ITT: Shows that continue to get renewed despite literally nobody watching them.
ITT: Shows that continue to get renewed despite literally nobody watching them
rich old white people like this show
that's all that matters really
it's cable's Boston Legal
>sorry Mr Pace, this is your last season.
>Perhaps i could...change your mind...
First season was legitimately great. Nothing quite like a show built around dragging the unimaginatively complacent kicking and screaming into the future.
Second season was shit. The main characters accidentally made facebook and wanted nothing to do with it, something that is perfectly understandable.
It's just such wasted potential. Season 1 started off great.
1000x this...
Its not even suspenseful anymore, its just dumb
I stopped watching after Season 3 Episode 2. The feminist bulllshit was just too much for me.
And I hope it keeps getting renewed. Fuck the plebs who would rather watch The Walking Dead.
I'm a huge horror fan.
And outside of the first season I haven't been able to fully watch any of them. It's so fucking slow.
It started out interesting but as someone interested in the attitude era of computing its annoying how much liberty they take with the setting. No this bitch didn't come up with all that shit first because of autism powers. It would be better if it showed some of the stuff that actually happened in computing history rather than pretend the main characters invented it all ahead of the curve and then just fucked it up/forgot about it. Also I was warming up to Cameron but then the show just fucking decides to put her on the pedestal of can't do no wrong and that is fucking bullshit when the other three main characters are far more interesting. Also what the fuck is with the show literally shitting on Gordon 24/7 like holy shit he's constantly getting shit on by the others and fucking fate. I probably will finish the show in the end but I am not really looking forward to watching it.
It's on right now and Bosworth is best character. They keep trying to make Joe Don Draper but he isn't that compelling.
Bosworth, Cameron, and Donna are best.
Shit. I keep forgetting it is on Tuesday. I have been catching them OnDemand.
they think making the characters unlikable that they're writing well but that doesn't make compelling writing at all.
But Don wasn't a homo.
True but they keep trying to make him out as some misunderstood genius is the only reason I made the comparison.
>Btfo out of Gordon at the deposition
Joe has AIDS?
Joe's got HIV
Joe doesn't have aids
I miss Hell on Wheels, can't believe they didn't marathon every episode up until the finale. Every time Walking Shit comes out let's replay the whole series!
Except Don was successful
Though knowing him, he probably had an AIDS scare a few times
Yes he does.
>Hell on Wheels,
Joe is an enigma wrapped in a finger box.
I miss his hot billionaire waifu who also fucked Chicks. Joe's a fucking faggot if he gave her up.
She was fucking nuts.
Okay Joe doesn't have HIV, he smiled at the outtro of that scene.
That's because he can go back to boi pucci
Did her Dad's bike get sold?
Yeah, because she's damaged as a person and doesn't love anyone.
Fuck you better than Deadwood. Fucking Elam just mad you're a nigger.
>have a grand total of one legitimately interesting character played by a good, possibly even great actor
>kill him in the first episode
I want some of whatever AMC is smoking.
Cameron is a good representation of a boss too invested in their work to see the upcoming failure that such behavior produces.
Robert Moloney?
her ideas aren't bad, they just don't make any sense in business world.
Like what happened to Chris Poole and
its not horror, they literally just took the formula for glee and applied it to horror tropes instead of pop songs
Exactly. My company is in the middle of that right now. They are too concerned with employee's 'feelings' to do what's necessary to keep up from losing money. I think that's a reason why I like this show...
Boring main character, cocksucka this cocksucka that.
I fell asleep after season 2 after that I lost interest.
Uh, no?
Cameron got engaged?
I think it might be her parents ring.
I'm with you bro.
I would still watch a show about him just carving a blood path through China. Or maybe he gets stuck in Japan and we have some "The Last Samurai" shit.
But It really just wasn't the same without Elam.
She should have got that bike man.
I do like the show but it shouldn't rely on side character ls more than main. Bulloch sucks.I love Crank 1&2 want that 3 already.
Poor Mickey...
The only reason this show was any good was various actors interacting with joe, without that chemistry, this show is flat.
She has been betrayed by everyone and must now take vengence upon them as symbolized by the ring, for she will now ring their necks.
Bos is GOAT and Cameron and Donna are qt.
SONAIRIS is some Bond villain shit.
Right but the show doesn't float above a certain level without joe in the mix and keeping them separate just so they can combine near the end of this season is such a shitty writing gimmick.
True but really Joe fucked up divorcing lesbian qt from Boardwalk in all honesty. Show has a good soundtrack also.
So what happened?
This was Sup Forums favorite show last year.
Any slightly unpositive comment was guaranteed to start a two minute hate
Stupid show has always sucked and is renewed because AMC literally has nothing better to show in its place.
started watching because of this thread, better than most shows
First season was best because Joe had shenanigans, season 2 has Gordon doing Bond shit and now we've got AIDS.
I'm going ro keep watching because why not?
Fuck Tom piece of shit had it made with Cameron. I'd watch Terminator every time with her.
AHS has good ratings for cable.
There's no aids, its just a shitty sideplot to show why Joe was truly distracted and honestly I'm glad they got it out of the way because his bisexual behavior needed to be brought up. Drugs/Sex with no raincoat = good chance of dying in the era they're showing so.
I know ;) still funny, rewatching guy guy bought Cameron's dad's bike.
I'm more on the side that he doesnt have the HIV because of that smile but... with Joe you don't know.
As cliched as it sounds I really like this show because of this. I'd like to run my own tech company some day but the mix of the dreamers, sharks, autists and work-a-day engineers is a complicated blend. I feel for almost every character.
I'm sure AMC is aware of this and good for them. As long as they don't have any character behave too outside their own bounds I'll stay along for the ride.
there is no 'side' when you get potentially bad news and you smile, that is supposed to signify relief that you got good news.
We'll see...
>They keep trying to make Joe Don Draper
They're clearly going for a steve jobs thing
I was going to say this is clearly a jobsian type thing.
They're trying to replicate a previous character but yet they fail horribly. Stop being so dense.
>Joe is a marketing puke
>don was a marketing director
dude, its more than that.
They both have
wait for it
they're also
you won't believe this
totally identical characters inside and out
Do you retards take everything so seriously?