On a scale of 1-10 how excited are you for the new movies coming out next year?

On a scale of 1-10 how excited are you for the new movies coming out next year?

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I'd rather masturbate to redheads porn stars again rather than watch any of them/10

You guys realise the "thick" meme was started by the jews to have beta males fuck fat undesirables and move blacks up to prime white women.


holy shit, more/name?

I haven't been excited for anything for over 20 years.

wow. get a life, Jews!

Thicc was ruined by chubby chasers and jews, thicc was never supposed to be about fat chicks, just chicks with more meat in their bones.


I mean I'll jerk off to it as a concept or whatever, but that is legitimately a caricature of a woman. She looks kind of like the way Rob Liefeld draws women- it's hot on paper, but if you saw her walking around in the real world it would be off putting.

Big difference between T H I C C and fat, the girl in OP's pic is "curvy" in the "i'm really fucking fat" way

The term 'thick' when referring to women came from Ebonics and referred to an hourglass shape. It had nothing to do with fat or being meaty and everything to do with having tits and ass and a narrow waist.


thick isnt fat you nigger


>Best guess for this image: female

The perfect body type. Shame I have ED.


I hope Spider-Man is good.

Personally I always wanted a skinny girl with a cute face.

This guy gets it

makes me wana punch her on the nose


it doesn't really matter if they're fat or thin they still hate me


Sounds like you have a rage problem too.

Her mouth is scary big.

That doesnt work when niggers love fat white women.


Who is this glorious Amazon?

>tfw have a class with a qt3.14 redhead Amazon
>don't know how to start a conversation with her
>she also sits at the other end of the room

>Implying Whites don't love fat women


Bro have you ever been to a fat girl party? I have. I was one of maybe 3 white guys in the place. It was 80% niggers.