What the fuck is this shit on my leg, Sup Forums? im a girl if that means anything. it doesnt have a texture...

what the fuck is this shit on my leg, Sup Forums? im a girl if that means anything. it doesnt have a texture, its under my skin i think.

we need to see tits for more accurate assessment

thank you

looks like aids to me. need to see your tits tho to be sure.

Holy shit that cancer. Get to emergency now op fuck

i think you should get shower more often and use soap more intensively


(ignore my hairy leg i havent gotten around to shaving)


I'm an Indian med student. Show bobs and vegans pic and I tell u

Wait how do you guys know this is a chick.

capillaries diedsing

>>tits or gtfo

tits naow! you hairy beast.

Tits or gtfo

dust mites allergy, clean your living space/wash your sheets more often

Staff or mrsa

Did you hit something with your leg ?

nigga i shower every night

or aidz. probably aidz.

>what the fuck is this shit on my leg, Sup Forums? im a girl if that means anything. it doesnt have a texture, its under my skin i think.

Probably aids, might just be a blood clot under skin.

where on leg? Does it blanche under pressure? Do you take any drugs?

Scabees. Skin mites. Best way to tell is tits or get the fuck out. It's a fool proof method. You should try it.

Tits or gtfo

tits or fuck off

also stop being american and go to a doctor

Kek, how you been Maggie

i think its this new super aids cancer mutant virus.

you got cancaids

inner thigh. i have nexplanon in my arm if that counts as a medication, if by drugs you mean weed and shit no. i take intuniv and prozac.

Doc from italy, conquerring on tits or aids

Prozac makes u anhero

if it doesn't itch it's very likely an allergic reaction

Jfk its the exact contrary

fucking normies ruining everything...

That drawing you made me near the beginning is now in pieces and soaking in a plastic cup full of watered down green paint btw

Fuck off guys. It's on her inner thing; therefore, we need to see her vagoo, not her tits to diagnose this. Vagoo or gtfo.

Also, tits.

Tits or GTFO.

Some drugs can cause this is all. Legal and illegal.

If it goes away or blanches when you press on it then it's likely less serious. Most common cause for blanching petechiea is trauma.
Google 'tumbler test'.

did you bump it on something? looks like a type of bruise

I have the same shit, I can't remember where it I off the top of my head -male

It's a 'weird' bruise. You get that if the skin gets pinched. Perhaps your leg rolled over your other leg pulled the skin tight and bruised it underneath.

Where it is*

It has been on me for a while, doesn't seem to fade