Debating Clinton

Britbonger here: I know less about about American politics than I would like to, but I am aware that Trump is the superior candidate to Clinton. I'd like to try and convince others of this, as lots of people (especially other students) here in the UK are eager to discuss American politics. I figure if I can redpill them about Trump and Clinton, it's a stepping stone to improving conditions here.

Anyway, what I need from you guys is solid reasons, ideally with evidence, of why Hilary Clinton would make a bad president. List the dirt on her. List her problems as a politician. List anything I can use as ammunition in a debate to attack her issues. Things like her recently-changed views on same-sex marriage and her affiliations with criminal activities and dodgy political stuff. Anything I can use in a debate as to why Clinton would make a bad president, and why Trump may be the better option, would be greatly appreciated. I have been researching it myself but finding dirt on her is harder than you'd think if you don't know where to look. I figure the Burgerfags here can offer a helping hand.

tl;dr pls gib dirt on Shillary.

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Hillary will be a great president just like Obama. Down with Trump. Fuck the Wall.

Go back to Sweden.

But Hillary would make a good president.

Don't believe the trumpcucks or bernouts.

Hillary is evil incarnate, nothing good ever came out of that house

UK politics are more interesting, watching pedophiies pretend they're not perverts

yeah her husband was awesome

oh wait he was exactly the same

seriously though at this point we've realized that this machine now has the momentum to fix America no matter who wins

dumbshits awoke the juggernaut


ignore the Trumpfags. do not feed the Bernouts.

Stop shilling you cuck

You're going to have a tough fight with that from a non based/intellectual point of view.

Summing it up, you vote Hilary if you want Obama for 3rd term. Trump if you just want to throw the system out the door and see what happens. He is a risky pick but at this point everyone is hopping he will be Regan 2.0.

Believe me: I wish we'd root out the blackmail, corruption and perversions from out political sphere, but global politics dictates that the USA is more relevant than the UK.

So please: help me out here.

So essentially it boils down to establishment vs. anti-establishment? I already knew that. What I need is ammunition against Hilary. Facts, dates, information. Things I can use in an argument to discredit her. Trump could literally cure cancer and most idiots I know would still hate him and support Hilary because she has a cunt.