Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER

>Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER

At least I'm not a Nelson Nosepicker

>tfw I'm a Morton Masturbator
>tfw I'm a Nelson Nigger

Are these only in Cineplex or does America get this too?

In 10 years people will be nostalgic about this for some reason.

>tfw I'm not a Patty Penile Percolator.

Who here /Garret Gunman/?

why would the people in front of him give a fuck

At least I'm not a Carlo Crabeater

who /Fappin' Phillip/ here?

Tyrone Talker brought his girlfriend, LaQueefa Yell'satDaScreen and sit right next to you...

What do you do?

Crack my crabs legs across their necks instantly slicing their jugular while no one is looking and teleport back to my seat while they both choke on their own blood.

their Sexting Stevie got all worked up



>not tyrone

>at the theater
>actually see a guy watching youtube while the movie was playing

nothing worse than a Walt Watchesmoviesquietlywithoutdisturbinganyone

>No Lisa Loudmouth
I'm disappointed honestly

I'd rather Tommy Texter than Sammy Singles

check my Donny Doubles

Check my Terry Triples.

Sammy Snotrocketer here. Text at your own peril.

Tfw I'm an Alvin Anvil Hoarder

Don't be a Gunning Gary

Triple Tiples

Fuck my life.

I get the M&Ms action movie one
At least we don't have Carla And Kevin Kidbringer