New Lana album is bad

ever since she started collaborating with mainstream pop artistes like the weeknd she became mainstream and she lost her original stye that made her into what she is now, whats your opinion?

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I think her stuff with the weekend feels forced. The carti and rocky track was good

the only colab she should do is with Dan Auerbach, he helped produce Ultraviolence, nd that was a great album!

Her persona has always been inauthentic, what did you expect?

what makes you say that?

>made her into what she is now
so literally perfection? because she keeps getting better and better

not the last album, Honeymoon was great, but lust for life is pretty bad.

yea.. can't take you serious sorry

Agreed. I think Summer Bummer was pretty good, Groupie Love was alright as well. But holy fuck was Coachella -Woodstock on my Mind a terrible song. I have no idea why she put that one on the album.

Get Free is also pretty good.

The majority of the album isn't memorable but I really like love