Where are you guys going to watch the fight?

Where are you guys going to watch the fight?

On YouTube.I am not going to contributing in to making those two arrogant pricks richer so I will wait for fight to be over before watching it.

If i do a sportsbar. Im not gonna pay for a fight where both will make an absurd amount of money.
Mayweather will win by point.
Connor if he does would be knockout.

Anybody got any HD streams for fightnight?

I'm not. I don't give a shit about nigger sports.

very edgy posting i'm also a mega fan of curling

Great contribution to the thread.

Anyway, I'd also like to know if anyone knows of an HD stream?

Do you have a plan for Youtube or are you just hoping there'll be a decent uninterrupted stream?

When is this even happening

You know boxing develloped from ancient greek fistfights? There was not a single negroid in boxing history before americans started to enslave and import them.

That's boxing.

MMA is quite literally "Nig-Fight: The Sport"

Saturday, 19 July. Not sure of the exact time. It's in Vegas, though, if that gives you an estimate.

Why does Conors shoulders roll forward

And this is a boxing match, you dolt.

tbh i can't see them lasting long, as the network that owns the rights will have people searching and removing them probably as soon as they pop up
plus they'll seek damages through their lawyers

this sat, aug 26. 9 eastern 6 pacific

My bad, they dress like nig-fighters so it's hard to tell.

why do fighters always do the nose-to-nose "we're about to make out" move. from the thumbnail this looked like a shot from a pride parade or something

tomorrow if you are EU

In a 30 second webm on Sup Forums just like every over hyped fight in the last decade

Precisely my thoughts, too. Damn, I really can't be arsed hopping around from stream to stream all night, hoping that I don't miss anything.

lol, me too probably. gonna head over to /gif/ for that actually

>I will wait for fight to be over before watching it.
THIS (Considering it'll probably be like the Pac fight... boring af with Mayweather winning by points.)

Tomorrow (Aug, 26th)

>Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)03:50:25 No.743
I work at buffalo wild wings. They paid 6k to air the fight at our location.

I bet its fake just like wrestling

To be honest, it's only really been over-hyped by McGregor fans who think he's invincible and is going to put on the show of a lifetime. Boxing purists, especially those in the industry, have been pretty vocal about it being too gimmicky and commercial.

I'm on the fence. At the end of the day, worst case scenario, I watch a boring or short boxing match. I've sat through hundreds of uneventful matches before so this will be no different.

yeah boi
the heavy weight champion is as white as paper you fucking chimp

A lot of people believe Mayweather will win even in the comments section on most youtube videos think the same, that scary because every time the majority thinks somethings will go on one way it actually end ups the other way around, I'm all into thinking Mayweather will win but there are being surprises and i don't like those kind of surprises.

Mayweather has to win this, but it would be fucking awesome if the Chimp gets knocked out by the Irish

Sports bars will be charging cover on fight night.

How come Connor has such high separation between his pecs and his obliques serratus/lattisimus, I find that really weird aesthetically I wonder if it gives him extra power in his straight shots

>nigger sports

Did you know basketball was created by a white man and was originally played by whites? But it doesn't matter now, just like boxing. It's now a nigger sport.

Yeah, very true. It's always hard to tell in combat sports, though, because there are so many variables. McGregor should (but may not) have him on endurance. If the fight does go all the way, McGregor better make thos 11 years of age difference count in the closing rounds by moving around as much as possible, making Mayweather earn those points. He might, then, have a chance at a knock-out if he keeps his head. Obviously, we all know McGregor's 4th round knockout claim isn't going to happen but, like I said, you really never know with boxing. One flurry, or even a single strike, can change the entire fight.

Yeah, but embarrassingly for us whites, it took us literally years before anyone had the idea to cut a hole in the bottom of the basket. Before that, every time a basket was scored someone had to retrieve the ball with a pole.

You're from Canada too?

It's a sport where 2 half naked men get sweaty and rough while touching each other. Of course there's gonna be a little love.

musculature differs from person to person. not sure about how it would influence his punches though

with the amount of money that circles around this fight, I wouldn't be surprised if the fight was bought, and that the end result was already decided.

I get where you're coming from, man. If McGregor wins (especially if he wins by decision) I would be very suspicious. The payout on that would be astronomical. If it is fixed then it's fixed in McGregor's favor. You could make as much money fixing a much smaller fight (with less eyes on you) than you would for a Mayweather win. I really can't see Mayweather taking a dive, though, hence why I would only want to re-watch if he lost on decision.

not him but, every time someone says: "it's rigged" it's because they know their player is going to lose. But hey surprises can happen.

>believing the winner is determined by skill and not already pre-determined


I am friends with a manager that would bring me in as a guest. Sk i wont be worried

Stop trying to be sagely.

This, if Mcgregor wins i will think it was rigged, unless he gives a good fight then i will accept his victory.


I'm all for a good fight, and even though I'm not following neither boxing, nor MMA, I'll probably watch this fight.

I'm not rooting for neither of them, but I find it hard to believe how Mcgregor could knock out (or win by points) against Mayweather.

Of course. Like I said, I don't see Mayweather feigning a knock-out. It's obviously not impossible but I just can't imagine he would go through all of this just to purposefully lose.

If McGregor wins on a decision then I'm gonna be immediately suspicious (unless, like you said, her gives an obviously better performance).

I don't completely rule out a McGregor disqualification, though. If he gets relentlessly dominated by Mayweather I wouldn't be surprised if starts holding and grappling Mayweather out of frustration, or bringing his legs up. I'm not saying he's gonna take him to the mat or roundhouse kick him in the head, but those habits might come out a little if he's in a tough spot.

gaymen vs retard monkey

Savage af!

100 100 100 100 100 100

We're fucking screwed where I'm from. Hurricane Harvey is about to annihilate the Texas Coast.

I hope that Irish fag gets his ass punched to custard, mainly just for walking around looking like British wallpaper from the 1970s.

Also, that fucking faggitty haircut.

"Punched to custard". That's like a fucking private school boy threat.

fokin gays an niggers

As much as I'm loving all the boxing talk and shitposting, anons, I need to ask: Does anyone actually have a decent stream planned or know of one? I know it's hard to know in advance.

Yes, it is.

I'm not one to talk, but I just watched Mcgregor's training video, and he seems a rather clumsy boxer. He might get knocked out.

I'm making popcorn.

Gonna watch the 15 second gif on Reddit

Sup Forums will likely have several links in their threads

I will definitely be somewhere not giving a shit.

They're boxing you disgusting mongoloid


and they'll make that back and then some in door fees that night... They'll live.

Nah you are probably going to be fine here in Mexico we've had the worst hurricane in the west hemisphere and the only people who died, were bums and the homeless.

Two half naked men fighting over a prize called a purse? No thanks. I've got better things to do then watch 2 faggots slap each other around.

Ah, shit, obviously. Thanks, user.

Like what?

Pic related, you cringe lord.

He's probably going to be jerking off to furry gay porn.

wait five fucking minutes. whats with the hipster in the zumba pants, wristwatch and dexter glasses? did he lose a bet or something?

watch two chicks fucking eachother. i mean, the bar is pretty low.

>Plan for stream
Do you even read nigger?

Imagine having such a small dick that you refer to lesbian sex as 'fucking'.

I´m just gonna sleep and hopefully wake up to a email telling me of my bet winnings.

>Where are you guys going to watch the fight?

this PR stunt? are you fucking kidding?


AIDS again

God dam, you're right. Sorry, man, I must have just skim-read your post. I was distracted by that self-righteous faggot I also replied to.

Who have you got, for how much and what odds did you get?


I get that it's not going to be a classic fight but it's an event, nonetheless, and I've say through some awful fights in my life. Real amateur, shitty stuff. This may be another one but it's certainly worth watching just to see how it unfolds. So, what the hell does it matter? You don't need to be a self-righteous fag about it.


Currently it´s 1,22 to 4,20(May-Conor) I put in around 60 bucks to start, and might add more before the fight happens. The odds goes up and down all the time.

watching two naked guys slap each other around and now youre thinking about my dick? i mean, i aint here to judge but the evidence is piling up pretty fast.

Yeah, I know that the odds move around but your odds become fixed when you lay your bet down. I meant what were the odds when you bet?

Not him, but fags should die, deal with it

>thinking posting on here is much better. Lmao

I mean, you did willingly enter this thread just to tell everyone that you'd be watching lesbian porn instead of the fight. That screams of insecurity to me. If just the mere mention of dicks immediately makes you think of homosexuality then I think there's something going on with you.

That doesn't have anything to do with what we're talking about. Thanks for the scathing contribution, though.

>not even gonna be involved in said fucking.
Man sure glad i get to watch!

Mhmm! Definitely wasn't implying they'll be losing money lol.

Still kind of baffles me though, I can't imagine wanting to go to bdubs bad enough to pay 20 to watch a fight there,