ITT: musicians you could probably beat up in a fight

ITT: musicians you could probably beat up in a fight

I don't believe you

post a pic of yrself faggot

hahah yeah his muscles are all hypertrophy and no strength, haha amirite OP? yeah haha

i would punch her right in the face

>musicians you want to beat you up in a fight

both of these faggots


Paul Simon.





i think he beat you to it

Ian was huge and I'm pretty sure him and the lads from Joy Division would get into fights all the time with the Nazis that showed up to their gigs (since people thought they were a Nazi band).

He was a lanklet

Lanklet is just a "NO U" term made up by insecure manlets.

I'm 6'2. I've got an inch on Ian.


Fuck yeah !



None, I am weak and fat :(

You could beat me up


I probably couldn't

Brah, he's fuckin jacked tho


I'll knock his fucking skull cunt.

He'd run circles around you. He's a quick little guy

for you

dude he's a midget, he's like 5'10

>implying im not also an athletic ozzie

>tfw only 5'8 but have a 79 inch reach
Leave Ian to me


"manlet" is actually a NO U term made up by insecure lanklets. They be jellin' the "manlet" makes way juicier gains way quicker


Calm down Hooky. Bernard can't hurt you anymore.

Anybody else tired of hearing about how "dark and fucked up" her lyrics are?

i'm not his wife so I should be ok

Lol Wayne


I don't want to, but I know I would win


Don't be mean to Grimes!


Are you a little monkey boy?

she's just... unexceptional

Im just getting her to notice me

Sad damage control.

I highly doubt you brawl with working class Manchester skinheads on the regular like the lads did


I think I could knock her into a seizure.

I would definitely wrestle her

Would you bash her face once in full mount? Or bash her butt.
