Whats the best motivational movie?
What movies will motivate me to lose weight?
Whats the best motivational movie?
What movies will motivate me to lose weight?
Fit pls
You only weigh 152 lbs. You should trying to gain weight.
A home movie.
based americans
Pick a movie with a hot bitch in it.
Realize you will never have a bitch like that as long as you're fat.
Lose fucking weight and find a bitch.
I'm 5'3
Is that lbs or kg?
I'm 5'5, 150lbs and not fat at all. You're husky as worst
Pumping Iron
it clearly says kg on the screen
that's 335 lbs
>I'm 5'5
>152.6 lbs.
>stubby, fat feet
You must be awfully short, user. Life must be really shitty for you. I feel some sympathy, but it's overridden by my laughter.
Nah m8
Watch the HBO TV show Oz. It puts you in competitive survival mode if you spend enough time mentally inhabiting their fictional environment.
>Pepsi light bottle on the floor
Why it is so hard for fatties to stop drinking soda?
Youre only like 20lbs over weight dude. Just stop getting fries as a side and walk like 30 min a day.
Motivational movie for you: Pumping Iron
OP, don't try to get motivated. Try to get disciplined. This distinction makes a world of difference when it comes to results.
You need discipline.
it's kg retards
Pls no bully
Yes Man
It's not actually good it's just the only motivational movie I can think of
It clearly says kg.
Pain & Gain
Just don't kidnap and defraud a Jewish businessman after watching it
t*rk piçleri
Capturing the Friedmans
>tfw 6'4 ~150lbs
Go buy a pair of jeans at a regular store. If you can't find one that fits you off the shelf, you need to lose weight.
It's what i did in may. Lost 20kg(45lbs) so far.
would you like women to want to fuck you?
if yes, that should be motivation enough
>tfw trying to gain weight but can't
what the fuck do i do
Former fat ass here; the best motivational movie is the one you turn off before getting on the treadmill/incumbent/bike/rowing machine and sweating your balls off after making the decision to do so. I'd tell you to lift, but you're a manlet anyway judging by your hairless hobbit feet so that won't help.
Don't look for motivation, that shit's fleeting and will leave you. Then you'll start slacking off and being undisciplined fuckstick and revert back to your slovenly ways only to wind up on this image board again asking for the same thing.
Bottom line: Discipline mother fucker.
I don't know where you live but in leaf country I've always been able to find clothing that fits at regular stores, even when I was pushing 300 lbs.
Eat a lot of dick
Ula oglim Kamal'ı rahat bırak oglim.
Holy fuck chubby little manlet haha
Eat when you're not hungry.
>tfw 6'1 and 188lbs and have tits and a bit fat
it's not even like I don't exercise either, I have some alright muscle too
I know what GOMAD is, but what's SS?
Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
Are those pubic hairs?
>Whats the best motivational movie?
>What movies will motivate me to lose weight?
>last uploaded 2 months ago
uhh ohh
Amy Slaton
>tfw 6'3, started at 150, now around 120~ kgs
I'm fat but still look somewhat good, life ain't that bad. What really sucks is my dick size, but I'm not in a hurry to lose weight. I'm trying to go slow and steady instead, plus my skin won't look that bad.
>I'm 5'3
Invest in a noose
What triggers me is that pepsi bottle. Stop fucking drinking soda mate, no wonder you're fat.
>What really sucks is my dick size
As you loose weight it will look better because proportions. You should also trim, can add 1/3 to perceived size.
>300 lbs
Nah, no regular store here in germany would sell jeans for morbidly obese people. Only hope you would be a pair of those store brand pants with rubber in the waistband.
mate it's pepsi light, it's healthier than water
Nothing is healthier than water. Not even juice, even if it's natural. Just drink more water and less everything else and cut soda altogether.
Yeah, It's probably the only reason I'm still a virgin, really, I can talk to girls and some even show interest but I'm too ashamed of it to have sex for now. Hopefully it does improve and it gets to a acceptable size.
enjoy soaking up all that fluoride and forever calcifying your pineal gland, unenlightened one.
it's diet pebsi
I'll never understand ameriburguers and their fixation with soda. It's never going to be healthy, diet or not, get cucked lmao
This. Diet soda is just as good for you as natural juices are. It's no big deal to have a few bottles a day if you want it.
enjoy drinking faggot water that tastes of nothing while my dopamine receptors are shooting off 24/7
damn nigga you fat, start eating more salad and less trash
I know you guys are trolling, but it makes me nervous that some people actually think with this mindset.
No, stay the fuck away from this shit if you are fat, it will only make you feel guilty and sad for having a fat body when watching these. Listening to workout songs and motivational stuff is okay though.
every rocky movie
>I know you guys are trolling
Kill yourself, eurocuck. Soda is fucking fine if you eat less during the day and still exercise.
>tfw on the process of losing weight
>tfw bought soda today after months of not drinking it
>tfw see this thread
>tfw now I feel guilty for drinking it
Thanks Sup Forums
I'm American too man.
>Soda is fucking fine if you eat less during the day and still exercise.
If you have a decent body, but not if you are overweight for fuck's sake
enjoy those xenoestrogens you cumslurping nigger
that foot flab tho
From my experience, the best motivation is not motivation, but rather learning how to do exercise while doing other things.
I mean really, the two main things I started doing when I got tired of being a overweight, was get a room cycle, and set the handles in a way that I can brace a book against them.
Bam, I'm excessing and doing my usual reading at the same time, without having to give up on the reading.
Also lifting weights is surprisingly efficient and burning fat, so if you like watching documentaries or other long winded things that don't require immersion, you can just stand and lift weights while doing that. Your arm gets tired, put the weight down, set a timer (even a kitchen timer will do) to 5-10 minutes, when it rings, pick up the weights again, and continue.
It won't be the most efficient exercise routine, but it should get you started if you don't feel like you can take on a proper exercise routine yet, and then take some time, browse /fit/ and do something more or something better once your body starts getting used to it.
(Also it's not like you need amazing exercise equipment either. When I started, I just took the weights out of an old family clock and used them was weights, probably 2.5 - 5 kg each, didn't really check)
That's all you really need to start, and once you're going, it will be much easier to get serious about it, because you'll know you can handle it, instead of just reading some guides that tell you you can handle it.
you'd have to be doing high reps to burn weight with weights though afaik
I was doing 13x2 of 30lbs each arm but went to 3x20 with 20lbs instead
The best motivation is to look at yourself naked in the mirror.
You can lose weight and still drink soda. Calories in calories out.
>making words up
Kill yourself, cunt.
I've been eating one meal a day and working out a little
Plus working a vigorous jobs helps
This. Also, take pics. Just shirtless is enough, but take pics every month. Once you start to see the changes it will keep you motivated as fuck.
it takes like 2 seconds to google that word you stupid fat fuck
how long do you rest for between each one of those 20 reps?
Breaking Away.
I keep telling you fuckers it's Breaking Away, but fuck me you never watch it.
Such a good movie, I'd watch it again.
Around 5 minutes maybe? I don't really time it just wait a couple minutes then go at it again
>I've been eating one meal a day
don't do this
oh fuck I just got in here but was wondering what was up too.
>pepsi bottle and candy wrapper well in frame
Do you want to lose weight or not?
Op, just 6 months age I was you...well, not exactly you since I'm 181cm and back then hit 125 on the scale...point is, I was a fatass , so with your weight and height you're a fucking tub of lard.
Now, my weight is pic related while gaining a fair ammount of muscle mass, I feel fucking awesome and it's the bitches that turn their head on me, not the other way around.
So with the background out of the way, my advice is, first go to /fit/ and read the whole damn sticky. Don't ask around, don't do anything more, just read it.
The next day, get your fat us up, put a rain check on fapping to your waifus and go get signed up to a gym.
Now the next month is gonna be hard, but it's high time you learn stuff like this isn't about motivation, but discipline.
Why? Not him, but I do this as well, mostly because I'm always in a hurry and I don't know how to fucking cook, so sometimes I just skip dinner when I don't want to order food or go to a restaurant. Is it that bad?
Yeah, as I said it's not great by itself, but in my experience, one of the biggest things about starting is feeling like you missed the train years ago, and either your body won't be able to handle it or you'll have to change your lifestyle to such a degree that it won't be your life anymore.
Doing a bit while also doing stuff you usually do helps get rid of the second temporarily while your body gets used to it, and then the first goes away, because you start to feel like "yeah, I can do this" and start a proper training routine.
By the time you start a proper training, you're not as concerned about switching out some of the things you like to do in your daily schedule with training, because you aren't mentally equating training with misery, suffering and (probably) bad memories anymore, it's just another thing you do.
drink bleach
holy shit that bitch only has 640 subs? good to know the shilling hasn't been successful.
>the curse of the white man from town
I fucking love this movie.
>640 subs
>in 3 months of making shitty videos
Not bad desu senpai
Pumping Iron
>tfw can't afford gym
Just fuck my shit up. I'm just walking and doing some exercises without using gym stuff, only my body. Hope it's enough until I got myself more money. Being a wagecuck sucks.
>tfw she goes into porn
Not that guy but it's best to eat many little meals throughout the day. Easier not to overeat that way just get a little bit of the hunger off and keep going. Just don't eat chips and cookies and shit as one of your little meals they're not filling and have no nutritional value
you can do plenty of exercise with just a pair of dumbbells and some space, won't be as good obviously but more than enough really.
Load up the Million Dollar Extreme youtube page
Sort by oldest first
Start watching
Now if you'll excuse me
as far as I am aware, and maybe the original guy can chime in, eating only one meal causes the body to go into "starvation mode" for lack of a better phrase whereby it doesn't know when it's next going to get nourishment so it stores those calories and fats fucking up your equilibrium
walking is just fine for weight loss if you control your calorie intake. Get some kettle bells if you don;t want to use a gym but want to gain some strength.