

Best action movie of 2016

You LITERALLY cannot dispute this


It's fine... elaborate and well-executed homage to fps gaming. Guaranteed cult status.


Absolutely awful. I was dragged to see it and regard it as one of the top 5 worst things I've ever seen.

>t. Little Pussy

I liked the Crank movies, would I like this?

I mean it's basically Crank 3 (or the closest we'll ever get since Neveldine/Taylor won't PULL THEIR HEADS OUT OF THEIR ASSES) so yeah you'll love it.

Listen, I don't know what the fuck FPSs you've played (likely none), but 99.9% of the shit in hardcore henry had fuck all to do with FPS gaming, the .1% being the fact it was shot in first person.


Fun fact, people actually encouraged Ilya Naishuller to add MORE vidya references in there (the windshield wiper kill was supposed to be a crowbar) but he wasn't having that shit.

That being said there is a Half-Life poster for a split second in the background of one of the shots.

I liked it except for the obviously fps stuff

Fun as fuck action film. Wish it had done better in the USA so I could've seen it in cinemas in Australia.

Probably the most I've enjoyed an action film since Fury Road

I know so little about vidya that for a second I thought you meant people were referring to 'frames per second gaming'. I associated this with the amusing 60fps autism I'd heard about from a gamer friend.

Extremely mediocre.

Saw the trailer, looks rad. Should i?

personally I did not enjoy it....the movement was to me was too jarring to maintain focus on anything but what the protag is holding.

to me was*

Entertaining, not really good.

Down right stupid at points.

torrent it.

so long as you are not a little pussy who is prone to motion sickness this movie is kino

The people that like Hardcore Henry are the same people that like Transformers movies.