sympathy for me?

youre making it sound like correlation and causation are mutually exclusive...

ITT: desperate virgins who can't get laid try to justify rape.

100% of all people will die, regardless of air breathing, so your analogy is retarded. The 1 in 5 statistic is for college women only. If it were the same for the general population, then it would be a wash like your dumb logic.

I would tell you to park there again, stake it out and kill the nigger stealing your stuff you pathetic pussy.

ITP: someone who can't read

I personally would be pissed off at the drivers hitting you, but tell you to move your car or find another way to get cars to stop hitting you.

Reading isn't your strong suit, is it. I said it was hit by drunk drivers, not robbed.


Did you learn that garbage in "womyn's" studies?

MY logic is biased on real actual logical analysis, while yours is a logical fallacy.

And if in response to your advice to move my car, I launched on a tirade about how I shouldn't have to, and how even advising me to stop doing something I'm legally allowed to do is victim blaming, how would you respond?

But the drunk guys are not fully in control of their actions , because they are drunk and make bad decisions

You're too stupid to see the glaring flaw in your argument even when I point it out to you. But keep using those argument buzzwords. That'll make you look smart.

"Correlation is not causation" means that just because two things correlate does not necessarily mean that one causes the other. ... Correlations between two things can be caused by a third factor that affects both of them. Case in point, it's not the women going to college that gets them raped, it's the college women getting blacked out drunk and dressing like sluts at college parties that gets them raped. Do you even logic bro?

So your counter argument is "you're stupid" Nice try, but you have nothing.

Your stupidity is staggering, though. I already explained how you were wrong. You just failed to grasp it.

>Has no argument so doubles down with "You're double stupid."
You must be the weakest troll I have seen in a while. Are you even trying?


Blame and guilt are two different things. Blame is just your opinion. Guilt is determined by evidence. Rapists are guilty regardless of who you want to blame.

Id be like, fuck it, its your car, its going to get smashed again lol and though technically its not your fault, I would still feel frustrated by you and your tirade.

I think the issue is people who pretend to live in an ideal world, forget that they actually dont. Sure, youre the victim, but if you want things to change, you actually have to participate in the world as it is.

It goes for the the right side as well. Ideally your confederate flag doesnt stand for racism, it stands for rebellion, but in the real world, the majority doesnt see it that way and its offensive.

Tldr; the world is retarded because people forget other people exist.

fuck off muslim

People are allowed to dress how they like and get as drunk as they want without hurting anyone. It's still not their fault if they get raped.

Does that bother you?

congrats, you are basically indian

This entire thread is weaponized autism.