He used to cut the gabagooli so thin, it would gabagooli the pan

>He used to cut the gabagooli so thin, it would gabagooli the pan

cutting it that thin would have no effect/impart no flavor. retard italians

It was a good system

It would allow for all the flavor minus the polarizing texture.

It was a good system.

More surface area for the flavor to spread out from

>He used to shitpost the memes so thin, the thread would get no response at all. It was a good system.

If you cut it thin enough the flavor has no place to hide

now the flavour has NO WHERE to escape

Isn't that garlic?

I love this movie. Just for the small scenes like. "How would you like your steak?" "Medium (Dont remember if this is what he said)" "Aah an aristocrat"

you don't understand that garlic is all oil. not the cellulose wrapper.

The more you chop, slice or mince garlic, there more sulphur compounds are released, and the more intense the flavor.


Well my daddy taught me a few things too, like how to not to gabagooli the pan by using someone else’s mouth, instead of your hands.

Slicing it is the Italian way, doing it that thin allows the flavour to develop more. In other countries they prefer to mash it instead.

What's this gabagool thing? Is it "Italian" Americans thinking they're being authentic or something?

Would you show me?

You see, the best part of it was that the other inmates wouldn't even think of ratting us, you know why?
Because of respect

the flavor is imparted through the careful division of layered gabagatoms within the ziti. you would know this if you had ever picked up a cookbook or left your basement

It'll cause the garlic to toast too quickly and turn bitter in the oil. Fucking retards.

Spotted the fag that's never cooked anything other than hot pockets

Pleb as fuck senpai