"In a different reality, I could have called you friend"

>"In a different reality, I could have called you friend"
>Abrams doesn't take advantage of this in Kelvin


>Movie about Kirk's Starfleet days
>Finnegan doesn't show up once


"Kelvin" is not a thing despite official memeing.

Seriously, go fuck yourself, I'm not as an individual ever using "Kelvin" to refer to JJTrek.

JJTrek is JJTrek. The JJTrek timeline is the JJTrek timeline. JJ Abrams will never successfully divorce himself from the abominations he unleashed. Kelvinposters are ALL shills.

thinking the same thing when someone last talked about that episode.

although Abrams has jumped ship.

it would be cool to have a different kind of threat emerge, like ST1 or 4 come along and Kirk has to team up with a the Romulan commander to fix it. show Kirk get over any resentment he may have for Romulans.

could made him the asshole in the bar, obviously cast an actor that looks like the pic

>being this autistic

It's just a name fag

what the fuck are you talking about
How is he trying to divorce himself from the timeline when Kelvin was his grandfather's name? Dumb as a rock, user.

Fucking shills. I'm going to make it a point to call you out when you try to meme Kelvin again.

I will be watching for your shill posts, faggots.

>it would be cool to have a different kind of threat emerge, like ST1 or 4 come along and Kirk has to team up with a the Romulan commander to fix it. show Kirk get over any resentment he may have for Romulans.
Apparently Star Trek 4 (if it gets made) is gonna be more time travel shenanigans and "muh dad". I hope JJ doesn't come back, his visuals are ass compared to Lin.

You need to go see a therapist.

But then we wouldn't have Cupcake, a 45 year old burly Starfleet cadet.

Did anyone else realize how fat Uhura's ass looked in this episode?


I don't get your reference.

>Addressing Spock, 'In another episode, I could have called you son."


>It's a ripoff of the Enemy Below episode

Who saw The Enemy Below anyway you fucking loser get over it

>Nobody uas drunk green yet

>implying JJ watched Star Trek

He may not have watched Star Trek, but he definitely destroyed the franchise.

True enough. He turned it into an uninteresting Star Wars knockoff.

And Star Wars has always been shit. Beyond was good, but it's too late in the series for Lin and Pegg to have turned it around.


why would he be an asshole? He was Kirk's pal.

>beyond was good.
fuck off.

Looks like someone didn't see Beyond.

>hurr durr Kelvin
Go fuck yourselves, shills

How is it shilling? It's officially named the "Kelvin" timeline.

>And Star Wars has always been shit
Empire Strikes Back is closer to Star Trek than the last 4 Star Trek movies

>the "Kelvin" timeline
getting sick of the blatant shilling ITT

Someone didn't see Beyond.

I did. It's an action movie like the rest.

It was okay at best. Krall was dumb, the absent ancient aliens were dumb, Pegg showed Scotty too much favoritism, some characters are supposed to be learning lessons but I don't think that they actually learned anything, it was so action-packed that I felt like falling asleep. 6/10, I don't intend to see it again.

>being THIS contrarian
You don't deserve Star Trek.

>pretending Beyond was some sort of seminal Star Trek flick signaling the true rebirth of the series
The only thing the movie did right was get actual screenwriters who know the series and not a couple of dumb dumbs who read through wikipedia pages before writing the scripts.

I really don't give a shit about your action flicks. Star Trek in theaters is only a watered-down experience anyway. Star Trek television is by far superior to Star Trek movies. You can keep Beyond for yourself. I don't need it or any other cinematic extravaganzas offering a sub-par "diet" Trek experience.


leave this site anytime

Why is there a guy ITT accusing people of shilling?

Nigga, we've had a daily Trek thread for years.

>Star trek bad guys Romulans are aliens in yellowface

They don't like Asian at all.

Start having fun anytime.

>Nigga, we've had a daily Trek thread for years.
Daily? I've only seen them more recently with it being the 50th anniversary and all.

>muh fun argument
Head to reddit before you start praising capeshit on top of it.

Kelvin completely fucked over Uhura too.

Stop trying to make it happen, shill.

It's never happening.

Notice that they never attack the person shilling for Beyond.

It's one person who doesn't hold any real opinions either way but still wants attention anyway.

It already happened.

Stop giving me attention, shill.

Mostly because praise is always completely empty of arguable points.

Whereas criticism can always be argued.