What should I expect and what should I do to ensure a decent trip. Pic related are the ones I'm trying I guess

What should I expect and what should I do to ensure a decent trip. Pic related are the ones I'm trying I guess.

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>What should I expect

have no expectations.. experience what comes. you'll understand this message later. have fun :)

Try to be somewhere that has easy access to nature. Maybe a hiking trail, nearby forest, etc. Shrooms better spent outside, in my opinion


Just enjoy whatever comes at you good or bad. just remind yourself your on shrooms if u start tweaking

It seems everyone says kick back, relax and let it take you. I'm excited for this. First time taking anything like this so what would be a proper dosage? 1g? 2g?

Do 2g. 1g would probably just disappoint you, and 2g is not that much anyways. I did about 2-2.5g my first time and it was perfect.

I like being out in nature when I'm doing things like that. So camping is my preference when I'm going to be taking a vacation.

Opiates will kill trips immediately, so it's always handy to have a vicodin or w/e available if someone has a bad trip. You will literally stop tripping fifteen minutes after taking an opiate.

Nitrous oxide is hella fun in combination with boomers.

I could offer you more but you'll figure it out.

Will do. I have a feeling thats what im getting. Any suggested movie or music? And is it wise to eat while trippin

Its gonna sound cliche, but you definitely wanna listen to Pink Floyd. Whether it be Dark Side of the Moon, or The Wall, it'll change the way you see music forever. As for movies, i don't really know. If you do eat, keep it light cause you might puke. Definitely eat fruit or vegetables or something if you are gonna eat, because most other foods will likely gross you out

what you expect is what you'll get
also check out psychonauts wiki its cool as fuck

> Be me
> 4 years ago
> Try shrooms for the 1st time with 2 friends
> Think we will just have hallucinations
> Take them in a park
> 30 min later decide we should grab some food
> We're already laughing like crazy
> But don't realise we're already high
> We can't eat the food
> Go back to park
> Laugh like madman for 6h straight
> Open the gates of perception
This was good

Expect the unexpected.

/out/ loves idiots like you, always make the best news story's

Be sure that you do them on an empty stomach, like 4+ hours without eating, otherwise your stomache might fuck you up.

Or make a tea with shrooms, I personally prefer tea over eating them, because the stomach isn't a problem at all and they're faster with the come up.

Always remember that you did shrooms. Dont think too deep about meaningless things.

You're gonna think way too much about most things, putting way too much meaning in things... try to remember that. Most of the times thats why shrooms are mind-opening, but if you start thinking about crazy stuff you can get lost in it.

Shrooms are a fucking nice experience, but set and setting is everything


Yea man i love reading all those news stories that are posted every day about people doing shrooms in nature

Get really comfortable and most preferably entirely naked. Also make sure nothing from the outside world can disturb you (cell phone off, doorbell off etc.). Also play some ambient music like sounds of the forest and/or flowing water. Then, just lay down and close your eyes. The trip won't start immediately so you have like maybe 30 mins to work on your trip cave. As for the mental side, try to fill your thoughts with the most pleasing things you possibly can. Try to imagine being in a place you could call a real paradise (like a tropical island or something). Also make sure to have enough snacks (although avoid vitamin c and excess sugar).

As for the expectations, just "follow" the mushrooms and keep an open mind. The mushrooms are your trip guide to the depths of your own mind.

how the fuck do you turn your doorbell off? WTF

An electronic one. Anyway, just mute whatever doorbell solution you have.

Do it at home, preferably with a close friend. Start at 2g and work your way up, giving it at least an hour before you redose. If you can go outside that's always fun. Taking a shower is cool.

I always liked going to Walmart, I have no idea why, I guess because it's bright with lots of colors.

dude its hard wired into the god damn house. I've never seen a doorbell that could be shut off in my life.

you're either living in some richy ass place, or some really ghetto rigged place. either way. what the actual fuck.

>just mute the doorbell


do you know what a doorbell is?

The most mind-blowing thing about shrooms was that when I did them I felt that I had that experience a million times already, it felt 0% alien to me, I just wasn't sure when it had happened...

including the first time I did them. that's when it hit me that hardest actually.

If you take a good amount of high psylaciben shroom that shit is pre fucked and i dont mess around with it no more, you just cant act normal, all your thoughts are fucked. You will literally be tweaking, but if you are in good mindstate it can be a dope experience.

nigga i know what you are talking about. a lot of doorbells are wireless with batteries and shit. or they plug in the wall. or they have a mute switch.

Such doorbells are not so uncommon where I live so pardon me for expecting you to have one. What I wanted to say is that just disable whatever doorbell you have.

Make a safey safe, usually the couch and trip with positive. Friends be prepared to laugh, alot.

or if u wanna be a fag about it watch star wars

>Its gonna sound cliche, but you definitely wanna listen to Pink Floyd. Whether it be Dark Side of the Moon, or The Wall, it'll change the way you see music forever.

It does sound cliche, but it's also 100% right. I listened to Pink Floyd to death as an undergrad and got sick of it. For years. Then I tried mushrooms. Dark Side of the Moon is like a goddamn psychedelic masterpiece.

>Do 2g. 1g would probably just disappoint you, and 2g is not that much anyways. I did about 2-2.5g my first time and it was perfect.

This is safe advice, but if your brave and with good people I'd go up to 3-3.5. You'll stay lucid but you'll have quite a fucking time.

>Also play some ambient music like sounds of the forest and/or flowing water.

Might want to try this as well:


It's my go-to psychedelic stream

>> Laugh like madman for 6h straight

Yeah man, the laughter.

Take 1g and wait. If it hits you hard you're good. If not, just take 1 more after a few hours. Note: they usually take 3 - 4 hours to really get going. At least with me


I watch a lot of movies during a trip...

2-3grams of shroomy tea...kicks in sooner without the stomach ache.

Doctor Strange is by far my fave on a trip...
Avatar was fucking awesome too.

There are other movies I want to try. Someone out there made a list.

This triggers the fuck out of me. Atleast watch some goddamn good movies you plebby piece of shit. Waking Life or Samsara or something like that.

you should watch the ring

>tfw live in a new city and don't know anyone to buy shrooms off of.

How do I go about finding a new hook up in an area where I don't know anyone?

What will sugar and vitamin c do?